Thu, 18 Jan 2007 17:24:33 GMT    From:  "Barbara Boxer" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>  View Contact Details   Add Mobile Alert     To:  "Theresa J/ 
Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Subject:  Focus on the real issues -- stop the 
Iraq escalation!   [input]   [input]   [input]   [input]       
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        Dear Theresa J/,
      Urge President Bush to stop the Iraq escalation!
  As the new Congress moves quickly to address a set of domestic issues that 
cry out for change -- including ethics, prescription drug costs, student loans, 
stem cell research, and many others -- the war in Iraq rages on, and President 
Bush continues to defy every voice of reason.
  The right-wing war room is up and running as strong as ever, and I can tell 
you first-hand how vicious it is.
  You have probably already seen or read about the point I made to Secretary of 
State Condoleezza Rice last week -- that neither she nor I had family who would 
pay with their lives for this war.  I want the Bush Administration to focus on 
the military families who are suffering when proposing an escalation in Iraq.
  The response of White House Press Secretary Tony Snow and the right-wing 
media was immediate.  Did they make the case that the Bush Administration 
totally understood the agony our military families are going through but that 
escalation of the war was still the only course for them?  No, of course not.  
Instead, they tried to distract the American people from the real issues by 
claiming that I was personally attacking Secretary Rice, calling me every name 
in the book.
  This is the same thing they did a couple years ago when I told Secretary Rice 
that her loyalty to the Administration trumped her loyalty to the truth.  In a 
page from the same old tired playbook, the right-wing media machine then said I 
was anti-woman.
  There is nothing that the Bush Administration won't do to try and silence 
their opponents.  There is nothing that they won't do with their right-wing 
allies to try and change the subject away from the Iraq war itself to some 
made-up side issue.
  We can't let this distract us.  It is so crucial that we all keep up the 
pressure to start bringing out troops home so the Iraqis know that Iraq is 
their country, we are not occupiers, and they must defend themselves.  It is 
also crucial that we keep up the pressure for a political and diplomatic 
solution to this travesty -- to bring together all of the countries in the 
region with the coalition President Bush says he has, in order to meet and 
hammer out the details for bringing about a peaceful Iraq.  Instead, the Bush 
Administration is only offering a military escalation which means more and more 
killing, leaving our sons and daughters in the middle of a full-blown civil war.
  Please join me.  Please forward an email to President Bush urging him to 
listen to the voices of reason and turn away from this unwise escalation.
  It's time for Congress to go on record.  The American people spoke loud and 
clear at the polls last November, and now their elected representatives must 
stand up to the Bush Administration's reckless escalation plan.
  The Iraq war is hanging like a dark cloud over our nation and the world.  I 
will not be silenced, and I know you won't either.  Let's work as hard as we 
can to change course and start bringing our brave men and women home so the 
Iraqis can take responsibility for their own country.  Please email President 
Bush today!
  Thank you for always being there for me and for our country.
  My best,
  Barbara Boxer
  Email President Bush | Visit
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