Thanks Garthhh for all the ideas
Will be trying out in detail
Playlist>Shuffle Mode>Shuffle Albums, may fulfill your needs
your preferences are interesting you got a few ideas I will try with the 

back to the missing songs
and one last thing tried the tags edit in Clem before going ape in Easytag

Clementine > behavior > when sorting songs > ignore > a, the    -- I added  
> A, The
those two little words seems to find the 1000+ songs missing after  
re-intalling the music library not Clementine just the library maybe it was 
those two words or re-installing the Musicdb anyway if it fixes it is good 
doesn't really matter which one or both did , it's the result that matters
Now I have only two yes 2 songs missing hahaha, 2 songs why 2 songs haha

Thank You Garthhh

On Friday, June 14, 2019 at 4:27:38 AM UTC+10, Garthhh wrote:
> "There has to be a way to get Clementine to recognize and add those 
> missing songs,
> I'm sure I'm just missing seeing an obvious simple way to do this,"
> There is no way inside Clementine, beyond finding & fixing the 
> incompatible tags
> The missing files probably have incompatible file names, sometimes there 
> is a number someone added, which for whatever reason clementine is confused 
> by more than some other players...
> Finding few files that are "missing" & run the easytag scanner, which 
> repairs the file names, I use %n - %t, as my file system is the normal 
> artist folders , containing albums  folders, containing song files
> You can run the easytag scanner function on big chunks of your library, 
> which can take some time for 100's or 1000's files
> Playlist>Shuffle Mode>Shuffle Albums, may fulfill your needs
> My preference below
> My attention span is too short most of the time to want to hear an entire 
> album :D
> The clementine tag editor is good changing the comment field for large 
> numbers of files
> I use this field to set tags for duplicate, live, alternate versions, 
> longer than 6 minutes which lets me use them as filters for building smart 
> playlists
> I have an all- PL[playlist], which contains 2/3rds of my library
> I shuffle that list & copy a 1000 at a time on to sd/tz cards, removing 
> from the PL afterwards. I just keep using the same PL, until I want an 
> updated version, you could keep a current copy as a saved PL
> Most cheap mp3 players will play in that same random order, without 
> relying on that devices "Random" function
> On Sunday, June 9, 2019 at 4:17:20 PM UTC-7, noel dennis wrote:
>> Hello
>>  I've got a strange problem that I cannot workout
>> My music player I am using is Clementine(has nice features) after loading 
>> some more music to collection I use gMusicbrowser( the other player I use 
>> also has Very nice features) to run replaygain to the added mp3's before 
>> opening Clementine,  I've notice that the amount of songs in GMU is correct 
>> (used catfish to verify amount of mp3s in collection) but Clem is not 
>> correct 
>> When Clem is opened and refreshed or updated call it what you want to the 
>> amount of songs differs less a lot less to what is in the collection
>> Has anyone else had this happen(ing) ?
>> Does anyone know what causes this ?
>> Using the  Clementine Version 1.3.1-702
>>  Thanks for reading 
>> any help very appreciated 

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