Hi clearwater team,


I am writing to ask how to set up the stress node for the clearwater-docker 

I am deploying the Clearwater with clearwater-docker 
(https://github.com/Metaswitch/clearwater-docker) on one single host. Now the 
deployment works when I verify it with two X-lite client, However, I am now in 
trouble to run the stress test for the all-in-one docker deployment.

So far, I have tried two ways ,both failed ☹:

(1)     Installing the stress test tool on host server, mainly by runing ‘sudo 
apt-get install clearwater-sip-stress’ and ‘sudo apt-get install 

And then I want to try the following command 
line:“/usr/share/clearwater/bin/run_stress example.com 100 10” , it tells me 
that could not resolve ‘sprout.example.com’, then I replace the home_domain 
with empty string.

2018-02-11      00:17:38.948706 1518279458.948706: Unknown remote host 
'sprout.' (Name or service not known, Success)

(2)     Installing the stress test tool in the docker container.

As I think it could be the networking issue, I login the homestead container to 
run ‘sudo apt-get install clearwater-sip-stress’ and ‘sudo apt-get install 
clearwater-sip-stress-coreonly’ , and then try running 
/usr/share/clearwater/bin/run_stress ‘ ’ 100 10 , still fails with the result 
as following:

“receive timeout on message Clearwater registration:1 without label to jump to 
(ontimeout attribute): aborting call. ”


Please help! Looking forward to your reply.


Best Regards & Thanks, Jasper



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