Citeren Arjen de Korte via clamav-users <>:

Citeren "Micah Snyder (micasnyd) via clamav-users" <>:

Tip: If you are downloading the source from the GitHub release page, the package labeled "clamav-1.3.0-rc.tar.gz" does not require an internet connection to build. All dependencies are included in this package. But if you download the ZIP or TAR.GZ generated by GitHub, located at the very bottom, then an internet connection will be required during the build to download additional Rust dependencies.

Unfortunately, the above doesn´t seem to work, the package fails to build without an internet connection:


I use the following source package:

These build problems are no longer an issue with clamav-1.3.0-rc2. Been running this for 5 days on openSUSE Tumbleweed. Looks good to me.


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