Re: [cia-drugs] Ron Paul: "The CIA Runs Everything"

2010-01-21 Thread Mary Hartman
The Central Intelligence Agency.  Huh.  No wonder things are so messed up.  

--- On Thu, 1/21/10,  wrote:

Subject: [cia-drugs] Ron Paul: "The CIA Runs Everything"
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2010, 7:27 PM


Ron Paul: “The CIA Runs Everything” 

January 21, 2010
http://www.infowars .com/ron- paul-the- cia-runs- everything/



[cia-drugs] Ron Paul: "The CIA Runs Everything"

2010-01-21 Thread homepulse

Ron Paul: “The CIA Runs Everything” 

January 21, 2010 


[cia-drugs] Ron Paul: Bailout Unconstitutional, Special Interests Forced Bill Through Congre

2008-10-07 Thread scott munson

From: "shane_digital" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: October 7, 2008 12:44:49 AM PDT
Subject: [doctorplum] Ron Paul: Bailout Unconstitutional, Special  
Interests Forced Bill Through Congre


Ron Paul: Bailout Unconstitutional, Special Interests Forced Bill
Through Congress

Congressman warns enhanced bill worse than original

Steve Watson
Monday, Oct 6, 2008

Texas Congressman Ron Paul has warned that the amended bailout
legislation that passed Congress on Friday is not only far worse than
the original bill but is also unconstitutional.

Paul speaking just minutes after leaving the floor of the House on
Friday, explained that the tax portion of the bill was written by the
Senate, when under the Constitution only the House can originate tax

"That in itself was unconstitutional but it's been done before and it
will be done again." The Congressman said.

Paul highlighted that the passage of the bill defied logic because it
was even worse than the original rejected version:

"It's amazing, you take a very very bad bill, appropriating $700
billion, you can't get enough votes to pass it so you take it back
out, you make it much worse and take it up to over $800 billion." Paul

"Today is an even sadder day that on Monday," Paul stated, "Here today
when the special interests got their two cents in, or their $10
million worth of lobbying in, the members switched their vote."

The Congressman decried the fact that 57 members, mostly so called
conservatives, switched their votes on Friday. He urged that those who
have destroyed the economy and our freedoms not be allowed to dictate
how the system is rebuilt in America.

Paul also compared the economic situation to that of the Soviet Union
in 1989, urging that the current economic meltdown stems from empire
building foreign policy, and that we are now dealing with the
bankruptcy of the United States.

continues below: 

Yahoo! Groups Links

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul hammers Bernanke today

2008-09-24 Thread scott munson
Ron Paul hammers Bernanke todayReply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] is where the California League of Women Voters stands:We recommend a "YES" vote on Propositions 1A, 3, 5, and 11 and a "NO" vote on Propositions 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. (Click on number to see detailed analysis) new law of nature: Ecuador to vote on giving legal rights to rivers, forests and air. that the Bailout Legislation Be Rejectedhttp://www.votenobailout.orgCodex Alimentarius: Population Control Under the Guise of Consumer Protection Clover Blocks Neurological Damage From MSG to Halt the National Animal Identification System Head to Court ways to keep bisphenol A out of your food. The Environmental Working Group  http://ewg.org RFID Tracking - The 21st Century Human Branding Experiment, Frontier, Time Warner Cable - The End of Unlimited Internet? to Be Deployed INSIDE U.S. as Part of Northcom Troops In Homeland "Crowd Control" Patrols From October 1st and Domestic SpyingSlippery Slope towards police state methods. Mukasey Loosens Guidelines the Social Sciences LEADING EDGE OF CALAMITY corn, soybeans encroaching on wheat acres modern trojan horse - the banksters' invasion and control of us all US dollar set to be major casualty of Hank Paulson's bailout>video: THE MAFIA, THE CIA AND GEORGE BUSH (1992) sued over Spy Cams WAR KILL SCORE: 167 US SAILORS, 15 US JETS, 60 ENEMIES? McCain's Military Record RevisitedTop 25 Censored Stories for 2009 FOR THE NORTH POLE     [EMAIL PROTECTED],1518,579265,00.html Russia & China tired of unbacked U.S. Printing press Dollars ITAR-TASShttp://www.itar- eng/level2. html?NewsID= 13094201China Blames Wall Street Meltdown On Fed Overissuance Of Currency http://groups. group/apfn- 1/message/ 131332Israel: sitting on top of a oil reserve ?  Military Industrial Complex 2.0'USA transforming into USSRA'§ionid=3510203Syrian Tripwire For WWIII    [EMAIL PROTECTED] Daily: How The U.S. Government Is Quietly Destroying Your Retirement Forester de Rothschild [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Oceans of BiomasNew Lego Building Blocks for the Big Boys!

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Blasts Secret Government Running Economy

2008-09-18 Thread scott munson

From: "GeorgiaAnn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 18, 2008 12:17:03 PM PDT
Subject: [ctrl] Ron Paul Blasts "Secret Government" Running Economy

Ron Paul Blasts “Secret Government” Running Economy Congressman warns  
middle class in danger of being wiped out, says Congress is oblivious  
and Fed has no clue  Steve Watson, Sept 18, 2008

Congressman Ron Paul has issued a stinging address concerning the  
financial crisis in which he outlines how the current economic  
problems, created via malinvestment and shift to a debt based  
economy, are now being mismanaged by private interests in secret.

What’s more he says he is not sure the Federal Reserve has any idea  
what to do next and that the Congress is totally oblivious to the  
whole sorry state of affairs - a cocktail of elements he warns puts  
the middle class of America in serious jeopardy.

“Today we had a lot of financial fireworks in the markets, a lot of  
things are going on, and I think we are in the middle of something  
very big.” the Congressman stated.

Speaking on the recent collapse and government bailout of several big  
financial institutions he warned:

“We’re talking about big bucks, we’re not talking about hundreds of  
millions or even hundreds of billions, we’re talking about trillions  
of dollars, the obligation is immeasurable.”

“The interesting thing is that they (the financial institutions)  
don’t come to the Congress, I mean the Federal Reserve buys them out,  
they own it. We as tax payers now own Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and  
know one knows how much that will cost. They don’t come to the  
Congress, we don’t have appropriations, it’s done by secret  
government, private individuals behind the scenes maneuvering and  
manipulating and trying to patch things up. While in the meantime,  
I’m sure there’s a few people making a couple of bucks out of this  
whole thing.”

The Congressman highlighted how an economy structured on debt and  
credit and a financial system based on interventionism and self  
serving moral hazard has led to gross devaluation of the dollar and  
ultimately lies at the root of the current financial meltdown.

