Faithful Readers,"Celebrating the central Christian holiday, and even saying "Merry Christmas" has become a political act in 2005.Why has this happened? The answer isn't pretty.The world financial elite wants to eradicate Christianity. Their forerunners crucified Christ. Christianity gives everyone a piece of the pie of life and elitists want it all for themselves."This new article is at Should you wish to be deleted from my mailing list, then please let me know  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Henry Makow welcomes your comments and suggestions. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) We wish you and yours a Happy New Year!
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Dear Friends:

Just in case you might want to read, publish, post, cite, or link to my
latest essay, "On The Necessity Of Impeachment: All We Are Saying Is Give The
Constitution A Chance," the corrected version was published today by

This essay provides a lucid explanation as to why there has been so much
bipartisan discussion about impeaching Messrs. Bush and Cheney recently. It isn't
merely quixotic tilting at windmills, but is based on solid legal grounds.
Moreover, my endnotes include activated links to eighty excellent articles about
impeachment, and fourteen pro-active websites that are devoted to the
nationwide impeachment movement.

If the early feedback from journalists, editors and scholars is any
indication, this essay must be well worth reading: "Bravo! And well done."; "Many
thanks for your superb article!"; "Excellent piece - thanks very much!"; etcetera. 

Finally, please feel free to forward this to your friends, relatives and
colleagues because only an informed citizenry can motivate this Congress to
constrain our presidential dictator-in-the-making and preserve democratic
self-governance under the constitution!

With Best Regards In Progressive Solidarity,

Evan Augustine Peterson, III
Executive Director
American Center for International Law ("ACIL")

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