Re: clojure webapp with webpack frontend

2015-11-04 Thread Jason Kapp
There might be something out there but you could write a Leiningen plugin that calls out to the shell to run webpack. On Saturday, October 31, 2015 at 1:51:49 PM UTC-6, fasfsfgs wrote: > > Hi everyone! > > I'm new to the clojure

Re: If a Java function seems to never return, how do I test?

2015-11-04 Thread Colin Jones
Any chance the thing being thrown was not an Exception, but still a Throwable? e.g. AssertionError would behave in the way you've described here, unless I'm missing some detail - -- You received this message because you ar

Re: org-mode Clojure babel

2015-11-04 Thread Matching Socks
If you and your Emacs are happy with cider and clojure-mode, then the leap to Org Babel with Clojure should be a short one. One thing to do is look at your Org mode's ob-clojure.el and figure out whether it mentions cider. (The older or "stable" versions use only slime or nrepl.) The Org webs

Re: [ANN] a HugSQL adapter for postgres.async

2015-11-04 Thread Curtis Summers
Author of HugSQL here. Yes, I'm working on a new docs site for HugSQL since the README is getting a bit long, and it will have a Yesql comparison as Robin stated. I think Robin's list if fairly accurate. I may approach it from the design goals point-of-view along with usage differences in t

Re: [ANN] a HugSQL adapter for postgres.async

2015-11-04 Thread Robin Heggelund Hansen
The author of HugSQL is working on documentation now, and I believe he will include a decent comparison to YeSQL in the process. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that p

Re: [ANN] a HugSQL adapter for postgres.async

2015-11-04 Thread Alan Thompson
Put that comparison in the README! Alan On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 11:03 AM, Robin Heggelund Hansen <> wrote: > The basic principle is the same, but the api is a little different, > especially after YeSQL 0.5. > > The biggest things for me: > - HugSQL allows you to replace jdbc-b

Re: [ANN] a HugSQL adapter for postgres.async

2015-11-04 Thread Robin Heggelund Hansen
The basic principle is the same, but the api is a little different, especially after YeSQL 0.5. The biggest things for me: - HugSQL allows you to replace jdbc-backend (which is what allows my async package). YeSQL is hardcoded to - HugSQL allows you to specify if one or many va

Re: [ANN] a HugSQL adapter for postgres.async

2015-11-04 Thread chepprey
Is there anything that compares/contrasts HugSQL and YesQL? On Sunday, October 25, 2015 at 9:36:40 PM UTC-4, Robin Heggelund Hansen wrote: > > You can now have async communication with your postgres database and > HugSQL over plain core.async channels. > >

Re: If a Java function seems to never return, how do I test?

2015-11-04 Thread Lawrence Krubner
Possible. I have not dug into the Java app, but I will look for that. On Monday, November 2, 2015 at 4:48:38 PM UTC-5, Rob Lally wrote: > > Is it possible that the exception is being thrown in a different thread? > If that’s the case, you can use: > > >

Re: If a Java function seems to never return, how do I test?

2015-11-04 Thread Lawrence Krubner
> It is possible to rebind System.out to something else inside Java, so the > library could be redirecting it from your view. Not saying that's > happening, but it's possible. Thanks for this. Now that you mention it, I recall some conversation about this over the summer. I will investigate t

Re: If a Java function seems to never return, how do I test?

2015-11-04 Thread Lawrence Krubner
> flush twice, oracle is far far away? Are you saying this is so obvious I should be able to easily look it up? It might be obvious to you, but it is not obvious to me. That's why I'm asking. On Monday, November 2, 2015 at 3:25:36 PM UTC-5, raould wrote: > > flush twice, oracle is far far

Re: [ANN][Book] Clojure Recipes published and for sale on Amazon

2015-11-04 Thread Alan Thompson
Ordered! Looking forward to it! Alan On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 4:52 AM, Torsten Uhlmann wrote: > Congratulations, Julian! > > Leonardo Borges schrieb am Do., 22. Okt. > 2015 um 13:10 Uhr: > >> Congratulations Julian! I'll share this around! >> >> On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 9:51 PM Julian wrote: >>

Re: [ANN][Book] Clojure for the Brave and True published, web site updated

2015-11-04 Thread Alan Thompson
The example demonstrates that your interpretation is exactly what occurs, as described in CFB&T. It is just not what I thought was happening from reading all of the other Clojure books! Alan On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 10:00 PM, Sean Corfield wrote: > > So, when using commute the update function is

Re: Help with decisions in threading macros

2015-11-04 Thread Timur Sungur
Thanks!! On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 7:38 PM Erik Assum wrote: > some->> > > Erik. > -- > i farta > > Den 3. nov. 2015 kl. 17.05 skrev Timur : > > Hi all, > > Often I need to make decisions in simple threading macros, for instance > consider the following code > > (->> m >:vector >(fi

Re: Filtering lazy sequence on itself - Eratosthenes Sieve

2015-11-04 Thread Sergio Rupena
Hi You can try the following (defn dividers [primes n] (take-while #(<= (* % %) n) primes)) (defn prime? [primes n] (every? #(pos? (rem n %)) (dividers primes n))) (defn range-peek [coll] (iterate inc (-> coll peek inc))) (defn sieve ([] (cons 2 (lazy-seq (sieve [2] (

Filtering lazy sequence on itself - Eratosthenes Sieve

2015-11-04 Thread Matthew Ulrich
All - I'm trying to generate a lazy sequence of primes using Erastosthenes Sieve (from Abelson & Sussman) and am encountering some issues with lazy sequence. Here's what I have: --- (defn divisible? [input numerator] (= 0 (mod input numerator))) (defn sieve [stream] (lazy-seq (con

Re: org-mode Clojure babel

2015-11-04 Thread Stuart Sierra
Hi, Johannes, Sorry, I don't know. That error looks like an incompatibility of Elisp functions from different libraries. There are just too many different moving pieces here: Emacs, org-mode, CIDER, and nREPL. These projects are not coordinated with regard to version numbers and API incompatib

Clojure Engineers Wanted! London

2015-11-04 Thread nicholas . friend19
Hi everyone, I am currently recruiting for several Clojure engineers for a client of mine in London. My client is looking to build a 'Clojure' specific engineering team and having prior experience in Clojure is desirable. However if you have not had the opportunity to work commercially with C

Re: org-mode Clojure babel

2015-11-04 Thread Johannes Brauer
Hi Karsten, thank you for the links to your project. But until now, I haven’t succeeded to setup my Emacs so that I can evaluate Clojure code snippets in an org file. Johannes > Am 03.11.2015 um 19:56 schrieb Karsten Schmidt : > > Hi Johannes, checkout my leiningen template for org-mode projects

Re: org-mode Clojure babel

2015-11-04 Thread Johannes Brauer
Hi Stuart, thanks a lot for your help. I’ve included your settings in my Emacs (Aquamacs) setup. After having activated CIDER I tried to compile (C-c C-c) a little code snippet: #+begin_src clojure :results silent (+ 1 2) #+end_src What happens, is: Evaluate this clojure code block on you