“Our problems come first of all from the Federal Reserve. It is a  
monopoly and it controls interest rates artificially low, causes  
people to make mistakes, that’s the basic source. But then on top of  
that in the Housing market we had the community reinvestment act  
which told investors that they had to loan to risky borrowers, and  
that was a risky complication. HUD contributes to this, FDIC  
contributes, it’s called moral hazard, everything that we have done  
over here creates moral hazard, that is we assure people or assume  
that we will take care of everybody, just go out and create the risk,  
it is the opposite of the market place.” Paul stated.

“You can’t create money like we’re doing in order to support the  
dollar, because ultimately it hurts the dollar and everything we do  
in Washington today whether its on the appropriations side, whether  
it’s what the Fed is doing, buying up America, it’s all putting  
pressure on the dollar. One of these days we’re just going to have to  
wake up and say that we need to liquidate debt. This is  
malinvestment.” he urged.

The Congressman then slammed those who have blamed the crisis on  
failures of the free market:

“And then they have people come along and say ’see, this is the  
failure of capitalism’, this has nothing to do with capitalism, this  
is something that started off as interventionism and us being too  
involved in the economy for the benefit of special interests. But now  
it is being socialized out in the open.”

“The end of this comes when people reject the dollar and I think  
we’re getting awfully close to this.” Paul stated echoing comments  
from leading investors such as Jim Rogers, who predicted Monday that  
the dollar would soon lose its world reserve status.

“When you see the movement in the markets that we have today, you  
know that there are serious problems out there and Congress basically  
are oblivious, they have no idea what’s going on.” Paul continued.

“As a matter of fact I’m not even sure the Federal Reserve has any  
idea what to do about this. They’ve been manipulating and maneuvering  
for their own benefit over the years but eventually the market wins  

The Congressman’s comments were echoed today by reports indicating  
that the Congress cannot agree on any form of action and is likely to  
simply adjourn and “get out of the way”.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid told reporters that “no one knows  
what to do”.

In a stark warning, Ron Paul stressed that the longer the value of  
the dollar is allowed to depreciate, the greater the risk becomes for  
the majority of Americans:

“The reason this is so important is that if you care about people in  
a humanitarian sense, what you want to do is protect the value of the  

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Affirms: Iran Attack Plan Has 'Green Light'

2008-08-10 Thread
Ron Paul Affirms: Iran Attack Plan Has 'Green Light'

By Steve Watson

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) has warned millions of radio listeners that the
United States is heading into an illegal attack on Iran, stating his
amazement at members of Congress who have openly voiced support for a
criminal nuclear strike.

"If we do (attack) it is going to be a disaster," the congressman told the
Alex Jones radio show. "I was astounded to see on one of the networks the
other day that the debate was not are we going to attack, but are we going
to attack before or after the election?" Paul continued.

Paul recently voiced concern over House Congressional Resolution 362 which
he has dubbed a "virtual Iran war resolution."

"If that comes up it is demanding that the president [put in place] an
absolute blockade of the entire country of Iran, and punish any country or
any business group around the world if they trade with Iran," Paul told

Experts have predicted gas will rise to $6 per gallon if the resolution
passes. Paul believes that may happen anyway, just by anticipation.

"The frightening thing is they say they are taking no options off the table,
even nuclear first strike," Paul said. Paul believes from talking with his
contacts in and around Congress that a strike on Iran has already been

"That is my sense because the Democratic leaders in the House are proposing
no resistance whatsoever, Paul said. "We saw this when a supplemental bill
came up and the president asked for $107 billion for the war, the Democrat
leadership gave them $162 billion.

"It is still totally bewildering to me when I see men and women in the
Congress that I know and like doing this just to get along. Most of them
will say 'I agree with you on all you say but the Iranians are bad people
and they might attack us some day. . . . I hear members of Congress saying
if we could only nuke them.'"

Ron Paul also spoke in detail about his new Campaign For Liberty Group and
his views on the upcoming election.

This interview first appeared on Listen to the full
interview at

(Issue # 33, August 18, 2008)

Re: [cia-drugs] Ron Paul

2008-07-10 Thread Bob Donatelle
I'll vote for Ron---if he runs.

- Original Message 
From: Mary Hartman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, June 30, 2008 11:56:04 AM
Subject: [cia-drugs] Ron Paul

Posted June 28th, 2008 by Jdayh 
NATIONNevada has set a landmark in the halls of history. Today they 
have reconvened and remade the NEVADA GOP...and even as I am posting this they 
are electing delegates to the NATIONAL CONVENTION.. ..(mostly, if not all, Ron 
NEVADAwith will allow them to NOMINATE HIM FROM THE FLOOR which is what 
this whole thing is really all about. Once he has a state that he legally 
wins(ie gets the majority of delegates for that state) He can then be nominated 
for President at the National Republican Convention. THIS MEANS THIS CAMPAIGN 
Here is a bit of information on how they are doing this legally
They did not have a quorum based on the old convention, but that convention has 
been invalidated due to rule breaking.(see below in bold) So now they have a 
new quorum with full attendance.Which means it is fully legal and shall 
withstand the scrutiny of legal challenges that may come
There is no "former" convention, the convention NEVER recessed. The convention 
has always been going on. Under RONR (10th. Ed.) sec. 20, p. 222, ln. 30,
"A recess is a short intermission in the assembly's proceedings, commonly only 
of a few minutes, which does not close the meeting and after which business 
will immediately be resumed at exactly the point where it was interrupted. "
Thus, by definition, a recess can never be used to close a meeting. Under RONR, 
there are two types of recess: (1) a privileged motion to recess, requiring a 
majority vote, or (2) a unilateral recess being declared by the chair if it was 
provided for in the agenda or program. On April 26th, a RECESS was not provided 
for in the program or agenda (even though the agenda on April 26th. may have 
provided for ADJOURNMENT at a particular time, completely different from a 
Thus, the purported recess on April 26th. would have been valid ONLY if a 
motion to recess was made and seconded by the convention delegates, and the 
motion was voted on by a majority of delegates. Even then, however, the recess 
could not have been used to close the meeting.
For this reason shown above they now have a new quorum that is roughly 300 (a 
bit more) delegates. And now business is taking place with full legality and 
force of law behind them. WE THE PEOPLE SHALL AND WILL PREVAIL!
word to every man, women and creature that we can still win Ron Paul the 
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[cia-drugs] Ron Paul

