Hi everybody,


I’m having the next warning on freshclam.log file all updates I launch 


ARNING: Invalid DNS reply. Falling back to HTTP mode.

main.cvd is up to date (version: 38, sigs: 51206, f-level: 7, builder:

daily.cvd is up to date (version: 1479, sigs: 5261, f-level: 8, builder:



freshclam daemon 0.88.2 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i386)

ClamAV update process started at Wed May 24 18:40:39 2006

WARNING: DNS record is older than 3 hours.

WARNING: Invalid DNS reply. Falling back to HTTP mode.

main.cvd is up to date (version: 38, sigs: 51206, f-level: 7, builder:

daily.cvd is up to date (version: 1479, sigs: 5261, f-level: 8, builder:



freshclam daemon 0.88.2 (OS: linux-gnu, ARCH: i386, CPU: i386)

ClamAV update process started at Wed May 24 18:52:12 2006

WARNING: DNS record is older than 3 hours.

WARNING: Invalid DNS reply. Falling back to HTTP mode.

main.cvd is up to date (version: 38, sigs: 51206, f-level: 7, builder:

daily.cvd is up to date (version: 1479, sigs: 5261, f-level: 8, builder:



I’m quite worried about that because in FAQ tells if it happens only
once to ignore it but when it happens often… what should I do? I use my
isp dns servers so no dns caching or something like that…


Please ask me this a proxy smtp production server Thank you



Egoitz Aurrekoetxea


Infobiok C.B.

94 - 674 37 21






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