Christina Borjeson knows the inside story of how TWA 800 came to be shot down. 
But CBS didn't want her to divulge it; that's why CBS fired her. I have always 
wondered who was on that plane that would cause the US government to want to 
shoot it down. Now this exposes it. Thanks Norgesen.


Arlene Johnson

-----Original Message-----
>From: norgesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Sent: Aug 5, 2006 7:59 PM
>Subject: [cia-drugs] Over 100 Dead Scientists & Microbiologists - The Master 
>B16098 / Fri, 16 Jun 2006 23:09:18 / Miscellaneous
>?While some of these deaths may be purely coincidental and seem to pose no 
>connection, many of these deaths are highly suspicious and appear not to be 
>random acts of violence. Many are just plain murders.
>If you see any incorrect dates or errors, please provide me with accurate 
>information, Thank you!
>Peace, Mark?
>[ LINK ]
>List mirrored below. Rest in peace.
>Awoken Research Group
>In the 1980?s over two dozen science graduates and experts working for Marconi 
>or Plessey Defence Systems died in mysterious circumstances, most appearing to 
>be ?suicides.? The MOD denied these scientists had been involved in classified 
>Star Wars Projects and that the deaths were in any way connected.
>Judge for yourself?
>March 1982: Professor Keith Bowden, 46?Expertise: Computer programmer and 
>scientist at Essex University engaged in work for Marconi, who was hailed as 
>an expert on super computers and computer-controlled aircraft.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Fatal car crash when his vehicle went out of control across a dual 
>carriageway and plunged onto a disused railway line. Police maintained he had 
>been drinking but family and friends all denied the allegation.?Coroner?s 
>verdict: Accident.
>April 1983: Lt-Colonel Anthony Godley, 49?Expertise: Head of the Work Study 
>Unit at the Royal College of Military Science.?Circumstance of Death: 
>Disappeared mysteriously in April 1983 without explanation. Presumed dead.
>March 1985: Roger Hill, 49?Expertise: Radar designer and draughtsman with 
>Marconi.?Circumstance of Death: Died by a shotgun blast at home.?Coroner?s 
>verdict: Suicide.
>November 19, 1985: Jonathan Wash, 29?Expertise: Digital communications expert 
>who had worked at GEC and at British Telecom?s secret research centre at 
>Martlesham Heath, Suffolk.?Circumstance of Death: Died as a result of falling 
>from a hotel room in Abidjan, West Africa, while working for British Telecom. 
>He had expressed fears that his life was in danger.?Coroner?s verdict: Open.
>August 4, 1986: Vimal Dajibhai, 24
>NOTE: My records show this date to be Oct. 1986?Expertise: Computer software 
>engineer with Marconi, responsible for testing computer control systems of 
>Tigerfish and Stingray torpedoes at Marconi Underwater Systems at Croxley 
>Green, Hertfordshire.?Circumstance of Death: Death by 74m (240ft.) fall from 
>Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol. Police report on the body mentioned a 
>needle-sized puncture wound on the left buttock, but this was later dismissed 
>as being a result of the fall. Dajibhai had been looking forward to starting a 
>new job in the City of London and friends had confirmed that there was no 
>reason for him to commit suicide. At the time of his death he was in the last 
>week of his work with Marconi.?Coroner?s verdict: Open.
>October 1986: Arshad Sharif, 26?Expertise: Reported to have been working on 
>systems for the detection of submarines by satellite.?Circumstance of Death: 
>Died as a result of placing a ligature around his neck, tying the other end to 
>a tree and then driving off in his car with the accelerator pedal jammed down. 
>His unusual death was complicated by several issues: Sharif lived near Vimal 
>Dajibhai in Stanmore, Middlesex, he committed suicide in Bristol and, 
>inexplicably, had spent the last night of his life in a rooming house. He had 
>paid for his accommodation in cash and was seen to have a bundle of 
>high-denomination banknotes in his possession. While the police were told of 
>the banknotes, no mention was made of them at the inquest and they were never 
>found. In addition, most of the other guests at the rooming house worked at 
>British Aerospace prior to working for Marconi, Sharif had also worked at 
>British Aerospace on guided weapons technology.?Coroner?s verdict: Suicide.
>January 1987: Richard Pugh, 37?Expertise: MOD computer consultant and digital 
>communications expert.?Circumstance of Death: Found dead in his flat in with 
>his feet bound and a plastic bag over his head. Rope was tied around his body, 
>coiling four times around his neck.?Coroner?s verdict: Accident.
>January 12, 1987: Dr. John Brittan, 52
>NOTE: My records show this one to be 1986?Expertise: Scientist formerly 
>engaged in top secret work at the Royal College of Military Science at 
>Shrivenham, Oxfordshire, and later deployed in a research department at the 
>MOD.?Circumstance of Death: Death by carbon monoxide poisoning in his own 
>garage, shortly after returning from a trip to the US in connection with his 
>work.?Coroner?s verdict: Accident.
>February 1987: David Skeels, 43?Expertise: Engineer with Marconi.?Circumstance 
>of Death: Found dead in his car with a hosepipe connected to the 
>exhaust.?Coroner?s verdict: Open.
>February 1987: Victor Moore, 46?Expertise: Design Engineer with Marconi Space 
>and Defence Systems.?Circumstance of Death: Died from an overdose.?Coroner?s 
>verdict: Suicide.
