I installed the clamstats-0.2.pl program because it was listed on this
forum recently. Prior to actually running it, I cleaned out the
clamd.log file.

The program is producing an error message. This is the out put of one
such incident.

Script started on Mon Sep 25 18:57:55 2006
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at ./clamstats.pl line 133.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./clamstats.pl 
line 163.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at ./clamstats.pl 
line 166.
Script done on Mon Sep 25 18:57:55 2006

I had to change the 'clamd_update.log' to 'freshclam.log' in order to
get the script to even run.

I know this is not a Perl forum, but I thought that perhaps someone
might have an idea what is wrong with this script. I downloaded it from:


I have a FreeBSD 6.1 STABLE system with Perl 5.8.8 loaded.

If anyone can assist me, I would appreciate it.

Gerard Seibert


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