Well, you bet we can.  We need those who really know what war is all about and 
knows how to prevent it.  We can use all the help in our congress we can get 
with people like that!
  Theresa J. Steed
            Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:49:43 GMT    From:  "Wes Clark" <[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]>    To:  "Theresa J. Steed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    Subject:  Can You 
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          Dear Theresa J.,
              Help Charlie, John and Jon get their campaigns to a strong start! 
  Last November, you and hundreds of thousands of people in the WesPAC 
community changed the direction of our country – electing the first Democratic 
Congress in a dozen years. You helped put an end to the rubberstamp Congress, 
providing the critical check and balance to George W. Bush's radical agenda.
What I'm most proud of was adding the veterans to the House and Senate. The 
voices of Chris Carney, Phil Hare, Patrick Murphy, Joe Sestak, Tim Walz, and 
Jim Webb have changed the debate. Of course, they have help lead the debate on 
Iraq and other national security issues, but they have also lent their unique 
perspectives on critical issues like the minimum wage, health care, and ethics 
I have one question for you: Can you do it again?
Today, I'm asking you to help provide the critical early funds to the campaigns 
of three great veterans: Charlie Brown, John Boccieri, and Jon Powers.
Help launch Charlie, John, and Jon's campaigns. Contribute to their campaigns 
  You may already know Charlie Brown, a 26-year military veteran who served 
from Vietnam to the Gulf War.  Charlie is once again challenging GOP incumbent 
John Doolittle, who just can't seem to stay away from ethics scandals.  
Doolittle's connections to Jack Abramoff and the influence-peddling scandal are 
bad enough, but just recently, Doolittle was one of only 10 House members to 
vote against legislation providing for House ethics probes of indicted 
In 2006, the WesPAC community's support carried Charlie to within 3 points of 
It's time to put Charlie over the top in 2008. Contribute to his campaign today!
  John Boccieri is in his first term as a member of the Ohio Senate for 
District 33, and he's ready to help Democrats win one of our prime takeover 
targets for the House: Ohio's 16 Congressional district. 
John is currently a member of the Air Force Reserves, and he has been deployed 
to Afghanistan and Iraq several times in recent years. While there, he has 
witnessed up close the impacts of our country's involvement in these two 
critical regions.
John is well positioned for victory in 2008, as he has already won four 
elections in different parts of the 16th Congressional district. 
Help John bring new leadership to Ohio's 16th Congressional District. 
Contribute to his campaign today!

  Jonathan Powers is a decorated Iraq War veteran, schoolteacher and non-profit 
leader. Jon leads by example, and he's ready to take his agenda to Washington, 
DC, representing New York's 26th Congressional district.
Whether directing men and women in combat or shaping young minds, Jon continues 
to be a leader who puts competence and problem-solving above anything else. 
Unfortunately, Jon's opponent, Congressman Tom Reynolds, too often places 
loyalty – to his political party and the preservation of his own career – ahead 
of competence and accountability.
Jon has personally witnessed the situation on the ground in Iraq. He knows we 
need to change the course in Iraq, and he knows he can do this by representing 
his district and the American people in the House of Representatives. 
Help bring competence and accountability to Congress. Contribute to Jon Powers' 
campaign today!
  The power of thousands of people joining together for a common cause has

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! 
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