The Growth of Citizen Co-Ops Is a  Positive Development As Corporations
Fail Us in Every Way   By Sena Christian, AlterNet
Posted on January  5, 2010, Printed on  March  9, 2010

During Andrew McLeod's 10-day visit to the Basque Country of  northern
Spain, he met a 34-year-old man named Aitor Garro, who makes  aluminum
car components. For the last 13 years, this man has worked at  Fagor
Ederlan, a division of the Mondragon  Cooperative Corporation
<http://www.mondragon-corporation.com/ENG.aspx> , which is the world's
largest system of  worker-owned businesses. Mondragon's 100 global
businesses employ  120,000 people and produce sales exceeding $20
billion annually. Garro  grew up knowing only this system, as both his
parents also worked in  co-ops. "It was interesting to watch his
perception of co-ops," McLeod  said. "He took them for granted. It was
like water to a fish."

McLeod <http://coopgeek.wordpress.com/about/> , a  California-based
cooperative development specialist, spent the past year  and a half
traveling around the world and throughout the United States  to learn
about the valuable  role
t_Belt_Lessons_for_Sacramento>  cooperative systems can play during
economic hard times. His  travels took him to the Trentino region of
northern Italy, the Pacific  Northwest, the U.S. Rust Belt and Spain.

Worldwide, roughly 750,000 cooperatives serve 730 million members, 
according to the National  Cooperative Business Association
<http://www.ncba.coop/abcoop_stats.cfm> . Here in this country, some
72,000  co-op establishments operate, providing more than 2 million jobs
and  serving 120 million members--that's four in 10 Americans. These 
establishments exist in energy, childcare, food distribution, health 
care, insurance, agriculture, telecommunications and other industries. 
But co-op advocates want growth, and they say the time is now, as wealth
concentration has reached dangerous levels, large investment banks have 
crumbled and unemployment affects 10 percent of the American 

"A lot of cities are seeing that traditional economic- and 
job-development strategies have hit a dead end," said Ted Howard, 
executive director of the Democracy  Collaborative
<http://www.community-wealth.org/> .

Cooperatives offer a potential solution: Through shared ownership and 
democratic control, co-ops distribute wealth, create jobs and keep 
control in the local community by allowing people to make the decisions 
that impact them, instead of leaving those choices to parasite investors
who can sell a stock and walk away. Co-ops--whether they be of the
worker, consumer, producer or  purchasing
<http://www.ncba.coop/abcoop.cfm>  variety--create a more equitable
formation for society  that brings decision-making and resource-sharing
down to everyone, and  investment earnings are not limited to a small
group of people.

"Our firm belief is that cooperatives are the best business model for 
economic and social progress," said Adam Schwartz, vice president of 
NCBA. "Because of the structure--owned by workers--it's a fair model and
treats people in a way that allows them to thrive while balancing the 
needs of their community."

In the fall of 2008, McLeod visited Trentino, Italy, which has at  least
545 co-ops serving the region. Here, McLeod learned that 90  percent of
the towns in the province have a food co-op as their only  grocery
store, and credit unions comprise the majority of the financial 
industry. This system <http://www.oecd.org/dataoecd/20/23/37741957.pdf>
--started  by a Catholic priest in 1890--impressed him.

But his visit to Basque  Country
<http://coopgeek.wordpress.com/notes-from-mondragon/>  left a deeper
impact. This mountainous region runs between  Spain and France along the
Atlantic coast, and houses a couple of large  cities and many small
towns tucked within the valleys. Mondragon formed  in 1956 and has since
become a transnational-cooperative system that  includes Spain's
second-largest retail chain, with 2,400 stores, one of  the country's
largest banks, and medical and educational institutions.

"In contrast to this country, where small rural communities face the 
loss of industrial jobs, they're seeing growth," McLeod said. "It's 
night and day."  Workers earn an average income nearly 40 percent higher
than the rest of Europe, McLeod said, and the system survived Spain's 
economic recession in the 1980s without laying  off members
eratives-decide-how-to-ride-out-a-downturn> . Profits are pulled
together in this integrated system  and made available to help support
new, or struggling, cooperatives. Top  executives can only earn six
times the starting base wage of workers,  and the chief-executive
officer can only earn nine times the wage.

"Mondragon is the mother ship of what a thriving cooperative can be," 
said NCBA's Schwartz.

For all Mondragon's successes, the cooperative has experienced 
criticism for how, in some cases, its co-ops have crowded out local 
businesses, and for its expansion into other countries with 
non-cooperative subsidiaries.

