[cia-drugs] United Flight 93 shot down by Air Force jets scrambled from Andrews

2007-10-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

- Original Message - 
To: Cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2007 2:48 PM
Subject: [cia-drugs] United Flight 93 shot down by Air Force jets scrambled 
from Andrews


October 29, 2007 -- SPECIAL REPORT -- United Flight 93 shot down by Air Force 
jets scrambled from Andrews

publication date: Oct 28, 2007

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October 29, 2007 -- SPECIAL REPORT -- United Flight 93 shot down by Air Force 
jets scrambled from Andrews
According to U.S. intelligence sources, the archives of the National Security 
Agency (NSA), available to cleared users via the INTELINK network, contains an 
archive of Flash precedence and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) NSA 
intelligence messages known as "CRITICs."
Click here for an older version of a list of CRITIC messages from 1964.
One such CRITIC from September 11, 2001, which includes a number of follow-on 
intelligence reports, concerns United Airlines flight 93, downed over 
Shanksville, Pennsylvania. However, the CRITIC is at odds with the official 
account of the fate of United 93, which is that passengers and crew attacked 
the hijackers and forced the plane to crash into the ground.
Then-Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, a former Governor of Pennsylvania, 
added to the legend of the passengers and crew on United 93 in stating, "The 
passengers and crew did whatever they humanly could--boil water, phone the 
authorities, and ultimately rush the cockpit to foil the attack." A Hollywood 
movie, "United 93," put the legend ascribed to the flight on the big screen.
United 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, took off from Newark 
International Airport at 0841 Eastern Daylight Time on September 11.
The NSA CRITIC, according to sources who have seen it, is about five or six 
sentences, and paraphrasically states:
"Two F-16s scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base at [likely 1336 Zulu]. 
Civilian airline hijacked. Over state of Pennsylvania civilian airliner was 
"intercepted" at (Latitude and Longitude of intercept]."
Several follow-up CRITICs are appended to the first United 93-related CRITIC. 
One follow-up CRITIC mentioned a possible fifth hijacked plane flying south 
from Canada that was near the Canadian-U.S. border. Another CRITIC states the 
plane "intercepted" over Pennsylvania was "confirmed civilian."
A number of NSA analysts have seen the CRITICs in question and it is well-known 
within the signals intelligence (SIGINT) community that United 93 was shot down 
by two U.S. Air Force interceptors on the morning of September 11 over 

NSA CRITICs describe interception of United 93 over Pennsylvania by fighters 
scrambled from Andrews AFB.

Furthermore, according to U.S. Army and Navy sources, the debris of United 93 
was brought by trucks to Andrews Air Force Base. One senior Navy officer on 
duty at Andrews during the morning of 9/11, told his wife and son (the son was 
also serving in the military), "We shot down the plane."
On December 2, 2005, WMR reported: "Cheney order to shoot down United Flight 93 
confirmed again. Vice President Dick Cheney ordered two U.S. Air Force fighters 
to shoot down United flight 93 over Shanksville, Pennsylvania on   September 
11, 2001, according to an intelligence officer who was monitoring the flow of 
intelligence between the Pentagon and the White House that morning. After the 
target was identified as United flight 93, Cheney gave the order to engage the 
target and shoot it down. There have been previous reports that Cheney ordered 
the shoot down."
On May 27, 2005, WMR reported: ". . . the career NSA operational personnel may 
be getting squeezed not so much for policy and management differences but 
because of what they know about the lies of the Bush administration. In 
addition to the obvious lies about Iraqi WMDs, many personnel are well aware 
that what occurred on the morning of 9/11 was not exactly what was reported by 
the White House. For example, President Bush spoke of the heroic actions of the 
passengers and crew aboard United Flight 93 over rural Pennsylvania on the 
morning of 911. However, NSA personnel on duty at the NSOC that morning have a 
very different perspective. Before Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, NSA 
operations personnel clearly heard on the intercom system monitoring military 
and civilian communications that the "fighters are engaged" with the doomed 
United aircraft. NSOC personnel were then quickly dismissed from the tactical 
area of the NSOC where the intercom system was located leaving only a few 
senior personnel in place. NSA personnel are well aware that Secretary of 
Defense Donald Rumsfeld did not 'misspeak' when, addressing U.S. troops in 
Baghdad during Christmas last year, said, 'the people who attacked the United 