2008-06-30 Thread Mary Hartman
Posted June 28th, 2008 by Jdayh 
NATIONNevada has set a landmark in the halls of history.Today they have 
reconvened and remade the NEVADA GOP...and even as I am posting this they are 
electing delegates to the NATIONAL CONVENTION(mostly, if not all, Ron Paul 
will allow them to NOMINATE HIM FROM THE FLOOR which is what this whole thing 
is really all about. Once he has a state that he legally wins(ie gets the 
majority of delegates for that state) He can then be nominated for President at 
the National Republican Convention. THIS MEANS THIS CAMPAIGN IS IN FULL 
Here is a bit of information on how they are doing this legally
They did not have a quorum based on the old convention, but that convention has 
been invalidated due to rule breaking.(see below in bold) So now they have a 
new quorum with full attendance.Which means it is fully legal and shall 
withstand the scrutiny of legal challenges that may come
There is no "former" convention, the convention NEVER recessed. The convention 
has always been going on. Under RONR (10th. Ed.) sec. 20, p. 222, ln. 30,
"A recess is a short intermission in the assembly's proceedings, commonly only 
of a few minutes, which does not close the meeting and after which business 
will immediately be resumed at exactly the point where it was interrupted."
Thus, by definition, a recess can never be used to close a meeting. Under RONR, 
there are two types of recess: (1) a privileged motion to recess, requiring a 
majority vote, or (2) a unilateral recess being declared by the chair if it was 
provided for in the agenda or program. On April 26th, a RECESS was not provided 
for in the program or agenda (even though the agenda on April 26th. may have 
provided for ADJOURNMENT at a particular time, completely different from a 
Thus, the purported recess on April 26th. would have been valid ONLY if a 
motion to recess was made and seconded by the convention delegates, and the 
motion was voted on by a majority of delegates.. Even then, however, the recess 
could not have been used to close the meeting.
For this reason shown above they now have a new quorum that is roughly 300 (a 
bit more) delegates. And now business is taking place with full legality and 
force of law behind them. WE THE PEOPLE SHALL AND WILL PREVAIL!
word to every man, women and creature that we can still win Ron Paul the 
PRESIDENCY OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA  THE # 1 Home Business , Easy, Healthy, Fun   Health and Wealth
All cash comes right to you   in $500 increments
Pearlis Timmerman-Ballentine, Consultant
701-212-4136  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   100%Pure Salt with 80 minerals   WIN LAWSUITS WITHOUT A 
LAWYER   StemEnhance -helping your body rejuvenate 


[cia-drugs] Ron Paul & the Fed

2008-04-25 Thread Kris Millegan






2008-03-24 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

*Mon 03.24 >>* 
First Hour: Congressman *Ron Paul*  will 
talk about limited constitutional govt. and his 2008 presidential bid.

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Statement on The New Republic Article Regarding Old Newsletters

2008-01-08 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

 Ron Paul Statement on The New Republic Article Regarding Old Newsletters

ARLINGTON, Va.--(Business Wire)--In response to an article published by The New 
Republic, Ron Paul
issued the following statement:

  "The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do
not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never
uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts.

  "In fact, I have always agreed with Martin Luther King, Jr. that
we should only be concerned with the content of a person's character,
not the color of their skin. As I stated on the floor of the U.S.
House on April 20, 1999: 'I rise in great respect for the courage and
high ideals of Rosa Parks who stood steadfastly for the rights of
individuals against unjust laws and oppressive governmental policies.'

  "This story is old news and has been rehashed for over a decade.
It's once again being resurrected for obvious political reasons on the
day of the New Hampshire primary.

  "When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a
newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several
writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have
publically taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention
to what went out under my name."

Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee
Jesse Benton, 703-248-9115

Copyright Business Wire 2008

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul: Honest, Consistent; Jeffrey Toobin: CFR Shill

2007-12-05 Thread Norgesen
Ron Paul: Honest, Consistent; Jeffrey Toobin: CFR Shill 
by Terry Melanson, Dec. 4th, 2007
 One of the most pernicious examples of collusion with the fascist-elite 
against the voting public, is the fact that major news networks regularly 
employ talking heads who are simultaneously card-carrying members of a 
conspiracy elite cabal - either the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the 
Trilateral Commission, the Bohemian Club, or the Bilderberg Group. 

Let's get this out of the way to begin with: Jeffrey Toobin is a member of the 
Council on Foreign Relations (2006-). See the complete rosters of the CFR (PDF: 
the years 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007) to confirm. "Knowledge is Power," as the 
elite are fond of saying. And just knowing this fact, is key to understanding 
Jeffrey Toobin's motive in attacking Ron Paul after the CNN Republican YouTube 
debate (28/11/2007): 

[YouTube Video]
"...that some secret forces are planning..." Ya, like the CFR! Of which Ron 
Paul, and the guy who asked the question, mentioned specifically. Toobin's 
vitriol is directed at Paul for the simple fact that the CFR is named as the 
lynchpin of the North American Union. Toobin is enamored with the power and 
prestige associated with his beloved Council on Foreign Relations. Being such a 
fresh recruit, defending the organization is the least he can do - and is most 
likely required. 

[YouTube Video]
Here's the transcript of Ron Paul's question/answer: 

  YouTube question: Good evening, candidates. This is (inaudible) from 
Arlington, Texas, and this question is for Ron Paul. 

  I've met a lot of your supporters online, but I've noticed that a good number 
of them seem to buy into this conspiracy theory regarding the Council of 
Foreign Relations, and some plan to make a North American union by merging the 
United States with Canada and Mexico. 

  These supporters of yours seem to think that you also believe in this theory. 
So my question to you is: Do you really believe in all this, or are people just 
putting words in your mouth? 

  Cooper: Congressman Paul, 90 seconds. 

  Paul: Well, it all depends on what you mean by "all of this." The CFR exists, 
the Trilateral Commission exists. And it's a, quote, "conspiracy of ideas." 
This is an ideological battle. Some people believe in globalism. Others of us 
believe in national sovereignty. 

  And there is a move on toward a North American union, just like early on 
there was a move on for a European Union, and it eventually ended up. 

  And there is a move on toward a North American Union, just like early on 
there was a move on for a European Union, and eventually ended up. So we had 
NAFTA and moving toward a NAFTA highway. These are real things. It's not 
somebody made these up. It's not a conspiracy. They don't talk about it, and 
they might not admit about it, but there's been money spent on it. There was 
legislation passed in the Texas legislature unanimously to put a halt on it. 
They're planning on millions of acres taken by eminent domain for an 
international highway from Mexico to Canada, which is going to make the 
immigration problem that much worse. 

  So it's not so much a secretive conspiracy, it's a contest between 
ideologies, whether we believe in our institutions here, our national 
sovereignty, our Constitution, or are we going to further move into the 
direction of international government, more U.N. 

  You know, this country goes to war under U.N. resolutions. I don't like big 
government in Washington, so I don't like this trend toward international 
government. We have a WTO that wants to control our drug industry, our 
nutritional products. So, I'm against all that. 

  But it's not so much as a sinister conspiracy. It's just knowledge is out 
there. If we look for it, you'll realize that our national sovereignty is under 

  Cooper: Congressman Paul, thank you. 