>February 22, 1987: Peter Peapell, 46?Expertise: Scientist at the Royal College 
>of Military Science. He had been working on testing titanium for it?s 
>resistance to explosives and the use of computer analysis of signals from 
>metals.?Circumstance of Death: Found dead allegedly from carbon monoxide 
>poisoning, in his Oxfordshire garage. The circumstances of his death raised 
>some elements of doubt. His wife had found him on his back with his head 
>parallel to the rear car bumper and his mouth in line with the exhaust pipe, 
>with the car engine running. Police were apparently baffled as to how he could 
>have manoeuvred into the position in which he was found.?Coroner?s verdict: 
>March 30, 1987: David Sands, 37?Expertise: Senior scientist working for Easams 
>of Camberley, Surrey, a sister company to Marconi. Dr. John Brittan had also 
>worked at Camberley.?Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash when he allegedly 
>made a sudden U-turn on a dual carriageway while on his way to work, crashing 
>at high speed into a disused cafeteria. He was found still wearing his seat 
>belt and it was discovered that the car had been carrying additional petrol 
>cans. None of the ?normal? reasons for a possible suicide could be 
>found.?Coroner?s verdict: Open.
>April 1987: George Kountis (age unknown)?Expertise: Systems Analyst at Bristol 
>Polytechnic.?Circumstance of Death: Drowned the same day as Shani Warren (see 
>below) ? as the result of a car accident, his upturned car being found in the 
>River Mersey, Liverpool.?Coroner?s verdict: Misadventure.
>(Kountis? sister called for a fresh inquest as she thought ?things didn?t add 
>April 10, 1987: Shani Warren, 26?Expertise: Personal assistant in a company 
>called Micro Scope, which was taken over by GEC Marconi less than four weeks 
>after her death.?Circumstance of Death: Found drowned in 45cm. (18in) of 
>water, not far from the site of David Greenhalgh?s death fall. NOTE: My 
>records show Greenhalgh also died on April 10, 1987 when he fell off of a 
>bridge. Warren died exactly one week after the death of Stuart Gooding and 
>serious injury to Greenhalgh. She was found gagged with a noose around her 
>neck. Her feet were also bound and her hands tied behind her back.?Coroner?s 
>verdict: Open.
>(It was said that Warren had gagged herself, tied her feet with rope, then 
>tied her hands behind her back and hobbled to the lake on stiletto heels to 
>drown herself.)
>April 10, 1987: Stuart Gooding, 23?Expertise: Postgraduate research student at 
>the Royal College of Military Science.?Circumstance of Death: Fatal car crash 
>while on holiday in Cyprus. The death occurred at the same time as college 
>personnel were carrying out exercises on Cyprus.?Coroner?s verdict: Accident.
>April 24, 1987: Mark Wisner, 24?Expertise: Software engineer at the 
>MOD.?Circumstance of Death: Found dead on in a house shared with two 
>colleagues. He was found with a plastic sack around his head and several feet 
>of cling film around his face. The method of death was almost identical to 
>that of Richard Pugh some three months earlier.?Coroner?s verdict: Accident.
>May 3, 1987: Michael Baker, 22?Expertise: Digital communications expert 
>working on a defence project at Plessey; part-time member of Signals Corps 
>SAS.?Circumstance of Death: Fatal accident when his car crashed through a 
>barrier near Poole in Dorset.?Coroner?s verdict: Misadventure.
>June 1987: Jennings, Frank, 60?Expertise: Electronic Weapons Engineer with 
>Plessey.?Circumstance of Death: Found dead from a heart attack.?No inquest.
>January 1988: Russell Smith, 23?Expertise: Laboratory technician with the 
>Atomic Energy Research Establishment at Harwell, Oxfordshire.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Died as a result of a cliff fall at Boscastle in Cornwall.?Coroner?s 
>verdict: Suicide.
>March 25, 1988: Trevor Knight, 52
>NOTE: My records show Trevor Knight dying in May 1988.?Expertise: Computer 
>engineer with Marconi Space and Defence Systems in Stanmore, 
>Middlesex.?Circumstance of Death: Found dead at his home in Harpenden, 
>Hertfordshire at the wheel of his car with a hosepipe connected to the 
>exhaust. A St.Alban?s coroner said that Knight?s woman friend, Miss Narmada 
>Thanki (who also worked with him at Marconi) had found three suicide notes 
>left by him which made clear his intentions. Miss Thanki had mentioned that 
>Knight disliked his work but she did not detect any depression that would have 
>driven him to suicide.?Coroner?s verdict: Suicide.
>August 1988: Alistair Beckham, 50?Expertise: Software engineer with Plessey 
>Defence Systems.?Circumstance of Death: Found dead after being electrocuted in 
>his garden shed with wires connected to his body.?Coroner?s verdict: Open.
>August 22, 1988: Peter Ferry, 60?Expertise: Retired Army Brigadier and an 
>Assistant Marketing Director with Marconi.?Circumstance of Death: Found on 
>22nd or 23rd August 1988 electrocuted in his company flat with electrical 
>leads in his mouth.?Coroner?s verdict: Open
>September 1988: Andrew Hall, 33?Expertise: Engineering Manager with British 
>Aerospace.?Circumstance of Death: Carbon monoxide poisoning in a car with a 
>hosepipe connected to the exhaust.?Coroner?s verdict: Suicide.
>End of Marconi File???????????????????????????????-
>1988: Stanley Irving Sigal, 35?Expertise: Top AIDS researcher at 
>Merck?s.?Circumstance of Death: In seat number 13B on Pan American Flight that 
>was shot down over Lockerbee Scotland.
>1994/95?: Dr. Jawad Al Aubaidi?Expertise: Veterinary mycoplasma and had worked 
>with various mycoplasmas in the 1980s at Plum Island.?Circumstance of Death: 
>He was killed in his native Iraq while he was changing a flat tire and hit by 
>a truck.
