Thu, 26 Apr 2007 17:39:42 GMT    From:  "National Taxpayers Union" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    To:  "Theresa Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Subject:  
Theresa, Tell State Politicians: Show Me the Spending!  #message { 
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        Dear Theresa,
  State governments dole out billions of tax dollars every year through grants, 
contracts, and other forms of spending. Where's the money going? Our newly 
formed "Show Me the Spending" coalition believes you have a right to know.
  The National Taxpayers Union and our coalition partners are working to pass 
legislation in all 50 states requiring a so-called "Google government" website 
that would allow you to see how the state government is spending your 
hard-earned money. Please help us now by visiting the coalition's homepage,, and telling your legislators to "Show Me the 
  As you may know, last year President Bush signed the Federal Funding 
Accountability and Transparency Act into law. Originally sponsored by Senators 
Tom Coburn (R-OK) and Barack Obama (D-IL), the bipartisan legislation is 
creating a searchable online database that the general public can use to track 
hundreds of billions of dollars in federal grant and contract expenditures.
  Taxpayers deserve this kind of openness from state government too. The cost 
would be small, and the result would help to hold all elected officials 
accountable for state spending. While more than a dozen other states have 
limited versions of disclosure websites for grants and/or contracts, only one 
(Kansas) has created the kind of cohesive, comprehensive database envisioned in 
the federal legislation.
  Providing an easy-to-use tool like the searchable website would enable you 
and your fellow residents to make sense of how your tax dollars are being 
parceled out, and make your own determinations of government's spending 
  The coalition's new website,, features a 
constantly-updated legislative status center for all 50 states, model 
legislation for officials, research on the benefits of state spending 
disclosure, and a grassroots action center that gives citizens like you the 
ability to petition your legislators.
  Conservatives, liberals, and everyone in between ought to agree that 
transparency of and public access to government information is vital to the 
health of our political system. Wherever you stand on the issues, please click 
over to and speak out today!
  John Berthoud
National Taxpayers Union
          Please forward this message to at least 3 of your friends and get 
them involved today! 
          If you received this message from a friend, you can sign up for NTU's 
Taxpayer Action Center. 
          If you would like to unsubscribe from NTU's Taxpayer Action Center, 
or update your account settings, please click here or respond to this email 
with "REMOVE" as the subject line. National Taxpayers Union 108 N. Alfred St. 
Alexandria, VA 22314 


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