Call For Papers :

ESANN 2014 - Special Session : Incremental learning and novelty detection 

The development of dynamic information analysis methods, like incremental 
clustering, concept drift management and novelty detection techniques, is 
becoming a central concern in a bunch of applications whose main goal is to 
deal with information which is varying over time.
These applications relate themselves to very various and highly strategic 
domains, including web mining, social network analysis, adaptive information 
retrieval, anomaly or intrusion detection, process control and management 
recommender systems, technological and scientific survey, and even genomic 
information analysis, in bioinformatics.
This special session aims to offer a meeting opportunity for academics and 
industry-related researchers, belonging to the various communities of 
Computational Intelligence, Machine Learning, Experimental Design and Data 
Mining to discuss new areas of incremental clustering, concept drift management 
and novelty detection and on their application to analysis of time varying 
information of various natures. The set of proposed incremental techniques 
includes, but is not limited to:

 novelty detection algorithms and techniques
 adaptive hierarchical, k-means or density based methods
 adaptive neural methods and associated Hebbian learning techniques
 multiview diachronic approaches
 probabilistic approaches for evolving data
 graph partitioning methods and incremental clustering approaches based on 
attributed graphs
 incremental clustering approaches based on swarm intelligence and genetic 
 evolving classifier ensemble techniques
 dynamic variable selection techniques
 visualization methods for evolving data analysis results

  Submission of papers: 29 November 2013
  Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2014
  ESANN conference: 23 - 25 April 2014

Important - Submission Guidelines:
  Please follow the regular submission guidelines of ESANN 2014
  and specify that your paper is for this special session.

  All accepted papers will be published in formal proceedings by ESANN 

Information :

  Pascal Cuxac, - INIST - CNRS
  2 allée du Parc de Brabois, CS 10310, 54519 Vandœuvre les Nancy Cedex
  Email : pascal.cuxac[at]

  Jean-Charles Lamirel - LORIA – SYNALP Research Team
  Campus Scientifique, BP. 239, 54506 Vandoeuvre les Nancy Cedex
  Email : lamirel[at]

  Vincent Lemaire - Orange Labs
  2 avenue Pierre Marzin, 2300 Lannion
  Email: vincent.lemaire[at]

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