Twitter api?

2012-04-20 Thread labwork07
I see twitter-api and clojure-twitter in clojars. Which one do you use? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient wi

Twitter api?

2012-04-20 Thread labwork07
I see twitter-api and clojure-twitter in clojars. Which one do you use? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient wi

Re: Re: Clojure online university

2012-02-19 Thread labwork07 is a great format to teach a class. I took a Javascript class there. I wish someone would teach a class on clojure there. On , Peter Hanak wrote: Sean thanks for pointing me to Amit Rathore's course. I really like his book and am looking forward to learn from him. I am glad t

Help! Migrating to 1.3.0

2012-01-13 Thread labwork07
I have a few issues. What do the following warnings mean and what should I do about them? user=> (require 'mypackage) Warning: *default-encoding* not declared dynamic and thus is not dynamically rebindable, but its name suggests otherwise. Please either indicate ^:dynamic *default-encoding*

Re: Re: help with webserver

2011-12-14 Thread labwork07
Thanks everybody. Adding a resources route did work. The link below was helpful: On , Mark Rathwell wrote: Generally, in production, jetty or tomcat would be fronted by a web server like nginx or

Re: Re: help with webserver

2011-12-14 Thread labwork07
Thanks everybody. Adding a resources route did work. The link below was helpful: On , Mark Rathwell wrote: Generally, in production, jetty or tomcat would be fronted by a web server like nginx or

help with webserver

2011-12-14 Thread labwork07
I'm using a combination of clojure, enlive and jetty. I want to be able to serve arbitrary files. Can somebody show me an example? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note tha

help with web server

2011-12-14 Thread labwork07
I have the following web server that I pieced together from code snippets so I'm not sure how everything works really but most of it works. Now, I want to put a file for download in download.html. I tried all kinds of href specs but nothing works. Where should I put my file for download? He


2011-11-17 Thread labwork07
That's probably an OpenNLP question, but here it goes. Is there a way to tell the tokenizer to make tokens of more than one word according to a multi-word lexicon? Thanks for any ideas. melipone -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To

Forcing computation

2011-11-15 Thread labwork07
I understand that lazy sequences are very useful but sometimes, I want to compute everything, go away, and have it there when I come back. How do I do that with a map? (def x (map fn coll)) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to

Re: Re: Re: java logging properties and lein

2011-11-15 Thread labwork07
Okay, thanks. I think the library I interface with is using java.util.logging. I might need to reset the logging configuration. I recall something like that in the past like LogManager.reset(); On , Mark Rathwell wrote: > You still need to load the properties and tell the logger to use them

Re: Re: Re: java logging properties and lein

2011-11-15 Thread labwork07
Okay, thanks. I think the library I interface with is using java.util.logging. I might need to reset the logging configuration. I recall something like that in the past like LogManager.reset(); On , Mark Rathwell wrote: > You still need to load the properties and tell the logger to use them

Re: Re: java logging properties and lein

2011-11-14 Thread labwork07
I put a file in the resources directory of the project but it does not seem to pick it up. Do I have to do something else to override the default logging from the java library I am using? On , Phil Hagelberg wrote: On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 9:22 AM, joegallo joega...@gmail.

java logging properties and lein

2011-11-14 Thread labwork07
I'm interfacing with a java library. I'm getting logging info messages. Where do I put the file in a lein project? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note

java logging properties and lein

2011-11-14 Thread labwork07
I'm interfacing with a java library. I'm getting logging info messages. Where do I put the file in a lein project? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note

Re: Re: sqlitejdbc jar on clojars

2011-11-09 Thread labwork07
Sorry, I had my query wrong. This driver does work now. Thanks! On , willyh wrote: I'm using the sqlite-jdbc jar from a maven repository. I use this in my leiningen project to fetch it: [org.xerial/sqlite-jdbc "3.7.2"] I haven't had any issues with it, but that doesn't mean you won