>Source: Patricia A. Doyle, PhD
>April 1996: Dr. Clive Bruton?Expertise: He had just produced a paper on a new 
>strain of CJD. He was a CJD specialist who was killed before his work was 
>announced to the public. He had been publicly arguing that deaths from CJD 
>were going unrecognised because it was assumed that Alzheimer disease ? which 
>has indistinguishable symptoms ? was the cause.?Circumstance of Death: He died 
>in a car crash after an apparent heart attack.
>May 7, 1996: Tsunao Saitoh PhD, 46?Expertise: He was professor of 
>neurosciences at the University of California, San Diego. was an 
>internationally respected researcher into the reasons for diseases such as 
>Alzheimer?s and had been doing ground-breaking research on the deformation of 
>the amyloid brain protein (found in CJD and Alzheimer?s).?Circumstance of 
>Death: He and his 13 year-old daughter were killed in La Jolla, California, in 
>what a Reuters report described as a ?very professionally done? shooting. He 
>was dead behind the wheel of the car, the side window had been shot out, and 
>the door was open. His daughter appeared to have tried to run away and she was 
>shot dead, also.
>Dec 25, 1997: Sidney Harshman, 67?Expertise: Professor of microbiology and 
>?He was the world?s leading expert on staphylococcal alpha toxins,? according 
>to Conrad Wagner, professor of biochemistry at Vanderbilt and a close friend 
>of Professor Harshman. ?He also deeply cared for other people and was always 
>eager to help his students and colleagues.??Circumstance of Death: 
>Complications of diabetes
>July 10, 1998: Elizabeth A. Rich, M.D., 46?Expertise: An associate professor 
>with tenure in the pulmonary division of the Department of Medicine at CWRU 
>and University Hospitals of Cleveland. She was also a member of the executive 
>committee for the Center for AIDS Research and directed the biosafety level 3 
>facility, a specialized laboratory for the handling of HIV, virulent TB 
>bacteria, and other infectious agents.?Circumstance of Death: Killed in a 
>traffic accident while visiting family in Tennessee
>September 1998: Jonathan Mann, 51?Expertise: Founding director of the World 
>Health Organisation?s global Aids programme and founded Project SIDA in Zaire, 
>the most comprehensive Aids research effort in Africa at the time, and in 1986 
>he joined the WHO to lead the global response against Aids. He became director 
>of WHO?s global programme on Aids which later became the UNAids programme. He 
>then became director of the Francois-Xavier Bagnoud Center for Health and 
>Human Rights, which was set up at Harvard School of Public Health in 1993. He 
>caused controversy earlier this year in the post when he accused the US 
>National Institutes of Health of violating human rights by failing to act 
>quickly on developing Aids vaccines.?Circumstance of Death: Died in the 
>Swissair Flight 111 crash in Canada.
>March 2000: Larry C. Ford?Expertise: Served as a consultant to both the CIA 
>and the chemical and biological-weapons program of the South African Defense 
>Forces, headed by Wouter Basson. His contributions to Basson?s program 
>included lectures on converting ordinary items into lethal biological weapons.
>He provided samples of virulent, designer strains of cholera, anthrax, 
>botulism, plague, and malaria, as well as a bacteria he claimed had been 
>mutated to be ?pigment specific? for the white minority government of South 
> of Death: Died 
>of a shotgun blast at his home in Irvine, Orange County, California. His death 
>was later ruled a suicide.
>April 15, 2000: Walter W. Shervington, M.D., 62?Expertise: An extensive 
>writer/ lecturer/ researcher about mental health and AIDS in the African 
>American community.?Circumstance of Death: Died of cancer at Tulane Medical 
>July 16, 2000: Mike Thomas, 35?Expertise: A microbiologist at the Crestwood 
>Medical Center in Huntsville.?Circumstance of Death: Died a few days after 
>examining a sample taken from a 12-year-old girl who was diagnosed with 
>meningitis and survived.
>November 19, 2000: Dr. Fred Knauert, 57?Expertise: He was a civilian scientist 
>who served the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases 
>(USAMRIID) for 17 years.?Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly at his home.
>December 25, 2000: Linda Reese, 52?Expertise: Microbiologist working with 
>victims of meningitis.?Circumstance of Death: Died three days after she 
>studied a sample from Tricia Zailo, 19, a Fairfield, N.J., resident who was a 
>sophomore at Michigan State University. Tricia Zailo died Dec. 18, a few days 
>after she returned home for the holidays.
>February 1, 2001: Dr. Shmuel Gillis, 42?Expertise: A senior hemotologist at 
>Hadassah Hospital Ein Kerem in Jerusalem who treated patients suffering from 
>leukemia and lymphoma regardless of ethnic or religious orgin.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Killed by 11 gunshots fired from a passing car on a section of the 
>Jerusalem-Hebron Highway.
>February 16th, 2001: Dr Joe Gibbs, 76?Expertise: An expert on neurological 
>diseases who helped show that maladies like mad cow disease and scrapie are 
>infectious rather than genetic.?Circumstance of Death: Died of a heart attack 
>while in a hospital in Washington
>March 2001: Dr. Trudy L. Bush, 52?Expertise: Professor of epidemiology and 
>preventive medicine at the University of Maryland School of Medicine whose 
>work in the field of women?s health brought her international 
>acclaim.?Circumstance of Death: Died of undetermined causes at her home.
>May 7, 2001: Professor Janusz Jeljaszewicz?Expertise: Expert in Staphylococci 
>and Staphylococcal Infections. His main scientific interests and achievements 
>were in the mechanism of action and biological properties of staphylococcal 
>toxins, and included the immunomodulatory properties and experimental 
>treatment of tumours by Propionibacterium.
