Anyone know how to decipher a 'show proc mem' on an ASA (ver 7.2.3)?
Seeing a memory loss of about 2MB per day on our 5520.    I assumed that
for a given process, 'Allocated' minus 'Freed' would give you how much
it's still holding, but for some processes, this results in a negative
number, and for others, it's a 500 megabyte difference (ASA only has
512MB total).  I looked through the interim release notes for 7.2
versions, but can't view bug CSCsk49149, which involves ESMTP inspection
which we're using.  Any ideas?


xxxxxkjl-asa-01# sh proc mem
Allocs   Allocated       Frees         Freed         Process
          (bytes)                      (bytes)
814      11075531        8             1040          *System Main*
1        768             2             8324          tcp_fast
0        0               0             0             fover_rx
0        0               0             0             arp_forward_thread
2        24              309           166068        arp_timer
0        0               0             0             emweb/cifs_timer
47       4355            14            33448         NIC status poll
0        0               0             0             ssh/timer
2        8324            12            58136         vpnlb_thread
1        40              0             0             update_cpu_usage
6        503958          0             0             lu_ctl
36       182232          0             0             fover_thread
0        0               0             0             Integrity Fw Timer
29       82415           4             65971         ci/console
0        0               2             32900
0        0               0             0             557statspoll
6        14112           4             16648         Integrity FW Task
0        0               0             0             vpnfol_thread_sync
0        0               0             0             557mcfix
0        0               0             0             RADIUS Proxy Time
0        0               0             0             vpnfol_thread_timer
4        4160            0             0             RADIUS Proxy
0        0               0             0             vpnfol_thread_msg
0        0               0             0             Thread Logger
0        0               0             0             RADIUS Proxy Event
0        0               0             0             dbgtrace
0        0               2             152           Logger
76612    19453727        79708         19598025      IKE Daemon
9        8612            5             2372          NTP
0        0               0             0             SMTP
0        0               2             32900         IKE Timekeeper
14809    3309345         19706         3461749       dhcp_daemon
0        0               2             32900         pm_timer_thread
15       10212           110309        882664        tcp_thread
0        0               6             388           DHCPD Timer
0        0               0             0             uauth_urlb clean
4930     157760          0             0             udp_thread
30       75040           0             0             listen/ssh
22190265 889030472       22068368      756124316     snmp
0        0               0             0             Uauth_Proxy
0        0               0             0             Crypto CA
2661     2042924         2             204           icmp_thread
6142     554749          0             0             IKE Receiver
139      94298           39            33343         accept/http
0        0               0             0             CMGR Timer Process
4        2440022         14            66460         uauth
0        0               0             0             Crypto PKI RECV
386      23620           1             136           ARP Thread
442728   -650873128      0             0             listen/https
0        0               0             0             CMGR Server Process
6        8180            0             0             Session Manager
0        0               0             0             IP Thread
0        0               22            239020        qos_metric_daemon
4        744             0             0             Quack process
68275    5456928         66733         5084698       tmatch compile
0        0               0             0             dns_process
108630   4865650         108606        4850010       ssh
487      105524          319           102683        aaa
0        0               0             0             IP Background
0        0               0             0             lu_dynamic_sync
0        0               0             0             dns_cache_timer
0        0               0             0             Reload Control
0        0               0             0             ICMP event handler
0        0               0             0             lu_rx
0        0               0             0             EAPoUDP
0        0               91            1455940       Checkheaps
22882    1316394         21570         941364        CTM message handler
0        0               0             0             fover_FSM_thread
1        24              0             0             EAPoUDP-sock
0        0               0             0             Client Update Task
17549    1545374         16602         940874        IPsec message
0        0               0             0             ha_trans_data_tx
2        152             0             0             CF OIR
0        0               0             0             QoS Support Module
0        0               2             8324          vpnlb_timer_thread
0        0               0             0             ha_trans_ctl_tx
21783857 2081635115      22472684      1565231631    Dispatch Unit
290      4060            725           24940         IP Address Assign
0        0               0             0             ppp_timer_thread
0        0               0             0
0        0               0             0             block_diag
6        44178           0             0             route_process
0        0               0             0             L2TP mgmt daemon
0        0               0             0             fover_ifc_test
522      945326          422           884431        accept/http
24932    3971171         22027         1842182       emweb/cifs
1        2097188         6             34244         PIX Garbage
0        0               0             0             L2TP data daemon
0        0               0             0             fover_parse
0        0               0             0             Chunk Manager
0        0               0             0             CTCP Timer process
0        0               0             0             fover_rep
0        0               0             0             udp_timer
0        0               0             0             fover_ip
0        0               318           2544          tcp_slow
0        0               0             0             fover_tx


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