Kelson schrieb:
> Tilman Schmidt wrote:
>> Also, OpenOffice on Linux is normally run from a non-privileged user ID,
>> heavily limiting the ability of any malicious macro to harm or propagate.
> Huh?  What difference does running as a non-privileged user make when 
> the method of infection is to spread via *documents*?  It doesn't need 
> root access to modify the user's own files.

If that's all it does then yes, running non-privileged doesn't change

Tilman Schmidt
Abteilungsleiter Technik
Tilman Schmidt                              [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phoenix Software GmbH                               Tel. +49 228 97199 0
Geschäftsführer: W. Grießl                         Fax  +49 228 97199 99
Adolf-Hombitzer-Str. 12                 
53227 Bonn, Germany                            Amtsgericht Bonn HRB 2934

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