CIL failed to parse SPEC CPU 2006 403.gcc benchmark:

cilly -c -o c-common.o -DSPEC_CPU -DNDEBUG -I.  -O0                 c-common.c
gcc -D_GNUCC -E -DSPEC_CPU -DNDEBUG -I. -O0 -DCIL=1 c-common.c -o
/home/wh5a/cil/obj/x86_LINUX/cilly.byte.exe --out
/tmp/cil-aQStSCFi.cil.c /tmp/cil-QEu7J5vy.i
c-common.c[2934:1-19] : syntax error
Parsing errorFatal error: exception Frontc.ParseError("Parse error")
Raised at file "src/frontc/", line 205, characters 12-39

I was able to finally reduce the test case to error.c in the
attachment. Note that CIL's error message points to the function name,
which is unhelpful. And that's why it took me some time to identify
the real issue. If we remove the typedef line or change the argument
declaration style, CIL works fine.

Is local typedef legal in the standard?

Attachment: error.c
Description: Binary data

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