I am in agreement with Senator Leahy.  I believe the majority of people want us 
out of Iraq NOW!   It would be great if we would pull out our Reserve National 
Guard.  We despartely need them in our own states, with Governor oversight and 
not the pResident.  We have seen things all the way from Katrina to other parts 
of the USA where we were without our militia Reserves to help us when we need 
them at home.   I do believe those who have been there too long should begin to 
come home as well, even if it meant some redeployment of replacement troops, if 
it must be.  I believe our presence in Iraq is doing more harm than good, and 
it is obvious to all of us that Iraq is not being served by our US presence 
there.  In fact, perhaps the wrong bunch is in office now, that was a poor 
choice, and as I read their constitutuion, at the end it gave all the Iraqi 
Government to the Religious Leader, which is not exactly a Democracy! !   That 
was a shock to me.  We see that in many other
 Arab States and Country.   perhaps, the other faction should be consulted and 
find out what they believe should be their goveernment laws and order.  I 
wouldn't be surprised if the Iraqi people chose easily, once we are gone.  I 
read a poll not long ago done in Iraq and the people said they would have 
preferred Sadaam to the group who is in charge now!!!  Whatever that means.
  Theresa J. Steed
          Thu, 07 Dec 2006 21:35:12 GMT    From:  "Patrick Leahy" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert     To:  "Theresa J. 
Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Subject:  Seizing the opportunity presented by 
the Iraq Study Group report   [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]  
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.monospace {font-family:Courier,
 monospace;                                             Dear Theresa J.,
              Forward this message to a friend!
  Yesterday, the Iraq Study Group released its long-awaited report on our 
presence in Iraq. This bipartisan group sent a clear message to the President: 
that 'stay the course' proved its failure as a strategy in Iraq long ago.  
Instead, we need a credible strategy for withdrawing American troops from Iraq 
and a path for a political settlement that stabilizes the country.  Our 
open-ended military presence in Iraq continually signals to Iraqi politicians 
that they don't have to take the necessary steps to stand up to the militias 
and address the underlying problems that are fueling the violence.  In the 
meantime, our brave troops are stuck in the middle of a civil war and thousands 
of Iraqi civilians live under the specter of suicide bombings and ethnic 
But this report will have relevance only if the President -- the Commander In 
Chief -- adopts a clear, credible new strategy. You cannot simply say stay the 
course. You cannot simply proclaim mission accomplished.  You have to have a 
new course.
There are a lot of very good people in both parties who know we have to change, 
who know we have to get out of Iraq, who know what's happening on the ground.  
And it is my hope that the President will sit down with all of us, something he 
could do immediately on his own and with our full support.
There are many positive aspects to the Study Group's recommendations, like the 
withdrawal of most of our combat forces over the next year, enhanced training 
of Iraqi forces, a better coordinated reconstruction effort, and a greater 
focus on engagement with Iraq's regional neighbors.  
But perhaps the most important thing that this report may achieve is to jolt 
the White House into a clear-eyed recognition of today's reality in Iraq.
With the release of this report, we now have an opportunity to move beyond 
rhetoric and focus instead on reality, something which can only mean one thing: 
dramatic changes in Iraq. I only hope that the President is listening.

Patrick Leahy
Green Mountain PAC 

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