That's a pretty straightforward answer, even courageous when you take into 
account the reality that most people alloted airtime on the mainstream media 
are invariably sellouts to the elite (Toobin, being a perfect example). The 
deck is stacked, and has been for quite some time now. Since the birth of the 
CFR in 1921, its members have variously been elected to high government office 
(executive branch included) and have traditionally had control over the state 
department in every administration; not to mention the induction and corruption 
of America's most prominent journalists, editors, business moguls and Ivy 
League educators. 

On what Ron Paul has said (and a rebuttal to the MSM's denial), please see the 
latest primer by Steve Watson: "Dear Deluded Mass Media, North American Union 
Agenda Exists." There's also good material by the Council of Canadians, in a 
section of their site called "Integrate This!", as well as John W. Foster's 
"The North American Competitivenes

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul greatly increasing his cash reserves(GOOD NEWS!)

2007-10-02 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: Robert Busser 
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; 
Sent: Tuesday, October 02, 2007 1:29 PM
Subject: [work_democracy] Ron Paul greatly increasing his cash reserves(GOOD 


October 1, 2007, 7:11 pm
Ron Paul's Fund-Raising Takes Off

Mary Jacoby reports on the 2008 presidential campaign.
Rep. Ron Paul is bucking trends in the political money race.
While both Democrats and Republicans in the presidential race are finding it 
more difficult to pass the hat as their big donors hit federal giving limits, 
the trajectory for the Texas Republican keeps climbing.
The antiwar libertarian raised more than $3 million in the third quarter, up 
from $2.4 million in the second quarter and $641,000 in the first three months 
of the year.
For the three months ended Sept. 30, Paul out-raised old Washington hands 
including Democrats Sen. Chris Dodd of Connecticut, who took in $1.5 million, 
and Sen. Joe Biden of Delaware, who raised just under $2 million.
For the year, Paul has collected around $6 million. He remains stuck in 
national polls at around 5% or less - about the same level of support as 
another Republican dark horse, Mike Huckabee, the former Arkansas governor.
The well-spoken Huckabee placed second in the Ames, Iowa, straw poll this 
summer and is a favorite among Beltway pundits. But so far, his campaign is 
staying mum on his third-quarter fund-raising numbers, suggesting that they 
haven't dramatically improved from the $766,000 Huckabee raised in the second 
"If A Nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it 
expects what never was and never will be"
Thomas Jefferson.

"When the government fears the people, you have liberty. When the people fear 
the government, you have tyranny." --Thomas Jefferson

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11:10 AM

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa

2007-06-19 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
From: "Useful Idiot" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2007 3:36 PM
Subject: [RM-COUNSEL] -< Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa >-

  Dis-Member in November. 2008 - Our Own Impeachment Party
It is not about Getting Mad - It is about Getting Even !
Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa  Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian 
Alliance will host a
  presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines.
  Republican presidential candidates
  Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee,
  Tommy Thompson, and Tom Tancredo will participate.

  Ron Paul, however, will not participate.
  Why?  Because he wasn't invited.
  We heard about this forum from numerous supporters in Iowa
   who asked why Dr. Paul was not going to participate.
  Those supporters assumed that Dr. Paul was invited.

  The campaign office had not received an invitation so we called
  this morning; thinking we might have misplaced the invitation
  or simply overlooked it.  Lew Moore, our campaign manager,
  called Mr. Edward Failor, an officer of Iowans for Tax Relief,
   to ask about it.  To our shock, Mr. Failor told us
  Dr. Paul was not invited; he was not going to be invited;
  and he would not be allowed to participate.
  And when asked why, Mr. Failor refused to explain.
  The call ended.

  Lew then called Mr. Steve Sheffler, president of the
  Iowa Christian Alliance, to talk with him.
  Mr. Sheffler did not answer so Lew left a message.
  He has yet to respond.

  Why are the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance
  excluding the one Republican candidate who scored at the top of
  every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News,
  and CNN debates?

  Why are they denying Iowans the opportunity to hear from the
  Republican pres candidate whose popularity is growing by the day?

  We couldn't get answers to these questions from
  Messrs. Failor and Sheffler.  Maybe you'll have better luck.
   Their contact information is below.

  It's ironic that on the same day we learned the
  Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluded
  Dr. Paul from their candidates forum, we received a call
  from ABC News confirming Dr. Paul's participation in its nationally
  broadcast August 5th debate to be held in Des Moines.

Kent Snyder, Chairman
Ron Paul 2008
  Contact Information
  Edward Failor
Iowans for Tax Relief
2610 Park Avenue
Muscatine, Iowa 52761
Phone: 563-288-3600 or 877-913-3600
Fax: 563-264-2413

  Steve Sheffler, President
Iowa Christian Alliance
939 Office Park Road, Suite 115
West Des Moines, Iowa 50265
Phone: 515-225-1515
Fax: 515-225-1826

  Save to . Digg This! . Share on Facebook .
  Discuss on Newsvine . Stumble It!

  Posted on June 19, 2007 at 03:18 PM | Permalink


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[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Nailing Thesis to Church Door One GOP Debate at a Time?

2007-06-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ron Paul Nailing Thesis to Church Door One GOP Debate at a Time?
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 -


Republican presidential candidate and free market thinker Ron Paul (R-Tex) has 
written hundreds of articles on how and why free-markets work and governments 

Now, during the presidential debates, in a series of explosive comments, Ron 
Paul is making profound points on US national television about the nature of 
freedom, the US constitutional republic and how the current government has 
drifted away from its support of such.

The Internet represents a profound revolution - a brand-new communication 
technology. The previous communication revolution involved the Gutenberg Press, 
some 500 years ago. Once people could actually read the Bible, many became 
disenchanted with the corruption of the Catholic Church. The result was the 
Reformation, which in turn damaged the Church's ability to bestow, upon Kings, 
a divine right to rule. 

An operative mechanism in the Reformation was a monk named Martin Luther who 
nailed a thesis to a church door in Germany, containing complaints about the 
Catholic Church and its corruption. 

It is true that Martin Luther was a religious "zealot" (in modern terms) who 
made statements, especially about the Jews, that are today seen as 
extraordinarily offensive. But seen in the context of the widest sweep of 
history, Luther was a "change-maker" who consolidated and gave voice to 
widespread dissatisfactions. Ron Paul, no "racist," might be seen as doing the 
same thing via the GOP debates.

When modern free-market historians look back on the GOP presidential debates of 
2007, will they conclude that Ron Paul metaphorically nailed his free-market 
thesis to the "church door" one debate at a time? 

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Leads GOP Debate Polling, Once Again

2007-06-06 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ron Paul Leads GOP Debate Polling, Once Again
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 -

Though the seating arrangements and even the number of questions addressed to 
"second tier" presidential candidates were designed to "showcase" so-called 
major candidates, the Ron Paul (R-Tex) Internet poll surge continues.