>November 2001: Yaacov Matzner, 54?Expertise: Dean of the Hebrew 
>University-Hadassah Medical School in Jerusalem and chairman of the Israel 
>Society of Hematology and Blood Transfusions, was the son of Holocaust 
>survivors. One of the world?s experts on blood diseases including familiar 
>Mediterranean fever (FMF), Matzner conducted research that led to a genetic 
>test for FMF. He was working on cloning the gene connected to FMF and 
>investigating the normal physiological function of amyloid A, a protein often 
>found in high levels in people with blood cancer.?Circumstance of Death: 
>Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram Eldor were on their way back to Israel 
>via Switzerland when their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres 
>short of the landing field.
>November 2001: Professor Amiram Eldor, 59?Expertise: Head of the haematology 
>institute, Tel Aviv?s Ichilov Hospital and worked for years at 
>Hadassah-University Hospital?s haematology department but left for his native 
>Tel Aviv in 1993 to head the haematology institute at Ichilov Hospital. He was 
>an internationally known expert on blood clotting especially in women who had 
>repeated miscarriages and was a member of a team that identified eight new 
>anti-clotting agents in the saliva of leeches.?Circumstance of Death: 
>Professors Yaacov Matzner and Amiram Eldor were on their way back to Israel 
>via Switzerland when their plane came down in dense forest three kilometres 
>short of the landing field.
>November 6, 2001: Jeffrey Paris Wall, 41?Expertise: He was a biomedical expert 
>who held a medical degree, and he also specialized in patent and intellectual 
>property.?Circumstance of Death: Mr. Walls body was found sprawled next to a 
>three-story parking structure near his office. He had studied at the 
>University of California, Los Angeles.
>Nov. 16, 2001: Don C. Wiley, 57?Expertise: One of the foremost microbiologists 
>in the United States. Dr. Wiley, of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute at 
>Harvard University, was an expert on how the immune system responds to viral 
>attacks such as the classic doomsday plagues of HIV, ebola and 
>influenza.?Circumstance of Death: Police found his rental car on a bridge 
>outside Memphis, Tenn. His body was found Dec. 20 in the Mississippi River.
>Nov. 21, 2001: Vladimir Pasechnik, 64?Expertise: World-class microbiologist 
>and high-profile Russian defector; defected to the United Kingdom in 1989, 
>played a huge role in Russian biowarfare and helped to figure out how to 
>modify cruise missiles to deliver the agents of mass biological 
>destruction.?Background: founded Regma Biotechnologies company in Britain, a 
>laboratory at Porton Down, the country�s chem-bio warfare defense 
>establishment. Regma currently has a contract with the U.S. Navy for ?the 
>diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of anthrax?.?Circumstance of Death: The 
>pathologist who did the autopsy, and who also happened to be associated with 
>Britain�s spy agency, concluded he died of a stroke. Details of the 
>postmortem were not revealed at an inquest, in which the press was given no 
>prior notice. Colleagues who had worked with Pasechnik said he was in good 
>Dec. 10, 2001: Robert M. Schwartz, 57?Expertise: Expert in DNA sequencing and 
>pathogenic micro-organisms, founding member of the Virginia Biotechnology 
>Association, and the Executive Director of Research and Development at 
>Virginia�s Center for Innovative Technology in Herndon.?Circumstance of 
>Death: stabbed and slashed with what police believe was a sword in his 
>farmhouse in Leesberg, Va. His daughter, who identifies herself as a pagan 
>high priestess, and several of her fellow pagans have been charged.
>Dec. 14, 2001: Nguyen Van Set, 44?Expertise: animal diseases facility of the 
>Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization had just come to 
>fame for discovering a virulent strain of mousepox, which could be modified to 
>affect smallpox.?Circumstance of Death: died at work in Geelong, Australia, in 
>a laboratory accident. He entered an airlocked storage lab and died from 
>exposure to nitrogen.
>January 2002: Ivan Glebov and Alexi Brushlinski.?Expertise: Two 
>microbiologists. Both were well known around the world and members of the 
>Russian Academy of Science.?Circumstance of Death: Glebov died as the result 
>of a bandit attack and Brushlinski was killed in Moscow.
>January 5, 2002: Dr. Graham Ryder, 52?Expertise: A Staff Scientist at USRA?s 
>Lunar and Planetary Institute in Houston who was a premier lunar scientist 
>that pioneered many of our most important concepts about the Moon and its 
>evolution.?Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly from cancer.
>January 28, 2002: David W. Barry, 58?Expertise: Scientist who codiscovered 
>AZT, the antiviral drug that is considered the first effective treatment for 
>AIDS.?Circumstance of Death: unknown
>Feb. 9, 2002: Victor Korshunov, 56?Expertise: Expert in intestinal bacteria of 
>children around the world?Circumstance of Death: bashed over the head near his 
>home in Moscow.
>Feb. 14, 2002: Ian Langford, 40?Expertise: expert in environmental risks and 
>disease.?Circumstance of Death: found dead in his home near Norwich, England, 
>naked from the waist down and wedged under a chair.
>Feb. 28, 2002: Tanya Holzmayer, 46?Expertise: a Russian who moved to the U.S. 
>in 1989, focused on the part of the human molecular structure that could be 
>affected best by medicine.?Circumstance of Death: killed by fellow 
>microbiologist Guyang (Matthew) Huang, who shot her seven times when she 
>opened the door to a pizza delivery. Then he shot himself.
>Feb. 28, 2002: Guyang Huang, 38?Expertise: Microbiologist?Circumstance of 
>Death: Apparently shot himself after shooting fellow microbiologist, Tanya 
>Holzmayer, seven times.
