Re: defmacro help

2015-03-13 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
then the error is on the (schema.core/defn) call. But notice the fully qualified 'create' - I want 'create' to be a literal in the namespace of the caller, not the namespace the macro is defined in. Any ideas? Quote-unquote the symbol: ~'create Example: `(defn create []) =

Re: Newify java class dynamically

2015-03-09 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
On 03/09/2015 15:45, Juvenn Woo wrote: Hi all, I am writing a function that'll take a java class name as an arg, wherein I'll make instance of the class. Several approaches did I try: (let [klass Integer] (new klass 42)) ; this raises exception unable to resolve symbol: klass (let

[ANN] from-scala 0.2.0: An experimental Scala interop library for Clojure

2015-03-09 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
Hi, I would like to announce from-scala, an experimental Scala interop library for Clojure. Its main feature is the $-macro, a version of Clojure's .-form. The $-macro uses Java reflection and a series of heuristics, so that you will be able to write code like ($ ($

Re: How to find adjacent cells in a matrix with core.logic ?

2015-01-02 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
Move membero to the beginning (just after fresh, like in succo), it runs in 100 ms on my machine then. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are

Re: How to handle fn args in a macro ?

2014-12-31 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
On 12/31/2014 18:56, rogergl wrote: To make this work I had to replace the symbol 'topic in the body with the gensym symbol. Is this the right way to do this ? Your macro is too complicated. You don't need to gensym a symbol in this case. Instead just quote a symbol before unquoting it (note

Re: midje test : Can I only run 1 test

2014-10-22 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
Yes, you can tag your facts, and then only run the facts with a specific tag. See under the :filter section. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: [Very newbie] invocation of java code.

2014-10-01 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
java.util.TimerTask is an abstract class, which you cannot instantiate directly. You can use proxy to create a subclass: (proxy [java.util.TimerTask] [] (run [] ...)) Instead of (new java.lang.Boolean ...) use true or false directly. There is syntactic sugar for new, just append a dot to

Re: clojure/data.json parsing

2014-09-27 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
I hope I understood you correctly. You basically don't want to use println if you want to print data in such a way that it can be read in again. For that you need to use pr, prn or pr-str. Example: (println {:a hi there}) will print {:a hi there} (prn {:a hi there}) will print {:a hi there}

Re: Clojure beginner: angst about doing things right

2014-09-22 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
Using map and sets: (defn days-number-maker [all-days day-string] (let [day-set (set day-string)] (map (fn [day] (if (day-set day) 1 0)) all-days))) (defn days-to-numbers Change string like MTTH to (1 1 0 1 0 0 0) [day-string] (let

Re: defrecord inside defmacro

2014-09-14 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
Hi, you need to syntax-quote the list you return from your macro. (defmacro some-record [some-name] `(defrecord ~some-name ['in 'out])) Note the backtick `. You then also have to explicitly quote your record field names (see 'in and 'out, try to remove the quotes to see why). Also

Re: Does lein midje also run tests written using expectations?

2014-09-08 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
That `lein midje` runs your expectations is just a side effect of expectations' behavior to run its tests on JVM shutdown. Use `(expectations/disable-run-on-shutdown)` to disable that feature. Just need to confirm that the behaviour is intentional and not just by chance. I guess it's a

Re: IllegalArgumentException when running core.async example

2014-07-09 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
In judge try changing (let [out async/chan] ...) to (let [out (async/chan)] ...) On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 5:57:53 AM UTC+2, endbegin wrote: Just tried it with Clojure 1.6.0. Still no luck! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group.

Re: Any Previous Work on Javadoc to Docstring Conversion?

2014-03-05 Thread Tobias Kortkamp
I have just uploaded some code I wrote earlier this year, where I originally set out to generate some useful docstrings for Java classes and methods. It currently uses javadoc on all Java source files on the classpath and creates a map with the extracted information. I never finished it, but