The CNN poll gives him a decisive victory in last night's GOP debate.

The following CNN link is available for those who wish to vote:

Over at MSNBC, Ron Paul is winning as well, by wide margins.

At, feedbacker Joe Osborne writes that Ron Paul is "in the lead at 

Ron Paul, according to some supporters of the campaign, gave the most eloquent 
and convincing answer of any modern, televised debate when he identified 
President George Bush's pre-emptive war doctrine as the single most troubling 
moral issue faced by United States.

With Internet polls, showing Ron Paul convincingly ahead of the other 
presidential candidates in every debate, the mainstream media is going to have 
address the phenomenon sooner or later in a serious manner, these observers 
add. Otherwise the divide between Internet opinion and phone surveys will erode 
the credibility of professional polling firms - already damaged by "push 
polling" and other practices. 

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Censored On Myspace

2007-06-01 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Friday, June 01, 2007
Ron Paul Censored On Myspace 

Dark Horse Paleolibertarian Congressman from Texas smoked the other Republican 
contenders like breakfast links in the first two Republican Debates. The Polls 
repeatedly indicated Ron Paul the clear winner. Because Ron Paul is against 
consolidated government and is for property rights, because he is for global 
peace and against global war, because he believes in true civil liberties and 
true free trade, (not the state capitalist kind), he is extremely dangerous to 
the crowd in power.

By "crowd in power", I'm referring to the neo-conservatives, who worship state 
power, Weapons of Mass Destruction, corporate rule through media control, 
diminishing individual civil liberties, and endless war to allow for unlimited 
military industrial enrichment. Such people would consider the murder of 3000 
New Yorkers collateral damage in the war of ideas.

So what has been the response to Ron Paul's early successes at the debates? 
Silence. Complete media blackout. Myspace has gone so far as to block the 
accounts of any MySpace user who tries to post a bulletin with Ron Paul 2008 in 
the Subject Line. No surprise knowing it's owned by Murdoch.

The Corporate Party and its Republican and Democrat Subsidiaries, has 
pre-screened the first tier candidates. Those are the ones you will be allowed 
to know about, because they preserve corporate profit over human beings.

"Never trust a politician to represent, much less speak for, an intellectual 
movement. The likes of Ron Paul come along once a century or so. As a 
corollary, do not place your hopes in politics as an instrument of social 
change." Lew Rockwell, 5-02-02

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" Gil Scott Heron, 1970

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Donations Said Double After SC Debate

2007-05-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ron Paul Donations Said Double After SC Debate
Tuesday, May 29, 2007 -

In what might be considered a political shocker, presidential candidate Ron 
Paul's donations - large and small - have nearly doubled since the South 
Carolina GOP debate. 

After the debate, Ron Paul (R-Tex) was declared badly damaged by a seemingly 
devastating Rudy Giuliani rebut of his controversial foreign policy remarks. 
The audience cheered Giuliani's remarks, and most commentators during and after 
the debate gave Giuliani the edge by a significant margin.

Yet, observers familiar with the campaign said donations have been rolling into 
Ron Paul coffers, with an especially enthusiastic response right after the 
debate. The candidate has also received perhaps 100 donations of $2,300, the 
maximum allowed, according to these sources.

Said one interested party who tracks the campaign's progress: "I believe the 
fellows who know about his funding are feeling pretty good right now. If Ron 
Paul lost the South Carolina debate, then they want him to lose more the same 
way. He's losing all the way to bank."

According to this source and others - as well as news various news reports - 
presidential candidate Ron Paul stumbled badly when he blamed United States 
foreign policy for the current Middle East furor. 

Writing for the National Review, Byron York analyzed the debate in just these 
terms in article entitled "Up, McCain Up, Romney Down, and Ron Paul Out - Way 

Here's how York reported the debate controversy:


It all started when Paul was asked how September 11 changed American foreign 
policy. "Have you ever read the reasons they attacked us?" Paul answered. "They 
attack us because we've been over there; we've been bombing Iraq for ten years."

Questioner Wendell Goler, of Fox News, asked, "Are you suggesting we invited 
the 9/11 attack, sir?"

"I'm suggesting that we listen to the people who attacked us and the reason 
they did it," Paul said. "They don't come here to attack us because we're rich 
and we're free. They come and they attack us because we're over there."

Enter Giuliani. "May I comment on that?" the mayor said, interrupting the 
orderly flow of things for the first time in the debate. "That's really an 
extraordinary statement. That's an extraordinary statement, as someone who 
lived through the attack of September 11, that we invited the attack because we 
were attacking Iraq. I don't think I've heard that before, and I've heard some 
pretty absurd explanations for September 11th."

The audience loved it. As the applause built, Giuliani added, "And I would ask 
the congressman to withdraw that comment and tell us that he didn't really mean 

Paul didn't back down, but by cutting in, Giuliani had scored some of the best, 
and perhaps easiest, points of the night. So much so that advisers from rival 
campaigns couldn't quite hide their frustration that Giuliani had moved so 
quickly. "I don't think it takes a lot of courage to use Ron Paul as a prop," 
said Charlie Black, the longtime GOP strategist who is backing Sen. John 
McCain. "But he [Giuliani] got his 9/11 credential in there, so 


Yet since Giuliani "scored some of the best, and perhaps easiest, points of the 
night," Ron Paul has seen donations soar, has topped a respected national straw 
poll by a margin of nearly two-to-one and has appeared on "Real Time" to a 
welcome so warm that it shocked host Bill Maher. 

Ron Paul also hosted a press coverage where he urged Giuliani to read books and 
white papers including the 911 Report, which itself featured the very analysis 
that Ron Paul had made during the debate.

In the past weeks, there have been fewer and fewer comments on the 'Net and 
elsewhere defending Giuliani's attack on Ron Paul's theory of Middle East 
"blowback." Meanwhile, Ron Paul's advocacy of a small-government, 
defensively-oriented military policy - one he considers Constitutionally sound 
- has received a good deal of attention and analysis.

"The campaign expected a lot of nasty calls and emails after the debate,' said 
one interested observer. "But either the anger about his comments just isn't 
there, or the mainstream media's reports on the debate haven't been as accurate 
they would lead you to believe." (Hed change, source edit) 

[cia-drugs] RON PAUL POLL!

