Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 2:40 AM
Subject: We are making far too many laws, says Archbishop

Hospitals on critical list as NHS cash crisis spirals

THE full scale of the crisis facing the NHS was laid bare last night by ministers who admitted that up to 50 trusts had lost control of their finances.  (But Mr Bliar you said..........)
Cash crisis trusts named and shamed

Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt has named and shamed 18 NHS trusts facing financial crisis as the Government battled to bring health service deficits under control.


Credit card firm targets teens(next it will be minors!)

MASTERCARD was accused yesterday of encouraging teenagers to go into debt with the launch of a payment card for children.

The biggest credit card group is issuing prepayment cards to let youngsters purchase products on plastic.



We are making far too many laws, says Archbishop
(and there go the bless-ed naive!)
TONY BLAIR’S Government was condemned yesterday by the Archbishop of York for passing too much legislation and risking debasement of the law as a result.

Failing schools on increase, admits inspection chief
The number of schools placed in special measures rose last term, the chief inspector of schools admitted today.

Nearly one in 10 schools - 192 - were judged to be inadequate, and of those, 4% - 83 - were made subject to special measures


MPs 'split over school White paper'

Tony Blair's hopes of reaching a compromise on his controversial school reforms were damaged when it emerged that a powerful committee of MPs are split over the plans.

Big Bully Prescott (Deputy P.M.) hitting at the poor

John Prescott is accused today of employing "corrupt economics" and bully-boy tactics in his plans to demolish 168,000 homes in the Midlands and the North.

He is condemned for allowing developers, consultants and social landlords to profit at the expense of poor residents.


UK shows signs of economic recovery ???????????????

The UK economy showed signs of recovery despite posting its worst annual performance since 1992.

30,000 jobs a year go offshore
Almost a third of firms felt under pressure to switch work abroad because of the drive to cut employment costs and tackle skills shortages, a new report had claimed.

This pressure led to 30,000 jobs being offshored every year since the turn of the century.

A survey of almost 600 firms found just over half believed moving orders out of the UK could cause low morale among workers in this country

The Russians are here
Every January, 20,000 super-rich Russians descend on the French Alps for a champagne-fuelled fortnight of socialising, shopping and skiing. Carole Cadwalladr tries to gate-crash the party in Courchevelski

'Hitler? He was good in parts'
The discredited right-wing historian David Irving was arrested in Austria last year for denying the Holocaust and faces trial next month. From his Viennese prison, he gives his first interview to German author and academic Malte Herwig, who asks if arrogance is at the heart of Irving's desire for outrage - or something more sinister

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