----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 7:54 PM
Subject: Fwd: No more excuses. No more illegal wiretaps.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Patrick Leahy [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Jan 26, 2006 11:45 AM
Subject: No more excuses. No more illegal wiretaps.

Dear Nadia,

Yesterday, President Bush delivered a speech at National Security Agency headquarters -- literally "ground zero" in the debate over his program of illegal domestic wiretaps.  His publicized speech is yet one more public relations effort by the President to defend an utterly indefensible policy.
The President hopes that his speech -- part of an all-out marketing blitz launched by the White House, with streams of TV appearances by Karl Rove, former NSA director Michael Hayden, and Attorney General Alberto Gonzales -- will turn the tide of public opinion.
It's up to you and me to tell the White House that their PR efforts aren't working.  There's no way to defend a policy that violates the U.S. Constitution and federal law, even if you're President of the United States.

You've already emailed the White House about this issue -- and we thank you so much for your support.  Now help us build a groundswell of grassroots action to demand an end to this illegal policy.
Invite your friends & family to email President Bush today -- demand an end to his policy of illegal wiretaps without court orders!
The White House is growing more desperate by the day because their excuses and justifications are falling flat.  As Americans, we all want our government to keep us safe -- but that means fighting terrorism at every turn, using legal tools that include checks and balances, not illegally eavesdropping on Americans' private phone conversations without warrants.
On Monday, President Bush claimed that these warrantless wiretaps were authorized by Congress's resolution authorizing the war on terrorism and invasion of Afghanistan.  That claim has been thoroughly debunked by Senator Tom Daschle, who has spoken out publicly about his explicit refusal to include language in the 2001 resolution that would have given this Administration any expansive powers.  The nonpartisan Congressional Research Service has questioned the legality of this policy, and so have many legal scholars and even several prominent Republicans.
Then on Tuesday, Attorney General Gonzales incredibly claimed that someone should have spoken up earlier to make their concerns known -- as if the only test of something's legality depends on complaint being heard.  In fact, Senator Jay Rockefeller did indeed express his concerns to Vice President Cheney in a handwritten letter after being briefed on the program -- concerns that were totally ignored.
It's time for the excuses to end, and for President Bush to admit his mistakes -- invite everyone you know to demand an end to this illegal, warrantless wiretap policy now!
Through all the bluster and all the excuses, President Bush has avoided answering one most fundamental question:  Why is current law under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) -- the process for rapidly authorizing secret wiretaps that has been in place for nearly 30 years -- not good enough?  
The President can't answer that question because this policy is nothing more than a naked power grab.  It's an effort to bypass all judicial review because President Bush appears to believe his Administration is above the law.  It's also part of a long pattern of unilateralism by the Bush Administration that has produced illegal policies on torture, and which even helped the White House mislead the nation into war in Iraq.
So this week, with President Bush is delivering his speech at the National Security Agency, it's time for us to deliver our own message to the White House:
No more excuses. No more unauthorized wiretaps. Stop illegal domestic spying now.

Patrick Leahy
U.S. Senator

P.S.  Please take just a moment to invite your friends & family to make their voices heard now. Help us send a message to the White House that they can't ignore!

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