2007-05-27 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

4736 ballots cast from (View Blogosphere-wide Results) 

First Choice: 
  Paul   3597 (76%)  
  Romney   414 (8.7%)  
  F. Thompson   311 (6.6%)  
  (none)   114 (2.4%)  
  Giuliani   75 (1.6%)  
  Gingrich   57 (1.2%)  
  Huckabee   40 (0.8%)  
  Tancredo   37 (0.8%)  
  Hunter   34 (0.7%)  
  Brownback   23 (0.5%)  
  McCain   19 (0.4%)  
  Gilmore   9 (0.2%)  
  T. Thompson   6 (0.1%)  

Candidate Acceptability: 
 Net Votes + Votes - Votes 
  Brownback -2407 -50.8%602 (12.7%) 3009 (63.5%) 
  Gilmore -2707 -57.2%397 (8.4%) 3104 (65.5%) 
  Gingrich -2138 -45.1%857 (18.1%) 2995 (63.2%) 
  Giuliani -3303 -69.7%451 (9.5%) 3754 (79.3%) 
  Huckabee -1590 -33.6%1017 (21.5%) 2607 (55%) 
  Hunter -1866 -39.4%864 (18.2%) 2730 (57.6%) 
  McCain -3054 -64.5%457 (9.6%) 3511 (74.1%) 
  Paul 1652 +34.9%2405 (50.8%) 753 (15.9%) 
  Romney -1795 -37.9%1023 (21.6%) 2818 (59.5%) 
  Tancredo -1435 -30.3%1124 (23.7%) 2559 (54%) 
  F. Thompson -1311 -27.7%1190 (25.1%) 2501 (52.8%) 
  T. Thompson -2744 -57.9%433 (9.1%) 3177 (67.1%) 


[cia-drugs] Ron Paul, CIA Big, to Rebut Giuliani at Press Confab, May 24

2007-05-23 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ron Paul, CIA Big, to Rebut Giuliani at Press Confab, May 24 
Wednesday, May 23, 2007 -

Presidential candidate Ron Paul (R-TX) will be joined by Michael Scheuer, 
former head of the CIA's Bin Laden Unit, to discuss flawed American foreign 
policy and its implications on terrorism, security and Iraq. 

The press conference will be held at 9:30AM EST on Thursday, May 24 in the 
National Press Club Lisagor Room.

During the "First in South" GOP debate, earlier this month, Dr. Paul stated 
that 50 years of interventionism in the Middle East is a significant motivating 
tool for radical Islamists. Dr. Paul's position, though disparaged during the 
debate, has since received backing from numerous individuals, including others 
in the GOP, administration officials and - in excerpted reports - from the 9-11 
Commission itself.

In the debate, Rudy Giuliani, a presidential candidate and well-known former 
Republican mayor of New York, called Dr. Paul's position "absurd." Giuliani is 
commonly characterized as a GOP "front-runner." He is also considered 
well-versed in foreign policy, given his supervision of the "international 
city" of New York and his position as its leader during 9/11. However, he 
stated that he had "never heard such an explanation" as Ron Paul's.

According to a limited-circulation release, Dr. Paul and Mr. Scheuer are 
expected to explain why Rudy Giuliani is wrong on security and foreign policy 
and provide documentation about the unintended consequences of interventionism 
- known to many in the intelligence (and Dr. Paul as well) as "blowback." 

[cia-drugs] ron paul

2007-05-22 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
ron paul

When you point on the picture with Ron Paul on it, the word "Spammer" appears. 
Someone should get the email of this polling company so we can complain. I'd do 
it myself if I didn't have to work right this second. I also think the poll 
might be fixed, last night I saw 362 votes for Ron Paul, now it is down to 161. 

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul to Benito Giuliani: Apologize!

2007-05-17 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Ron Paul to Benito Giuliani: Apologize!
Thursday, May 17th in News by Justin Raimondo | 

Ron Paul is everywhere - Here he is on CNN, with Wolf Blitzer, who can always 
be counted on to give out the "conventional wisdom" - and is put to rights by 
Ron. Blitzer blithers "He [Giuliani] really had some supporters in that 
auditorium. Are you ready to back away now?" Ron's answer (I'm paraphrasing): 
NO way, says Ron: I found two passages in the 9/11 commission report that back 
up what I say. Blitzer: That [the bombing of Iraq by Clinton] was the reason 
they came over and blew us up? No, I said that was part of it. There's also the 
presence of US troops on Saudi Arabian soil, which Muslims consider sacred 
soil. Here he is, mayor of New York, bragging about the security, and he hasn't 
even read the 9/11 report. Blitzer presses him on this point, and Ron says that 
he couldn't say everyting in a sound bit. Talks about the sanctions, hundreds 
of thousands killed: what if someone did that to us? And then the important 

"He's hiding behind "patriotism" and saying I'm 'un-American' if I dare to 
question the policy. But if policy is detrimental and provokes blowback then we 
have to change it. I don't blame the American people, I blame bad policy" I 
think he [Giuliani] needs to back down and read the report, and come back and 
apologize to me."

It's so typical of Wolf Blitzer, one of the major gate-keepers of elite 
opinion, to try to enforce political correctness - and so typical of Ron Paul 
that he proudly and articulately rejects this nonsense, and turns the tables on 
the would-be enforcers. 

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul on Blowback

2007-05-17 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

  Ron Paul on Blowback 

  By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. 

  Posted on 5/17/2007 
  [Subscribe or Tell Others]   

Plenty of reasonable people can disagree about foreign policy. What's really 
strange is when one reasonable position is completely and forcibly excluded 
from the public debate. 

Such was the case after 9-11. Every close observer of the events of those days 
knows full well that these crimes were acts of revenge for US policy in the 
Muslim world. The CIA and the 911 Commission said as much, the terrorists 
themselves proclaimed it, and Osama underscored the point by naming three 
issues in particular: US troops in Saudi Arabia, US sanctions against Iraq, and 
US funding of Israeli expansionism. 

So far as I know, Ron Paul is the only prominent public figure in the six years 
since who has given an honest telling of this truth. The explosive exchange 
occurred during the Republican Presidential debate in South Carolina. 

Ron was asked if he really wants the troops to come home, and whether that is 
really a Republican position. 

"Well," he said, "I think the party has lost its way, because the conservative 
wing of the Republican Party always advocated a noninterventionist foreign 
policy. Senator Robert Taft didn't even want to be in NATO. George Bush won the 
election in the year 2000 campaigning on a humble foreign policy -no 
nation-building, no policing of the world. Republicans were elected to end the 
Korean War. The Republicans were elected to end the Vietnam War. There's a 
strong tradition of being anti-war in the Republican party. It is the 
constitutional position. It is the advice of the Founders to follow a 
non-interventionist foreign policy, stay out of entangling alliances, be 
friends with countries, negotiate and talk with them and trade with them."

He was then asked if 9-11 changed anything. He responded that US foreign policy 
was a "major contributing factor. Have you ever read the reasons they attacked 
us? They attacked us because we've been over there; we've been bombing Iraq for 
10 years. We've been in the Middle East -I think Reagan was right. We don't 
understand the irrationality of Middle Eastern politics. So right now we're 
building an embassy in Iraq that's bigger than the Vatican. We're building 14 
permanent bases. What would we say here if China was doing this in our country 
or in the Gulf of Mexico? We would be objecting. We need to look at what we do 
from the perspective of what would happen if somebody else did it to us. "

And then out of the blue, he was asked whether we invited the attacks. 

