
I need to send individual files to scan, because I check them before
sending to clamd -CONSTSCAN [folder] is not an option-.
With that scheme, I need a session communication opened to clamd.
I also need the CONTSCAN command, which I cannot send in a session.
If I use CONTSCAN the connection will be closed after scanning every single
If I use a pool of socket connections to clamd and I scan 500 files, 500
connections  will be opened and closed.

Again my question: why does clamd closes the socket?

Thank you


El sáb, 26 nov 2022 a las 20:27, G.W. Haywood via clamav-users (<
clamav-users@lists.clamav.net>) escribió:

> Hi there,
> On Sat, 26 Nov 2022, Jorge Elissalde via clamav-users wrote:
> > ...  I cannot send CONTSCAN command using IDSESSION.  After scanning
> > the file using CONTSCAN command clamd closes the socket. The same
> > happens for any command not using IDSESSION.
> That's correct.
> > Why does clamd closes the socket?
> It's tidier than leaving it open and doing nothing with it.  I don't
> remember anyone asking this question before.  AFAIK it's always been
> this way.
> > Is there another way to do that?
> I'm not sure that I understand the question.  Is it a problem to open
> a connection to clamd?
> > Changing clamd.conf is not a solution, I need both options available
> > (archives scanning and not archives scanning).
> Sometimes I run several copies of clamd, all using different configs
> and of course listening to different sockets.  Might that be an option
> for you?
> --
> 73,
> Ged.
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