
Bill Clinton's history prof at Georgetown U, Carroll Quigley, made
it sound to me in his book Tragedy and Hope, as if the Germans
treated Africans better than the English did. It sounded as if the
Germans were more about building railroads and public works
than pre-meditated genocide for minerals like the English and
the slaughter of the Matabeles. Well, it seems that to build the
public works and railroads the Germans worked a person to
death in six months.

A lot of South African men killed themselves in their war against
Namibians about twenty years ago. They came up against the
myth that they were killing for Jesus, as they had been told, as
they came to see real people.

I met a Namibian woman last summer. Before that, a South
African black woman. Both were blissfully enjoying a seemingly
new world with their white friends. Actually you can imagine
that some of the sources in the video, the white historians,
could participate in a new peace, but they have the historical
memory necessary for moving along. In the end of the video,
the impression given is that the Germans do not know their
history. We Americans do not see ourselves, either, we white
Americans, and so we are still repeating the mistakes of the
US, of the English against the Irish and Africans, of the
Germans in Namibia. Here we go again, US troops invading
Somalia. I know a Somali woman who lost her entire family
to one US Navy bomb last year. The only explanation is that
the US Navy and US people are possessed by the same dream
state of the sleepwalking Germans in Namibia a hundred
years ago. We are still insane parallel killers; cannibals for
money or Jesus or liebenschraum or white supremacist
meddling. We are insane. We still must be suffering under
an "impoverished narrative", a history like white Nambibians
have been trying to maintain, sanitized of genocide and
in denial to this day.

When I was growing up, we learned about the deadly German
innocence and denial. We did not learn a thing about our own
deadly innocence and denial which menaces Somalia, Iraq,
Afghanistan, Ecuador, Chile, Venezuela, Iran, Colombia
with a bomb here and a Predator missile there and a false
flag car/atm bomb and an oil manager's strike.


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