Anybody using the ME1200 ?  I was unable to get into my temp loaner in my
lab and tried to break into it.  I was able to but now I've somehow got it
stuck in some lower level boot prompt.  Anybody know how to tell it to load
IOS and skip configuration file ?




RedBoot> help

Manage aliases kept in FLASH memory

   alias name [value]

Set/Query the system console baud rate

   baudrate [-b <rate>]

Manage machine caches

   cache [ON | OFF]

Display/switch console channel

   channel [<channel number>]

Compute a 32bit checksum [POSIX algorithm] for a range of memory

   cksum -b <location> -l <length>

Show calculated ddr parameters


Run Power-On-Self-Test

  -q: Quiet operation

  -a: Run all tests

  -t: Run TCAM self-test

  -d: Run DDR SDRAM test

  -k: Run DDR SDRAM test continuously (Keep going)

  -p: Run tests according to POST configuration

   diag [-q] [-a] [-t] [-d] [-h] [-p]

Display (hex dump) a range of memory

   dump -b <location> [-l <length>] [-s] [-1|-2|-4]

Execute an image

   exec [-b <argv addr>] [-c "kernel command line"] [-w <timeout>]

        [<entry point>]

Manage FLASH images

   fis {cmds}

Manage configuration kept in FLASH memory

   fconfig [-i] [-l] [-n] [-f] [-d] | [-d] nickname [value]

Execute code at a location

   go [-w <timeout>] [-c] [entry]

Uncompress GZIP compressed data

   gunzip -s <location> -d <location>

Help about help?

   help [<topic>]

Display command history


Utility to migrate FIS layout

  -l: List (desired) layout

  -u: Do update

   layout [-l] [-u]

Load a file

   load [-r] [-v] [-d] [-m <varies>]

        [-b <base_address>] <file_name>

Compare two blocks of memory

   mcmp -s <location> -d <location> -l <length> [-1|-2|-4]

Copy memory from one address to another

   mcopy -s <location> -d <location> -l <length> [-1|-2|-4]

Fill a block of memory with a pattern

   mfill -b <location> -l <length> -p <pattern> [-1|-2|-4]

Relocate RAM image and boot it

   ramload <ram-address>

Reset the system


Display RedBoot version information


Display (hex dump) a range of memory

   x -b <location> [-l <length>] [-s] [-1|-2|-4]



RedBoot> version


RedBoot(tm) bootstrap and debug environment [ROMRAM]

Non-certified release, version 1_11_Vitesse - built 16:55:53, Jan  2 2014


Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

Free Software Foundation, Inc.

RedBoot is free software, covered by the eCos license, derived from the

GNU General Public License. You are welcome to change it and/or distribute

copies of it under certain conditions. Under the license terms, RedBoot's

source code and full license terms must have been made available to you.

Redboot comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.



RAM: 0x80000000-0xa0000000 [0x800223b0-0x9ffdfffc available]

FLASH: 0x40000000-0x41ffffff, 512 x 0x10000 blocks

FLASH: 0x42000000-0x43ffffff, 512 x 0x10000 blocks



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