Hi there,

On Sat, 28 May 2016, Traiano Welcome wrote:

I manage a fleet of clamav client installations on desktops in
multiple geographical regions and need a centralised console for:

- monitoring the status of clam on all desktop computers the client is
installed on,
- forcing an update of signatures, definitions of clients from local
freshcam mirrors
- generating statistical reports of anti-virus activity across fleets
of installations

Is there a centralised management console available for  this purpose,
and if not, what would be required architecturally and technically to
implement this kind of tool?

For the monitoring and reporting I would use Nagios and a couple of
plugins.  I'm not sure why you'd want a way to force updates from a
central location but I'd have thought it a very simple thing to
implement if your desktops are part of a Windows domain (or forest)
using something like the PsTools suite.  If they're Linux boxes or
similar, Puppet might be the way to go.  Personally I'd just use a
cron job on the client to interrogate some central resource, such
as a file on some network-mounted share or the intranet, which says
either 'reload' or 'sleep'.  It doesn't need to be complicated.


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