John Gallagher wrote:

> I have the same issue,  I can NOT run clamscan with out the -d option
> and giving the directory of the data base.  

 The issue you are having is due to changing the location of the database
dir from that which clam was compiled with.

> clamscan  -l scan.txt -r /tmp/clamav-0.80 -d /var/lib/clamav/
> Shortly after installing the application I did the test and it worked
> perfectly.  For what ever reason it looks like it has some variable
> inserted in front of the true path (like it thinks it is in a chroot
> jail). I would have to test but I think it stopped after I edited
> /etc/clamd.conf and/etc/freshclam.conf files and entered the following
> line:
> DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
> I know the application is working and so is freshclam:

 Freshclam and clamd both find the database path from their respective
config files. Clamscan relies upon the compiled database path.


I was following a howto doc which told me to place the database in
/var/lib/clamav/ and then change the conf files.  I suspect others have done
it exactly the same way.

I made the following changes and it fixed the problem:

locate cvd |grep clam
#cd /usr/local/share
#mv clamav clamav.old
# ln -s /var/lib/clamav/ clamav
#chown clamav:clamav clamav

# clamscan -r /tmp
/tmp/clamd.log: OK
/tmp/scan.txt: OK
/tmp/kde-jgallagh/ksycocastamp: OK
/tmp/kde-jgallagh/ksycoca: OK
/tmp/kde-root/ksycocastamp: OK
/tmp/kde-root/ksycoca: OK
/tmp/mcop-jgallagh/secret-cookie: OK
/tmp/ksocket-root/KSMserver__0: OK
/tmp/mcop-root/secret-cookie: OK
/tmp/mcop-root/Arts_MidiManager: OK
/tmp/mcop-root/Arts_SoundServerV2: OK
/tmp/mcop-root/Arts_SoundServer: OK
/tmp/mcop-root/Arts_SimpleSoundServer: OK
/tmp/mcop-root/Arts_PlayObjectFactory: OK
/tmp/mcop-root/Arts_AudioManager: OK
/tmp/.X0-lock: OK

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 27923
Scanned directories: 22
Scanned files: 18
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 1.06 MB
I/O buffer size: 131072 bytes
Time: 1.247 sec (0 m 1 s)


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