"I'm suggesting that we listen to the people who attacked us and the reason 
they did it, and they are delighted that we're over there because Osama bin 
Laden has said, 'I am glad you're over on our sand because we can target you so 
much easier.' They have already now since that time -have killed 3,400 of our 
men, and I don't think it was necessary."

Then the very archetype of the State Enforcer popped up to shout him down.

"That's really an extraordinary statement," said Rudy Giuliani. "That's an 
extraordinary statement, as someone who lived through the attack of September 
11, that we invited the attack because we were attacking Iraq. I don't think 
I've heard that before, and I've heard some pretty absurd explanations for 
September 11th."

Now, this is interesting because it is obvious that Ron never said that we 
invited the attacks. This was a lie. He said the US foreign policy was a 
"contributing factor" in why they attacked us, a fact which only a fool or a 
liar could deny. Guiliani then went on to say that he has never "heard that 
before" -a statement that testifies to the extent of the blackout on this 

Ron Paul was invited to respond, and concluded as follows:

  "I believe very sincerely that the CIA is correct when they teach and talk 
about blowback. When we went into Iran in 1953 and installed the shah, yes, 
there was blowback. A reaction to that was the taking of our hostages and that 
persists. And if we ignore that, we ignore that at our own risk. If we think 
that we can do what we want around the world and not incite hatred, then we 
have a problem. They don't come here to attack us because we're rich and we're 
free. They come and they attack us because we're over there. I mean, what would 
we think if we were -if other foreign countries were doing that to us?"

Wow, he broke the great taboo in American political life! Why this should be a 
taboo at all is unclear, but there it is. But now that it is finally out in the 
open, this shocking theory that the terrorists were not merely freedom-hating 
madmen but perhaps had some actual motive for their crime, let's think a bit 
more about it. 

It is a normal part of human experience that if you occupy, meddle, bully, and 
coerce, people who are affected by it all are going to get angry. You don't 
have to be Muslim 

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul ruffles Faux

2007-05-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
When the results started to show Paul as a front runner even of Fox's own 
polls, the spin went into high gear. Cameron and others at Faux started 
concocting some conspiracy theory that Paul's success was due to the efforts of 
office flooding voting lines - ignoring the fact that McCain had openly told 
his supporters to spam the polls on his own website.

Mike Gravel and Ron Paul are owning the online polls and surveys after the 
debates, yet Gallup claims they have ZERO support. Statistical error does not 
account for such a discrepancy.
Ron Paul ruffles Faux
Published by Andre May 17th, 2007 in General 
Ron Paul stole the debate again in the second Republican debate and the 
mainstream media are in a completely tailspin over Ron Paul's success.

After the huge interest he created during the first debate, Fox News made no 
attempt to hide their brazen efforts to smear him. In spite of a shamelessly 
orchestrated display worthy of the Soviet Union propaganda machine, the Texas 
Congressman still beat Rudy Giuliani in Fox's own poll, and others.

The highlight of the evening was when Giuliani spat the dummy over the 
suggestion that US foreign policy may have contributed to the 911 attacks. 
Rudi, who considers anything 911 to be his turf simply because he stood in 
front of the cameras during the 911 attacks, not only assumes that his opinion 
on the attack is irrefutable, bu that the experience alone endows him with 
expertise on foreign policy and Middle Eastern politics. When Giuliani 
patronizingly insisted that Paul take back his words, Paul replied smacked him 

  I'm suggesting we listen to the people who attacked us and the reason they 
did it. And they are delighted that we're over there because Osama bin Laden 
has said: I am glad you're over on our sand because we can target you so much 

Funny how Giuliani and McCain love to quote Bin laden when it suits them, then 
dismiss those very statements as unpatriotic when it doesn't?

When the results started to show Paul as a front runner even of Fox's own 
polls, the spin went into high gear. Cameron and others at Faux started 
concocting some conspiracy theory that Paul's success was due to the efforts of 
office flooding voting lines - ignoring the fact that McCain had openly told 
his supporters to spam the polls on his own website.

Mike Gravel and Ron Paul are owning the online polls and surveys after the 
debates, yet Gallup claims they have ZERO support. Statistical error does not 
account for such a discrepancy. What clearer example can there be that the 
media apparatus like Gallup, are trying to "pre-sell" the acceptable candidates?

Pretty amazing, isn't it, that Ron Paul nearly won (and probably did) a FOX 
NEWS poll? Think about that!! He wasn't supposed to even be in the running on 
Fox News.

The rest of the debate it was pretty much a case of the poseurs vying to become 
the scariest candidate who can pose the biggest threat to the continued 
existence of the world.

The final tally had Paul comming a close second to Romney and intellectual 
giant who thinks Hamas, Helbollah, Al Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood and IJ are 
all the same thing, and that Guntanamo needs to be doubled in size.  What is 
clear is that Ron Paul's traditional and principled approach is resonating with 
an American public that is sick of stench in Washington. This makes him a major 
threat to the establishment. It will be interesting to watch the media 
continuing to support and sell the occupation, while at the same time 
convincing the public that anti-war candidates Paul and Gravel, aren't really 
Presidential material.

[cia-drugs] RON PAUL WINS AGAIN!

2007-05-16 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis


Fox News Rigs Entire Debate To Savagely Attack Ron Paul
Texas Congressman targeted by Giuliani, Hannity & Colmes as pre-screened 
audience applause torture and warmongering, Fox limits post-election polls to 
three hours and no Internet voting yet Paul still successful

[cia-drugs] RON PAUL

2007-05-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
anyone watching the debate?  set ron paul up.
they KNOW he can't come out and SAY it was an inside job.  so they put words 
into his mouth to the effect that "WE DESERVED TO BE ATTACKED."  or more 
specifically "WE BROUGHT IT UPON OURSELVES."  so guliani could jump in with 
righteous indignation.
if im ron paul, im challenging rudy to a DEBATE on the war, right there on LIVE 
tv.  then, in the debate, i challenge him with the ostensible INCOMPETENCE of 
the us defense infrastructure and how they were REWARDED for their 
incompetence.  throw the inconsistencies in the "official version" of events in 
rudy's face and make HIM try to defend them.
go on the offensive, ron paul!

[cia-drugs] Ron Paul Rock & Roll Activism

2007-05-07 Thread ronaldneil

Ron Paul Revolution Music Video... Outfriggin'standing.


[cia-drugs] Ron Paul and Alex Jones Interview

2007-04-15 Thread ronaldneil

Noboby does an interview like Alex Jones. He asks all the right questions.


