
I have a fedora20 system with amavisd-2.9.1, clamav-0.98.6, postfix, and spamassassin, and it's been running fine forever. I'm now having an issue with clamav creating temporary files for amavis. clamd is running as user amavis, yet it prints the following:

May 1 17:02:06 mail02 clamd[25732]: /var/spool/amavisd/tmp/amavis-20150501T165504-27729-5xw6dnm4/parts/p001: Can't create temporary directory ERROR

# ps axwwwu|grep clam
amavis 25732 2.8 1.5 823212 523148 ? Ssl 16:47 0:21 clamd.amavisd -c /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.conf --pid /var/run/clamd.amavisd/clamd.pid

If I change to the amavis user, I can create files in the tmp directory:

# ls -ld /var/spool/amavisd/tmp
drwxr-x---. 9 amavis amavis 12288 May  1 17:03 /var/spool/amavisd/tmp

Does anyone have any ideas how to troubleshoot this? Maybe there's some tracing I can enable to troubleshoot this?


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