I'm trying to get a Cisco IOS router to enroll with a Windows 2008 R2-based CA. 
I'm partially successful.

What I'd like to do:
1. Router enrolls via SCEP, no challenge password required.
2. Certificate goes into "pending" status and approved by a certificate manager
3. Router can automatically renew this certificate via SCEP. Renewal does not 
require certificate manager approval.

I've read the Cisco docs, which are vague about details. I have #1 and #2 
working, above. My problem is the renewal requests go into "pending" status.

In my certificate template on the 2008 server side, I have the checkbox 
"Require Valid Existing Certificate" for reenrollment. (see attachment)

Has anyone gotten this working? Is it possible?

I've set the 
 to 1 on the CA as indicated in http://support.microsoft.com/kb/959193/en-us to 
no avail.

Router config:

crypto pki trustpoint TEST-SERVER
 enrollment retry count 100
 enrollment retry period 2
 enrollment mode ra
 enrollment url http://x.x.x.x:80/certsrv/mscep/mscep.dll
 usage ike
 vrf GRE-RA
 revocation-check crl
 rsakeypair TEST-SERVER 1024 1024
 auto-enroll 70 regenerate

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