imm         Fri, 6 Jul 2007 12:35:55 -0400 (EDT)    From:  "Sen. Chuck Schumer" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    To:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]    Subject:  What a week!  
#message50674162786611943862406272101261356930962847441 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }              

          Dear Theresa J. ,

I have been leading the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC) for two 
and a half years now.

And yet I am still continually amazed by the commitment of you, our grassroots.

In the past few weeks alone, thousands of our supporters helped us blow past 
our ambitious quarterly fundraising goal - the tenth straight quarter we've 
done that.

And then, this week, when President Bush made the outrageous decision to 
commute Scooter Libby's prison sentence, tens of thousands of you signed on to 
our petition expressing your disgust for this affront to justice.

Thank you so very much.

Your unrivaled energy and unflagging financial support means that Republican 
Senate incumbents, already beleaguered by their blind support for George Bush 
and plummeting poll ratings, will have an even tougher road ahead to defend 
their Senate seats in 2008.

21 Republican seats are up for reelection in 2008, compared to only 12 
Democratic seats.  And already, some GOP incumbents are showing clear signs of 
vulnerability.  Only 31% of New Hampshirites think incumbent John Sununu 
deserves to be reelected.  Norm Coleman in Minnesota and Gordon Smith in Oregon 
have approval ratings hovering below 50%.  

Republican senators are once again showing their blind obedience to Bush -- not 
one has had the guts to stand up and say that the Scooter Libby commutation 
makes a mockery of the American justice system.

Democrats have a once in a generation opportunity to expand a 51-49 Senate 
majority that has made it all too easy for Republicans to carry George Bush's 
water and obstruct the change that you voted for in 2006.

You have provided a huge lift for us at the DSCC.  Your support allows for more 
staffers in key states, more ads and more investment in advanced micro 
targeting techniques to get Democrats to the polls on Election Day.  You are 
giving us the resources to convince the very best leaders that Democrats have 
to offer, to run for Senate.

Most importantly, your energy is keeping every one around here fired up and 
focused on the goal at hand: expanding our majority.

We've still got a long way to go.  But thanks to you, we're off to an amazing 


Sen. Chuck Schumer
  P.S.  It's not too late to send a message to George Bush that you are 
appalled by his commutation of Scooter Libby's prison sentence.  Click here to 
sign a petition expressing your outrage.  We’ll deliver it to the White House 
on Monday.
         This message was sent to [EMAIL PROTECTED] To unsubscribe from the 
DSCC's email list, please click here. You can also send a reply to this message 
with "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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