>March 24, 2002: David Wynn-Williams, 55?Expertise: Respected astrobiologist 
>with the British Antarctic Survey, who studied the habits of microbes that 
>might survive in outer space.?Circumstance of Death: Died in a freak road 
>accident near his home in Cambridge, England. He was hit by a car while he was 
>March 25, 2002: Steven Mostow, 63?Expertise: Known as ?Dr. Flu? for his 
>expertise in treating influenza, and a noted expert in bioterrorism of the 
>Colorado Health Sciences Centre.?Circumstance of Death: died when the airplane 
>he was piloting crashed near Denver.
>August 05, 2002: David R. Knibbs, PhD., 49?Expertise: Director of Electron 
>Microscopy at Hartford Hospital and had a doctorate in pathobiology from the 
>University of Connecticut. He also served as an adjunct faculty member at the 
>University of Hartford.?Circumstance of Death: He collapsed and died after an 
>run (one of his joys in life).
>Nov. 12, 2002: Benito Que, 52?Expertise: Expert in infectious diseases and 
>cellular biology at the Miami Medical School?Circumstance of Death: Que left 
>his laboratory after receiving a telephone call. Shortly afterward he was 
>found comatose in the parking lot of the Miami Medical School. He died without 
>regaining consciousness. Police said he had suffered a heart attack. His 
>family insisted he had been in perfect health and claimed four men attacked 
>him. But, later, oddly, the family inquest returned a verdict of death by 
>natural causes.
>April 2003: Carlo Urbani, 46?Expertise: A dedicated and internationally 
>respected Italian epidemiologist, who did work of enduring value combating 
>infectious illness around the world.?Circumstance of Death: Died in Bangkok 
>from SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) ? the new disease that he had 
>helped to identify. Thanks to his prompt action, the epidemic was contained in 
>Vietnam. However, because of close daily contact with SARS patients, he 
>contracted the infection. On March 11, he was admitted to a hospital in 
>Bangkok and isolated. Less than three weeks later he died.
>June 24, 2003: Dr. Leland Rickman of UCSD, 47?Expertise: An expert in 
>infectious disease who helped the county prepare to fight bioterrorism after 
>Sept. 11.?Circumstance of Death: He was in the African nation of Lesotho with 
>Dr. Chris Mathews of UCSD, the director of the university?s Owen Clinic for 
>AIDS patients. Dr. Rickman had complained of a headache and had gone to lie 
>down. When he didn?t appear for dinner, Mathews checked on him and found him 
>dead. A cause has not yet been determined.
>July 18, 2003: Dr. David Kelly, 59?Expertise: Biological warfare weapons 
>specialist, senior post at the Ministry of Defense, an expert on DNA 
>sequencing when he was head of microbiology at Porton Down and worked with two 
>American scientists, Benito Que, 52, and Don Wiley, 57.?Helped Vladimir 
>Pasechnik found Regma Biotechnologies, which has a contract with the U.S. Navy 
>for ?the diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of anthrax??Circumstance of 
>Death: He was found dead after allegedly slashing his wrists and throat and 
>then dragging himself a half mile away in a wooded area near his home at 
>Southmoor, Oxfordshire while he was out for his regular walk.
>Oct 11, 2003: Michael Perich, 46?Expertise: LSU professor who helped fight the 
>spread of the West Nile virus. Perich worked with the East Baton Rouge Parish 
>Mosquito Control and Rodent Abatement District to determine whether mosquitoes 
>in the area carried West Nile.?Circumstance of Death: Walker Police Chief 
>Elton Burns said Sunday that Perich of 5227 River Bend Blvd., Baton Rouge, 
>crashed his Ford pickup truck about 4:30 a.m. Saturday, while heading west on 
>Interstate 12 in Livingston Parish. Perich?s truck veered right off the 
>highway about 3 miles east of Walker, flipped and landed in rainwater, Burns 
>said. Perich, who was wearing his seat belt, drowned. The cause of the crash 
>is under investigation, Burns said.
>?Mike is one of the few entomologists with the experience to go out and save 
>lives today.?
>~ Robert A. Wirtz, chief of entomology at the federal Centers for Disease 
>Control and Prevention
>November 22, 2003: Robert Leslie Burghoff, 45?Expertise: He was studying the 
>virus that was plaguing cruise ships until he was killed by a mysterious white 
>van in November of 2003?Circumstance of Death: Burghoff was walking on a 
>sidewalk along the 1600 block of South Braeswood when a white van jumped the 
>curb and hit him at 1:35 p.m. Thursday, police said. The van then sped away. 
>Burghoff died an hour later at Memorial Hermann Hospital.
>December 18, 2003: Robert Aranosia, 61?Expertise: Oakland County deputy 
>medical examiner?Circumstance of Death: He was driving south on I-75 when his 
>pickup truck went off the freeway near a bridge over the Kawkawlin River. The 
>vehicle rolled over several times before landing in the median. Aranosia was 
>thrown from the vehicle and ended up on the shoulder of the northbound lanes.
>January 6, 2004: Dr Richard Stevens, 54?Expertise: A haematologist. 
>(Haematologists analyse the cellular composition of blood and blood producing 
>tissues eg bone marrow)?Circumstance of Death: Disappeared after arriving for 
>work on 21 July, 2003. A doctor whose disappearance sparked a national 
>manhunt, killed himself because he could not cope with the stress of a secret 
>affair, a coroner has ruled.