"They're grappling with that," McLeod said. "First and foremost, 
they're business people. Their goal is to survive and be profitable for 
members."  In parts of Spain where co-ops thrive, McLeod observed no 
visible signs of extravagant wealth or harsh poverty: no big cars, no 
mansions, no homeless people begging for money.

Mondragon's brilliance, say its advocates, lies in its ability to 
reproduce. And this reproduction is now occurring in the United States.

On an October day, McLeod flew from Bilbao, Spain to Cincinnati, where 
he spent three weeks traveling the Rust Belt
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rust_Belt> , weaving  from Pittsburgh to
Cleveland and Akron, Ohio, then to Ann Arbor, Mich.  and Detroit.
Incidentally, McLeod's first day in Pittsburgh coincided  with the
United  Steelworkers'
<http://www.usw.org/media_center/news_articles?id=0439>  announcement
that it will create a worker-cooperative  partnership with Mondragon.

Next, in Cleveland, McLeod learned about the Evergreen Cooperative
Laundry <http://www.evergreencoop.com/> , a  100 percent worker-owned
cooperative established by the Greater  University Circle Institute at
the Cleveland Foundation. The nine  employees (owners) wash hospital
linen at a facility equipped to handle  12 million pounds of industrial
laundry. When the co-op becomes fully  operational, it will employ 50
people. The foundation also launched Ohio  Cooperative Solar
<http://www.evergreencoop.com/OhioSolar/index.html> , a solar and
weatherization company, which will  eventually produce between 50 and
100 jobs. Both businesses dedicate 10  percent of their pre-tax profit
to a fund to build a broader co-op  network.

About five years ago, the Cleveland Foundation began an initiative  with
large anchor institutions--the Cleveland Clinic, University  Hospitals,
Case Western Reserve University--in University Circle, an  economically
devastated neighborhood in one of America's poorest cities.  The 43,000
people who live there earn a median income of $18,500. Yet,  the area's
three anchor institutions spend $3 billion annually on food, 
janitorial, laundry and other services. The goal of the initiative
ed-boom> :  channel the purchasing power of these institutions back into
the  community.

"Lots of jobs have left Cleveland and companies have gone offshore," 
said Howard of the Democracy Collaborative, who assisted with the 
initiative. "[The anchor institutions] aren't going anywhere. They are 
very large economic engines, purchasing billions of dollars worth of 
services and employing tens of thousands of people."

Initially, the Evergreen  project <http://blip.tv/file/2749165>  was an
attempt to break down barriers between anchor  institutions and the
neighborhoods in which they reside, and create jobs  locally. But there
was a problem: People were so poor, jobs alone  weren't enough, so
planners began to think about worker-cooperatives as a  way for
employees to earn a salary, gain medical benefits and develop  equity in
the company.

"It's not only about jobs for local residents. It's about wealth 
building," Howard said. "One of the strengths of the cooperative 
structure is that ownership of the company is broadly held; when 50 
people own their business in their own neighborhood where they live, 
they're not going to send those jobs somewhere else."

In 2010, the project will launch Green City  Growers Cooperative
<http://www.evergreencoop.com/GreenCity/greencity.html> , a 5.3-acre
greenhouse located in the heart of  the city, which will employ 50
people. The food produced will supply  anchor institutions, markets,
grocery stores and wholesale  distributors.

After learning about Evergreen Cooperatives, McLeod left Cleveland  and
arrived in Detroit, a once-bustling city whose formal economy has 
grounded to a halt.

"It's kind of post-apocalyptic," McLeod said.

Not to mention, the city is a vast food desert. In 2007, the last two 
major grocery stores
349>  in Detroit shut their doors. Now, residents  buy food from nearby
convenience stores or drive several miles outside  city limits for the
closest supermarkets. The Detroit  Community Grocery Store Coalition
<http://www.detroitcommunitygrocerystorecoalition.net/>  recently formed
to create  cooperative grocery stores within the city. This
collaboration between  80 churches, consumers and workers will reinvest
a portion of store  profits into the creation of more grocery stores,
and eventually meet  Detroit's food needs. For Detroit, the development
of co-ops is about  survival.

"Cooperatives are a fairer way of going about providing goods and 
services in good times and tough economic times," Schwartz said, adding 
that they address the triple bottom line of profits, and the impact on 
the environment and local community. "With a cooperative, you can make 
money and serve your community. You can be proud of what you do."

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