<x-tad-bigger>Forwarded with Compliments of Free Voice of America (FVOA): Accurate News and Interesting Commentary for Amerika's Huddled Masses Yearning to Breathe Free.

From: </x-tad-smaller>
<x-tad-smaller>David West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
</x-tad-smaller><x-tad-smaller>Date: </x-tad-smaller><x-tad-smaller>February 17, 2006 10:57:36 AM EST
</x-tad-smaller><x-tad-smaller>To: </x-tad-smaller><x-tad-smaller>[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Date: Fri, 17 Feb 2006 10:22:29 EST
Subject: [Educate-Yourself_Forum] Don't miss this free video for the truth about 9/11, it is the best I have seen


<x-tad-bigger> </x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>Confronting the Evidence:</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>
<x-tad-bigger> A Call to Reopen the 9/11 Investigation</x-tad-bigger><x-tad-bigger>

More Than 350,000 DVD's Given  Away!
Now Available in Clips  Below
To get a  FREE copy of the DVD  produced by Jimmy Walter and ReOpen911.org
subtitled in 10 languages--English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Russian,
Dutch, Arabic, Chinese, and Japanese--please complete the information below.
We ask you to pass the DVD along to a friend or better yet, host a party!
Copy It Freely. There is no copywrite.

Check this page (https://secure.reopen911.org/copythedvd.htm)  on how to copy
to regular DVD. Thanks!

Due to someone wiping our server during our ad campaign, we lost thousands
of names and looked terrible to unknown numbers more. If you ordered around
September 11th, 2005 please re-order here and we will send you your copy as
soon as possible. 

To date, Reopen911.org has given away 350,000 copies of "Confronting the
Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 9/11  Investigation," a new DVD exposing critical
evidence about the 9/11 attacks.  "Confronting the Evidence" includes footage
of a "town hall meeting" held on September 11, 2004 in New York City. Hosted
by actor and activist Ed Begley Jr.,  the groundbreaking event featured David
Ray Griffin, David vonKleist, Barry  Zwicker, Webster Tarpley, Kristina
Borjesson, Karl Schwartz, Jeff King, Paul  Thompson, Jenna Orkin, Christopher
Scheer, Dr Robert Bowman, Christopher Bollyn,  and John Prados.

The DVD also includes special selections from Eric Hufschmid's DVD on 9/11,
"Painful Deceptions."

Reopen911. org is sending a  free DVD to every library, police department,
fire department, as well as thousands of other interested patriots across the
United States and abroad. For your own Free DVD, please fill out the form

If this DVD changes  your mind, please remember that every donation helps
send out more information.  Please consider a generous donation to
https://secure.reopen911.org/donate.php_ (https://secure.reopen911.org/donate.php) .  If
you prefer you can mail a donation to: Reopen 911, P.O. Box 3871, Santa 
Barbara, CA 93130. Suggested donation level is $20-$100; however, feel free to  give
what you can; anything helps. All donations further the media campaign to
reopen the 911 investigation.

Thank you,
James Walter  and
the Reopen 9/11.org Staff


From: Stephen Lendman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: February 16, 2006 10:42:52 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Three on Pimp/Whore Huddled-Masses Media

<x-tad-bigger>Comment -

What US and the West and Israel are collectively doing
to Iran is standard operational demonizing propaganda.
I hate all things nuclear (the most dangerous of all
technologies ever and that should be banned in all
forms), but what Iran is doing is perfectly legal.
They are in compliance with NPT while Israel is not
and didn't even sign it.

Israel is a nuclear power with intentions to use
their weapons whenever they choose. Iran is not, is
being assailed by powerful countries hostile to it, is
a Muslim country at a time of intense demonization of
Muslims and Islam, and has every right to develop
commercial nuclear power and to defend itself against
potential enemies. They surely have them, and US is
building about 14 permanent bases in Iraq from which
they can easily attack Iran and sooner or later likely

US has war plans drawn up to attack countries most
people could never imagine. In the 20s and 30s they
had serious war plans to attack Canada and Mexico -
friendly countries. I've read declassified quotes and
the language is just like what was used in the run-up
to the Iraq war. Just substitute Iraq for Mexico and
Canada and you'd never know the difference. Why
attack these countries? The US has always wanted
Canada, but both countries are energy rich - we wanted
the oil and gas and back then we had lots more than
they did and didn't need to import much or any.

Today the US in an out-of-control recklessly dangerous
rogue state bent on nothing less than world dominance.
They actually say this stuff in writing - their
policy papers. Their bottom line goal is "full
spectrum dominance" - total control of all land, sea,
air and outer space with no serious competitors. If
any emerge to challenge them they say they will attack
and destroy them. That gives a whole new meaning to
the word "reckless."

Steve Lendman

From: Amy Sasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: February 16, 2006 1:52:08 PM EST
Subject: Vatican Bank and mob

http://mp3.rbnlive.com/Greg06.html Greg  was a reporter for 6 years at the vatican..
he is helping to break the information about the Jesuit/black pope controlled world we live in...


From: Stephen Lendman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: February 17, 2006 9:59:07 AM EST
To: "President, USA Exile Govt." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: NYC March for 9/11 Truth Monday!

I wish I could be with you. I can't but you have my
full support in your march against the crime of the
century, and it wasn't committed by supposed hijackers
in airplanes. Our government was hijacked and still
is by ruthless thugs who may destroy the world unless
we can stop them.

Steve Lendman


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