>January 23 2004: Dr. Robert E. Shope, 74?Expertise: One of the world?s top 
>experts on viruses and infectious illnesses who was the principal author of a 
>highly publicized 1992 report by the National Academy of Sciences warning of 
>the possible emergence of new and unsettling infectious illnesses. He had 
>accumulated his own collection of virus samples gathered from all over the 
>world and worked on a Defense Department project to develop antidotes to viral 
>agents that terrorists might use.?Circumstance of Death: The cause was 
>complications of a lung transplant he received in December, said his daughter 
>Deborah Shope of Galveston. Dr. Shope had pulmonary fibrosis, a disease of 
>unknown origin that scars the lungs.
>January 24 2004: Dr. Michael Patrick Kiley, 62?Expertise: One of the world?s 
>leading microbiologists and an expert in developing and overseeing multiple 
>levels of biocontainment facilities. He was at the forefront in the early 
>studies of Lassa fever, the Ebola virus and mad cow disease while at the 
>Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, Ga.?Circumstance of Death: Died of 
>massive heart attack. Coincidently, both Dr. Shope and Dr. Kiley were working 
>on the lab upgrade to BSL 4 at the UTMB Galvaston lab for Homeland Security. 
>The lab would have to be secure to house some of the deadliest pathogens of 
>tropical and emerging infectious disease as well as bioweaponized ones.
>March 13, 2004: Vadake Srinivasan?Expertise: Was one of the most-accomplished 
>and respected industrial biologists in academia, and held two doctorate 
>degrees.?Circumstance of Death: He died in a mysterious single car accident in 
>Baton Rouge, La. Crashed car into a guard rail and ruled a stroke.
>April 12, 2004: Ilsley Ingram, 84?Expertise: Director of the Supraregional 
>Haemophilia Reference Centre and the Supraregional Centre for the Diagnosis of 
>Bleeding Disorders at the St. Thomas Hospital in London.?Circumstance of 
>Death: unknown
>May 5, 2004: William T. McGuire, 39?Expertise: NJ University Professor and 
>Senior programmer analyst and adjunct professor at the New Jersey Institute of 
>Technology in Newark.?Circumstance of Death: His dismembered body was found 
>floating in three suitcases in the Chesapeake Bay.
>May 14, 2004: Dr. Eugene F. Mallove, 56?Expertise: Mallove was well respected 
>for his knowledge of cold fusion. He had just published an open letter 
>outlining the results of and reasons for his last 15 years in the field of new 
>energy research. Dr. Mallove was convinced it was only a matter of months 
>before the world would actually see a free energy device.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Died after being beaten to death during an alleged robbery.
>May 25, 2004: Antonina Presnyakova?Expertise: Former Soviet biological weapons 
>laboratory in Siberia?Circumstance of Death: Died after accidentally sticking 
>herself with a needle laced with Ebola.
>June 22, 2004: Thomas Gold, 84?Expertise: He was the founder, and for twenty 
>years the director, of the Cornell Center for Radiophysics and Space Research, 
>where he was a close colleague of Planetary Society co-founder Carl Sagan. 
>Gold was famous for his provocative, controversial, and sometimes outrageous 
>theories. Gold?s theory of the deep hot biosphere holds important 
>ramifications for the possibility of life on other planets, including 
>seemingly inhospitable planets within our own solar system. Gold sparked 
>controversy in 1955 when he suggested that the Moon?s surface is covered with 
>a fine rock powder.?Circumstance of Death: Died of heart failure.
>June 24, 2004: Dr. Assefa Tulu, 45?Expertise: Dr. Tulu joined the health 
>department in 1997 and served for five years as the county?s lone 
>epidemiologist. He was charged with tracking the health of the county, 
>including the spread of diseases, such as syphilis, AIDS and measles. He also 
>designed a system for detecting a bioterrorism attack involving viruses or 
>bacterial agents. Tulu often coordinated efforts to address major health 
>concerns in Dallas County, such as the West Nile virus outbreaks of the past 
>few years, and worked with the media to inform the public.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Dallas County?s chief epidemiologist, was found at his desk, died of a 
>June 27, 2004: Dr Paul Norman, Of Salisbury, Wiltshire, 52?Expertise: He was 
>the chief scientist for chemical and biological defence at the Ministry of 
>Defence?s laboratory at Porton Down, Wiltshire. He travelled the world 
>lecturing on the subject of weapons of mass destruction.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Died when the Cessna 206 crashed shortly after taking off from 
>Dunkeswell Airfield on Sunday. A father and daughter also died at the scene, 
>and 44-year-old parachute instructor and Royal Marine Major Mike Wills later 
>died in the hospital.
>June 29, 2004: John Mullen, 67?Expertise: A nuclear research scientist with 
>McDonnell Douglas.?Circumstance of Death: Died from a huge dose of poisonous 
>(Note: McDonnell Douglas did not exist in 2004. It merged with Boeing in 1997.)
>July 1, 2004: Edward Hoffman, 62?Expertise: Aside from his role as a 
>professor, Hoffman held leadership positions within the UCLA medical 
>community. Worked to develop the first human PET scanner in 1973 at Washington 
>University in St. Louis.?Circumstance of Death: unknown
>July 2, 2004: Larry Bustard, 53?Expertise: A Sandia scientist who helped 
>develop a foam spray to clean up congressional buildings and media sites 
>during the anthrax scare in 2001. Worked at Sandia National Laboratories in 
>Albuquerque. His team came up with a new technology used against biological 
>and chemical agents.?Circumstance of Death: unknown
>July 6, 2004: Stephen Tabet, 42?Expertise: An associate professor and 
>epidemiologist at the University of Washington. A world-renowned HIV doctor 
>and researcher who worked with HIV patients in a vaccine clinical trial for 
>the HIV Vaccine Trials Network.?Circumstance of Death: Died of an unknown 
>July 21, 2004: Dr Bassem al-Mudares?Expertise: He was a phD 
>chemist?Circumstance of Death: His mutilated body was found in the city of 
>Samarra, Iraq and had been tortured before being killed.