Re: [cia-drugs] RON PAUL: on neocon ploy

2005-06-15 Thread Arlene Johnson
If you agree with Ron Paul, check out the 17th edition of The Journal of History, because I agree with him too 100%. The UN can't be reformed anymore than a cheetah can. Of course, I have more respect for a cheetah than I do the UN as the cheetah is God's creature. The UN is satan's creature.


Arlene Johnson
To access the 17th edition, click on the icon that says Magazine and type in the password: UN
Be sure to click on the icon that says Boycotts We Support too as they're separate from the e-zine now, but just as beneficial.
On onsdag, jun 15, 2005, at 17:49 Europe/Oslo, Vigilius Haufniensis wrote:
NeoCon Global Government
June 13,  2005  

This week Congress will vote on a bill to expand the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent left-wing, one-world globalists. But this time the UN power grabbers aren’t European liberals; they are American neo-conservatives, who plan to use the UN to implement their own brand of world government.

The “United Nations Reform Act of 2005” masquerades as a bill that will cut US dues to the United Nations by 50% if that organization does not complete a list of 39 reforms. On the surface any measure that threatens to cut funding to the United Nations seems very attractive, but do not be fooled: in this case reform “success” will be worse than failure. The problem is in the supposed reforms themselves-- specifically in the policy changes this bill mandates.

The proposed legislation opens the door for the United Nations to routinely become involved in matters that have never been part of its charter. Specifically, the legislation redefines terrorism very broadly for the UN’s official purposes-- and charges it to take action on behalf of both governments and international organizations.

What does this mean? The official adoption of this definition by the United Nations would have the effect of making resistance to any government or any international organization an international crime. It would make any attempt to overthrow a government an international causus belli for UN military action. Until this point a sovereign government retained the legal right to defend against or defeat any rebellion within its own territory. Now any such activity would constitute justification for United Nations action inside that country. This could be whenever any splinter group decides to resist any regime-- regardless of the nature of that regime.

What if this were in place when the Contras were fighting against the Marxist regime in Nicaragua? Or when the Afghan mujahadeen was fighting against the Soviet-installed government in the 1980s? Or during the Warsaw Ghetto uprising? The new message is clear: resistance-- even resistance to the UN itself-- is futile. Why does every incumbent government, no matter how bad, deserve UN military assistance to quell domestic unrest?

This new policy is given teeth by creating a “Peacebuilding Commission,” which will serve as the implementing force for the internationalization of what were formerly internal affairs of sovereign nations. This Commission will bring together UN Security Council members, major donors, major troop contributing countries, appropriate United Nations organizations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund among others. This new commission will create the beginning of a global UN army. It will claim the right to intervene in any conflict anywhere on the globe, bringing the World Bank and the IMF formally into the picture as well. It is a complete new world order, but undertaken with the enthusiastic support of many of those who consider themselves among the most strident UN critics.

Conservatives who have been critical of the UN in the past have enthusiastically embraced this bill and the concept of UN reform. But what is the desired end of “UN reform”? The UN is an organization that was designed to undermine sovereignty and representative government. It is unelected and unaccountable to citizens by its very design. Will UN reform change anything about the fact that its core mission is objectionable? Do honest UN critics really want an expanded UN that functions more “efficiently”?

The real question is whether we should redouble our efforts to save a failed system, or admit its failures-- as this legislation does-- and recognize that the only reasonable option is to cease participation without further costs to the United States in blood, money, and sovereignty. Do not be fooled: it is impossible to be against the United Nations and to support “reform” of the United Nations. The only true reform of the United Nations is for the US to withdraw immediately. 

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Please let us stay on topic and be civil.


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[cia-drugs] RON PAUL: on neocon ploy

2005-06-15 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

NeoCon Global 
June 13,  

This week Congress will vote on a bill to expand 
the power of the United Nations beyond the dreams of even the most ardent 
left-wing, one-world globalists. But this time the UN power grabbers aren’t 
European liberals; they are American neo-conservatives, who plan to use the UN 
to implement their own brand of world government.
The “United Nations Reform Act of 2005” 
masquerades as a bill that will cut US dues to the United Nations by 50% if that 
organization does not complete a list of 39 reforms. On the surface any measure 
that threatens to cut funding to the United Nations seems very attractive, but 
do not be fooled: in this case reform “success” will be worse than failure. The 
problem is in the supposed reforms themselves-- specifically in the policy 
changes this bill mandates.
The proposed legislation opens the door for the 
United Nations to routinely become involved in matters that have never been part 
of its charter. Specifically, the legislation redefines terrorism very broadly 
for the UN’s official purposes-- and charges it to take action on behalf of both 
governments and international organizations.
What does this mean? The official adoption of this 
definition by the United Nations would have the effect of making resistance to 
any government or any international organization an international crime. 
It would make any attempt to overthrow a government an international causus 
belli for UN military action. Until this point a sovereign government 
retained the legal right to defend against or defeat any rebellion within its 
own territory. Now any such activity would constitute justification for United 
Nations action inside that country. This could be whenever any splinter group 
decides to resist any regime-- regardless of the nature of that 
What if this were in place when the Contras were 
fighting against the Marxist regime in Nicaragua? Or when the Afghan mujahadeen 
was fighting against the Soviet-installed government in the 1980s? Or during the 
Warsaw Ghetto uprising? The new message is clear: resistance-- even resistance 
to the UN itself-- is futile.  Why 
does every incumbent government, no matter how bad, deserve UN military 
assistance to quell domestic unrest?
This new policy is given teeth by creating a 
“Peacebuilding Commission,” which will serve as the implementing force for the 
internationalization of what were formerly internal affairs of sovereign 
nations. This Commission will bring together UN Security Council members, major 
donors, major troop contributing countries, appropriate United Nations 
organizations, the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund among others. 
This new commission will create the beginning of a global UN army.  It will claim the right to intervene in 
any conflict anywhere on the globe, bringing the World Bank and the IMF formally 
into the picture as well. It is a complete new world order, but undertaken with 
the enthusiastic support of many of those who consider themselves among the most 
strident UN critics.
Conservatives who have been critical of the UN in 
the past have enthusiastically embraced this bill and the concept of UN reform. 
But what is the desired end of “UN reform”?  The UN is an organization that was 
designed to undermine sovereignty and representative government. It is unelected 
and unaccountable to citizens by its very design. Will UN reform change anything 
about the fact that its core mission is objectionable? Do honest UN critics 
really want an expanded UN that functions more “efficiently”?
real question is whether we should redouble our efforts to save a failed system, 
or admit its failures-- as this legislation does-- and recognize that the only 
reasonable option is to cease participation without further costs to the United 
States in blood, money, and sovereignty. Do not be fooled: it is impossible to 
be against the United Nations and to support  “reform” of the United Nations. The only 
true reform of the United Nations is for the US to withdraw immediately.  

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