On 20:59, Török Edwin wrote:
On Tue, 21 Sep 2010 08:26:01 +0200
Florian Schaal<sys...@ra-schaal.de>  wrote:

when running configure it hangs at

checking for CVE-2008-1372... ok
checking for CVE-2010-0405...

i think, waiting for 10 minutes should be enough, so i interupt
configure at this stage.

anyone having the same problem?
That test should either crash or go on, within<1s.
I wasn't aware that it can cause an infinite loop too.

You can try upgrading your system's libbz2 to 1.0.6
(or your distros backported version), that fixes CVE-2010-0405.

Best regards,
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I have the same problem with not being able to compiling 0.96.3 due to the checking for CVE-2010-0405. The cpu goes up to 100% when I try to compile it on SLES 10sp3 and stays there. So far, today, there is no upgrade for libbz2.

I have a test server with SLES 9sp4 where the compilation went fine.

Best Regards


Gabriele Kalus, Ph.D.
Lund University, Physics Department
Box 118 SE-22100 Lund, SWEDEN
Phone:  +46-462229675
Mobil:  0702-901227
Fax:    +46-462224709

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