[cia-drugs] United Flight 93 shot down by Air Force jets scrambled from Andrews

2007-10-29 Thread RAMillegan

October 29, 2007 -- SPECIAL REPORT -- United Flight 93 shot down by Air Force 
jets scrambled from Andrews

 publication date: Oct 28, 2007

 Previous | Next

 October 29, 2007 -- SPECIAL REPORT -- United Flight 93 shot down by Air 
Force jets scrambled from Andrews
 According to U.S. intelligence sources, the archives of the National 
Security Agency (NSA), available to cleared users via the INTELINK network, 
an archive of Flash precedence and Sensitive Compartmented Information (SCI) 
NSA intelligence messages known as "CRITICs."
 Click here for an older version of a list of CRITIC messages from 1964.
 One such CRITIC from September 11, 2001, which includes a number of 
follow-on intelligence reports, concerns United Airlines flight 93, downed over 
Shanksville, Pennsylvania. However, the CRITIC is at odds with the official 
of the fate of United 93, which is that passengers and crew attacked the 
hijackers and forced the plane to crash into the ground.
 Then-Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge, a former Governor of 
Pennsylvania, added to the legend of the passengers and crew on United 93 in 
"The passengers and crew did whatever they humanly could--boil water, phone the 
authorities, and ultimately rush the cockpit to foil the attack." A Hollywood 
movie, "United 93," put the legend ascribed to the flight on the big screen.
 United 93, a Boeing 757 with 44 people on board, took off from Newark 
International Airport at 0841 Eastern Daylight Time on September 11.
 The NSA CRITIC, according to sources who have seen it, is about five or six 
sentences, and paraphrasically states:
 "Two F-16s scrambled from Andrews Air Force Base at [likely 1336 Zulu]. 
Civilian airline hijacked. Over state of Pennsylvania civilian airliner was 
"intercepted" at (Latitude and Longitude of intercept]."
 Several follow-up CRITICs are appended to the first United 93-related 
CRITIC. One follow-up CRITIC mentioned a possible fifth hijacked plane flying 
from Canada that was near the Canadian-U.S. border. Another CRITIC states the 
plane "intercepted" over Pennsylvania was "confirmed civilian."
 A number of NSA analysts have seen the CRITICs in question and it is 
well-known within the signals intelligence (SIGINT) community that United 93 
was shot 
down by two U.S. Air Force interceptors on the morning of September 11 over 

 NSA CRITICs describe interception of United 93 over Pennsylvania by fighters 
scrambled from Andrews AFB.
 Furthermore, according to U.S. Army and Navy sources, the debris of United 
93 was brought by trucks to Andrews Air Force Base. One senior Navy officer on 
duty at Andrews during the morning of 9/11, told his wife and son (the son was 
also serving in the military), "We shot down the plane."
 On December 2, 2005, WMR reported: "Cheney order to shoot down United Flight 
93 confirmed again. Vice President Dick Cheney ordered two U.S. Air Force 
fighters to shoot down United flight 93 over Shanksville, Pennsylvania on   
September 11, 2001, according to an intelligence officer who was monitoring the 
flow of intelligence between the Pentagon and the White House that morning. 
the target was identified as United flight 93, Cheney gave the order to 
engage the target and shoot it down. There have been previous reports that 
ordered the shoot down."
 On May 27, 2005, WMR reported: ". . . the career NSA operational personnel 
may be getting squeezed not so much for policy and management differences but 
because of what they know about the lies of the Bush administration. In 
addition to the obvious lies about Iraqi WMDs, many personnel are well aware 
what occurred on the morning of 9/11 was not exactly what was reported by the 
White House. For example, President Bush spoke of the heroic actions of the 
passengers and crew aboard United Flight 93 over rural Pennsylvania on the 
of 911. However, NSA personnel on duty at the NSOC that morning have a very 
different perspective. Before Flight 93 crashed in Pennsylvania, NSA operations 
personnel clearly heard on the intercom system monitoring military and 
civilian communications that the "fighters are engaged" with the doomed United a
ircraft. NSOC personnel were then quickly dismissed from the tactical area of 
NSOC where the intercom system was located leaving only a few senior personnel 
in place. NSA personnel are well aware that Secretary of Defense Donald 
Rumsfeld did not 'misspeak' when, addressing U.S. troops in Baghdad during 
last year, said, 'the people who attacked the United States in New York, shot 
down the plane over Pennsylvania.' They believe the White House concocted the 
'passengers-bring-down-plane' story for propaganda value.'"
 The most recent revelations from the intelligence community bolster the case 
that the Bush administration created a series of myths, eagerly amplified