On Tue, Mar 09, 2004 at 11:54:52PM -0500, Jim Maul wrote:
> > I can successfully use clamscan to scan and detect
> > a virus within the file system, but it isn't scanning
> > any email.
> It discusses a complete qmail/clamav/spamassassin/qmail-scanner/plus more
> installation but you may be able to adapt it for your own needs. 
> qmail-scanner is easy to compile on its own, but to do that, you will need
> to patch qmail and recompile it as well.

 another solution is to use qscanq [1] with clamdscan.   It  works  very
 well for me :-) [but my smtpd gets only ~3000 emails  per  day].   Nice
 thing with qscanq is that  it  ends  smtp  session  if  clamdscan  will
 report  a  virus.    (of  course  this  scenario   is   probably   only
 aproperiate for low load servers).

[1] http://pobox.com/~lbudney/software/qscanq/
    (it also requires QMAILQUEUE patch for qmail,  and  probably  you'll
     want to modify exitcodes.h[qscanq]  and  qmail.c[qmail]  to  report
     other err msg than ,,server  permamently  rejected  your  message''

Best regards,
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   for some people, nor for others, easier.''
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