who just happens to be a very close associate of George H W (POPPY) 
Bush and this connection can be further viewed on the chart posted on 
CIA.......wake up,Judson......


--- In cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com, judson witham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   God Bless Freedom and the Republic
>   Judson Witham
> "MoveOn.org Political Action" <moveon-help-3741715-
>   Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2007 18:15:55 UT
> Subject: Thank you for standing up for the 100 Hour Agenda
> From: "MoveOn.org Political Action" <moveon-help-3741715-
> Dear friend,
> Thank you. Your name has been added to the petition and your 
comments will be delivered to your members of Congress. 
> Our friends at Working Assets have set up an innovative way for you 
to stay involved. You can sign up to get text messages to your mobile 
phone when each of the 100 hours items comes to a vote, alerting you 
to call your representatives and weigh in on the next item.
> To sign up for this service, just go to:
> http://www.moveon.org/r?r=2289
> Also, please take a moment to invite your friends and colleagues to 
sign the petition. You can just forward the sample letter below.
> Spreading the word is critical, but please only pass this message 
along to those who know you -- spam hurts our campaign.
> Thanks for all you do. --Ben Brandzel and the whole MoveOn.org 
Political Action Team
> Here's a sample message to send to your friends:
> Subject: Help the new Congress start right
> Hi,
> As you may have heard, Nancy Pelosi is hoping to start off big with 
her "100 Hours Agenda." It's a bunch of progressive proposals, 
including cutting oil subsidies to invest in clean energy, getting 
cheaper prescription drugs for seniors, and raising the minimum wage.
> Naturally, the big drug companies, oil companies, and business 
lobbies are fighting hard to stop her.
> MoveOn has started a petition to Congress so we can show our 
representatives we're ready for some real progress, and they should 
act quickly to pass the 100 Hours Agenda.
> Plus, the total signature count and some of our comments will be 
read out loud on the floor of Congress during the debate -- so the 
more we get, the louder our voice will be. You can join me in signing 
today at:
> http://pol.moveon.org/100hours
> Thanks!   
> ---------------------------------
>     If you've received this email in error, please correct your 
campaign subscription information at:
> http://www.moveon.org/s?i=-3741715-DFUymW7un7u9osC3UpT13A
>  __________________________________________________
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