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Headline News
Hamas blasts Arab leaders
Published Date: July 31, 2010 

DOHA: Hamas supremo Khaled Meshaal slammed Arab leaders for endorsing the 
resumption of direct Israeli-Palestinian peace talks, in comments published by 
Al-Jazeera yesterday. Meshaal described the Arab Peace Initiative committee's 
decision to support negotiations with Israel as an "attempt to mitigate the 
negativity of Arab political positions.

It seems that the embarrassment Arab leaders are feeling at this time is 
greater" than before, the Doha-based satellite channel's website quoted the 
exiled Hamas leader as saying. "They do not want to show that they're shying 
away from their decisions, so they came up with a vague result, saying neither 
'yes' nor 'no' to an immediate resumption of direct negotiations" with Israel.

Arab officials agreed in principle on Thursday to holding direct Middle East 
peace negotiations, but left it up to Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas to 
decide when the talks with Israel should start. Abbas has conditioned the talks 
on an Israeli guarantee that the Palestinian state be based on the pre-1967 
borders between the Jewish state and east Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Israel captured the West Bank and east Jerusalem in the 1967 Six Day War before 
annexing the latter in a move not recognized by the international community. 
Abbas also wants an end to settlement construction in east Jerusalem and the 
West Bank. Washington has stepped up pressure on Abbas and Israeli Prime 
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to move forward, and Thursday's Arab announcement 
prompted Netanyahu to express openness to starting talks "in the next few days.

Israel acceded to US pressure to limit settlement building in the West Bank 
until September, when a moratorium ends. Meshaal, who was speaking to reporters 
after meeting Qatar's ruler Sheikh Hamad Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, said the Arab 
leaders were suffering from a lack of "leadership that can push their nations 
forward." He described some Arab policies as "conflicting," and "dominated by 
the obsession with Iran" over its controversial nuclear program. The Islamist 
movement Hamas seized control of the Gaza Strip from rivals Fatah in a coup in 
June 2007, after winning Palestinian legislative elections the previous year. - 

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