>July 21, 2004: Dr. John Badwey 54?Expertise: Scientist and accidental 
>politician when he opposed disposal of sewage waste program of exposing humans 
>to sludge. Biochemist at Harvard Medical School specializing in infectious 
>diseases.?Circumstance of Death: Suddenly developed pneumonia like symptoms 
>then died in two weeks.
>August 12, 2004: Professor John Clark?Expertise: Head of the science lab which 
>created Dolly the sheep. Prof Clark led the Roslin Institute in Midlothian, 
>one of the world?s leading animal biotechnology research centres. He played a 
>crucial role in creating the transgenic sheep that earned the institute 
>worldwide fame.?Circumstance of Death: He was found hanging in his holiday 
>September 5, 2004: Mohammed Toki Hussein al-Talakani, 40?Expertise: Iraqi 
>nuclear scientist. He was a practising nuclear physicist since 
>1984.?Circumstance of Death: He was shot dead in Mahmudiya, south of Baghdad.
>September 27, 2004: Dr. John E. Mack, 74?Expertise: Professor John E Mack was 
>an eminent Harvard psychiatrist, psychoanalyst and Pulitzer Prize winner who 
>turned the academic community upside down because he wanted to publish his 
>research in which he said that people who claimed they had been abducted by 
>aliens, were not crazy at all.?Circumstance of Death: While traveling on foot 
>in North London from the tube station, he was struck by an alleged drunk 
>The Author of ?Abduction? and ?Passport to the Cosmos: Human Transformation 
>and Alien Encounters?
>October 13, 2004: Matthew Allison, 32?Expertise: (please help provide 
>information ? thank you MJH)?Circumstance of Death: Fatal explosion of a car 
>parked at an Osceola County, Fla., Wal-Mart store was no accident, Local 6 
>News has learned. Found inside a burned car. Witnesses said the man left the 
>store at about 11 p.m. and entered his Ford Taurus car when it exploded. 
>Investigators said they found a Duraflame log and propane canisters on the 
>front passenger?s seat.
>November 2, 2004: John R. La Montagne?Expertise: Head of US Infectious 
>Diseases unit under Tommie Thompson. Was NIAID Deputy Director.?Circumstance 
>of Death: Died while in Mexico, no cause stated.
>December 21, 2004: Taleb Ibrahim al-Daher?Expertise: Iraqi nuclear 
>scientist?Circumstance of Death: He was shot dead north of Baghdad by unknown 
>gunmen. He was on his way to work at Diyala University when armed men opened 
>fire on his car as it was crossing a bridge in Baqouba, 57 km northeast of 
>Baghdad. The vehicle swerved off the bridge and fell into the Khrisan river. 
>Al-Daher, who was a professor at the local university, was removed from the 
>submerged car and rushed to Baqouba hospital where he was pronounced dead
>December 29, 2004: Tom Thorne and Beth Williams?Expertise: Two wild life 
>scientists, Husband-and-wife wildlife veterinarians who were nationally 
>prominent experts on chronic wasting disease and brucellosis?Circumstance of 
>Death: They were killed in a snowy-weather crash on U.S. 287 in northern 
>January 7, 2005: Jeong H. Im, 72?Expertise: A retired research assistant 
>professor at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Primarily a protein 
>chemist.?Circumstance of Death: He was stabbed several times and his body was 
>found in the trunk of his burning white, 1995 Honda inside the Maryland Avenue 
>parking garage.
>January 24, 2005: Roger L. Blair, 54?Expertise: He worked for the Kennedy 
>Space center as a micro-biologist and most recently for Wuesthoff Medical 
>Center as a Medical Laboratory Technician.?Circumstance of Death: Died suddenly
>February 8, 2005: Geetha Angara, 43?Expertise: She was a senior chemist with a 
>doctorate from New York University.?Circumstance of Death: Divers found her 
>body in a 35-foot-deep water treatment tank where she was doing water quality 
>tests at the Passaic Valley Water Commission plant in Totowa.
>March 11, 2005: Hiram Graybill Daniel Jr., 61?Expertise: For 36 years, his day 
>job was working as an epidemiologist for the Georgia Department of Community 
>Health, combating sexually transmitted diseases.?Circumstance of Death: Died 
>as a result of injuries sustained in an automobile accident
>March 29, 2005: Professor Carlos Hormaeche, 64?Expertise: A leading 
>international expert in microbiology and vaccine
>development. From 1994 to 2002, he was professor and head of the microbiology 
>department at Newcastle University.?Circumstance of Death: Died in a 
>microlight aeroplane accident in
>April 5, 2005: Barbara Kalow, 45?Expertise: A FEDERAL government veterinary 
>scientist and was a researcher before being hired by the feds in 1992 as a 
>meat inspector.
>She then moved to veterinary biologics and was promoted to the science branch 
>to advise on animal health issues.?Circumstance of Death: She died of 
>asphyxiation after being smothered by a pillow in her hotel room while on 
>vacation in Arizona.
>Aril 18, 2005: Douglas Passaro, 43?Expertise: He was an associate professor of 
>epidemiology at the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health 
>and had been an outbreak investigator with the Epidemic Intelligence Service 
>for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention before completing an 
>Infectious Diseases Fellowship at Stanford University in 2001.?Circumstance of 
>Death: Died suddenly at his Oak Park home.
>May 8, 2005: David Banks, 55?Expertise: He was the principal scientist with 
>Biosecurity Australia and was involved in containing pest and disease threats. 
>His primary mission was protecting livestock and plants in the country, and 
>keeping diseases from crossing into Australia. He was an expert in the 
>propagation of diseases by insect vectors, among other things.?Circumstance of 
>Death: He died along with 15 other people when the commuter plane he was 
>traveling in went down in Queensland, Australia.
>May 20, 2005: Robert J. Lull, 64?Expertise: A prominent physician at San 
>Francisco General Hospital who once headed the San Francisco Medical Society. 
>Lull focused on improvements in diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer. 
>Lull was a highly revered expert in the field of nuclear medicine, a specialty 
>that performs diagnostic screens such as bone scans for cancer patients. Last 
>year, Lull lectured in San Francisco about the threat of nuclear 
>terrorism.?Circumstance of Death: He was found stabbed to death inside the 
>doorway of his Diamond Heights home.
>June 7, 2005: Leonid Strachunsky (age unknown)?Expertise: World Health 
>Organization expert and director of the Anti-Microbe Therapy Research 
>Institute who specialized in creating microbes resistant to biological 
>weapons, to the hepatitis outbreak.?Circumstance of Death: He was found dead 
>in his hotel room in Moscow, where he came from Smolensk en route to the 
>United States. He had been hit on the head with a champagne bottle, and some 
>of his possessions were missing.
>July 16 2005: William Taylor, 62?Expertise: A former chief scientist of NASA?s 
>Space Station Freedom who was also president of INSPIRE?Interactive NASA Space 
>Physics Ionosphere Radio Experiments?one of the pioneering successes in NASA 
>Sun-Earth Connection Education.?Circumstance of Death: Died of a heart attack 
>at his Washington home.
>MOSSAD (Israels Secret Service) Liquidates 310 Iraqi Scientists
>More than 310 Iraqi scientists are thought to have perished at the hands of 
>Israeli secret agents in Iraq since fall of Baghdad to US troops in April 
>2003, a seminar has found.
>The Iraqi ambassador in Cairo, Ahmad al-Iraqi, accused Israel of sending to 
>Iraq immediately after the US invasion ?a commando unit? charged with the 
>killing of Iraqi scientists.
>?Israel has played a prominent role in liquidating Iraqi scientists. The 
>campaign is part of a Zionist plan to kill Arab and Muslim scientists working 
>in applied research which Israel sees as threatening its interests,? al-Iraqi 
>Thanks to Steve Quayle
>Thanks to the HAL TURNER SHOW 
>Thanks to Patricia Doyle and to all of those who sent numerous emails to help 
>correct this file and a special thanks to the members of my forum who inspired 
>me to compile it all.
>Research file: Started Nov 28 2003
>Mark J. Harper
>July 28, 2006
>and they go on...
>Yoram Kaufman, 57; NASA Researcher Studied Effects of Aerosols on Climate
>From Times Staff and Wire Reports
>June 12, 2006
>Yoram Kaufman, 57, a leading scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center 
>whose research led to greater understanding of global warming, died May 31 at 
>Prince George's Hospital Center in Maryland. He was seriously injured after an 
>automobile struck him while he was riding a bicycle.
>In 1979, Kaufman joined the space flight center in Greenbelt, Md., as a 
>research scientist. His primary fields were meteorology and climate change, 
>with a specialty in analyzing aerosols ? airborne solid and liquid particles 
>in the atmosphere. He played a key role in the development of NASA's Terra 
>satellite, which collects data about the atmosphere. 
>Franco Einaudi, director of the division in which Kaufman worked, said the 
>space flight center had lost "a superstar." 
>From 1997 to 2001, Kaufman was project scientist for the flagship satellite of 
>NASA's Earth Observing System, which includes three satellites that monitor 
>conditions affecting the Earth's climate. Kaufman helped develop the 
>experiments and instrumentation of the $1.3 billion Terra satellite, which was 
>launched in December 1999 and has returned a wealth of information on the 
>travel of airborne particles.
>Kaufman, who wrote more than 200 scientific papers, found ways to measure 
>aerosols to determine whether they were caused by humans or occurred 
>naturally, and he was working to understand their ultimate effect on Earth's 
>warming climate.
>NASA shelves climate satellites 
>Mysterious death of top microbiologist 
>Second BioM�rieux heir dies tragically!
>July 15th 2006
>LYON, France (AP) -- Christophe Merieux, the vice president of French 
>pharmaceutical group bioMerieux who was kidnapped as a child, has died. He was 
>Merieux, unmarried and without children, died Friday of a heart attack and was 
>found at his family home in this southeastern city, a company spokesman said.
>Merieux was in charge of research and development for the company, which 
>specializes in vitro diagnosis. BioMerieux was founded in 1963 by Merieux's 
>grandfather, Charles. The family Institute Marcel-Merieux was founded in 1897. 
>It is widely considered a pioneer in industrial vaccines.
>The Merieux family, one of Lyon's most prestigious, has lived through several 
>dramas, with Christophe being kidnapped in 1975 and held for a ransom of 20 
>million francs. Charles Merieux paid the kidnappers and Christophe was freed.
>Rodolphe, Christophe's younger brother, was killed in the July 17, 1996, 
>explosion over the Atlantic Ocean of TWA 800 flight en route from New York to 
>Paris when a fuel tank caught fire.
>      QUOTE  
>      Rodolphe, Christophe's younger brother, was killed in the July 17, 1996, 
> explosion over the Atlantic Ocean of TWA 800 flight en route from New York to 
> Paris when a fuel tank caught fire. 
>I believe that Flight 800 was shot down -- it was not a fuel accident.
>Now we know who at least one of the intended targets was on flight 800. 

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