Re: Re: sqlitejdbc jar on clojars

2011-11-09 Thread labwork07
Thanks but I am not getting anything with it. Here's what I have. Does it seem correct? (ns cljstudent.sqlite (:require [clojure.contrib.sql :as sql])) ;; need this to load the sqlite3 driver (as a side effect of evaluating the expression) ;;(Class/forName "org.sqlite.JDBC") (def db-path

sqlitejdbc jar on clojars

2011-11-09 Thread labwork07
sqlite3 had some problems but a later version (3.7.9) seems to work. Now the sqlitejdbc jar on clojars version 0.5.6 has the same problems as the old sqlite3 command line. Basically, I get this error below when reading certain .sqlite files. Is there a latest version of the sqlitejdcb driver

Re: statistics library?

2011-09-27 Thread labwork07
Yes, those errors in Incanter are unfortunate. I had another weird one occurred which David Liebke attributed to the underlying Colt library. user=> (sd (repeat 9 0.65)) NaN The sd function calls the variance function, which calls a function in Colt; the trouble is Colt is returning a number ve

Re: Re: lein repl newbie question

2011-09-23 Thread labwork07
well, I was doing control+c which works too. How is control+d different? On , Islon Scherer wrote: Have you tried control+d? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to

lein repl newbie question

2011-09-23 Thread labwork07
I like the lein repl. However, when I try to exit I get this error below. Any ideas? user=> (System/exit 0) Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException at parsepcap.scrapeindex=> (System/exit 0) Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.Runtim

Re: Re: clojars question

2011-09-21 Thread labwork07
Thanks. It does get confusing some times. On , Mark Rathwell wrote: Anyone can create their own account on clojars and publish their own forks to their own group name. There are 22 forks of enlive on github, the original is by Chrisotphe Grand [1], [2]. His most recent version publishe

clojars question

2011-09-21 Thread labwork07
I'm confused on what version to obtain from clojars for enlive. I see 1.2.0-alpha1 dated yesterday but I also see 2.00 dated from August. Which one should I pick? are there several versions? Please enlighten me. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clo

Re: Re: clojure and emacs

2011-09-06 Thread labwork07
Thanks, that's a good idea and best of all, it's working for me! I didn't know the Mx cd command to change default directory. On Sep 3, 2011 9:40pm, Benny Tsai wrote: Sorry, what I meant to say in the last line is: And as long as you start emacs somewhere in your lein project directory (o

clojure and emacs

2011-09-01 Thread labwork07
I do like "lein repl" on the command line. How can I have that in emacs? Basically, if I have a project in Lein, how can I do a (require 'projectname) and have all the libraries loaded in emacs? I'm just using Mx inferior-lisp at this point. I find swank-clojure too complex for right now. Mayb

newbie questions

2011-08-30 Thread labwork07
(1) I have followed the "Getting started" steps and installed clojure-mode in Emacs. However, when I edit a .clj file, I am in clojure-mode (Ch m) but no "clojure" on the menubar. There should be one, right? What am i missing. (2) I just use Mx inferior-lisp. But how do you get out of clojure

Re: Re: Stanford AI Class

2011-08-08 Thread labwork07
But it could also mean that you are expected to learn Python while taking the class. On Aug 8, 2011 4:17pm, Mark Engelberg wrote: The course website (for the actual classroom-based class that underlies the online class) doesn't list any programming language as a prerequisite. The only p

Stanford AI Class

2011-08-08 Thread labwork07
As most of you probably already know, Peter Norvig and S. Thrun will offer a free online intro to AI class in the Fall. The problem is that it will probably require Python since the third edition of the book is in Python. I am somewhat upset that this will make Python the de facto language of

Re: Crack-proofing the Scratch Lottery Code [long]

2011-02-09 Thread labwork07
But that doesn't help me win the lottery :-) On Feb 9, 2011 6:21am, Ken Wesson wrote: It's likely that many of you have read, or at least encountered links to, this Wired article recently: In it, a particular tic-tac-toe themed

Newbie question

2010-11-12 Thread labwork07
Which natural language processing tools have you used that worked well with clojure? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Clojure" group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - pleas

Re: Re: Clojure for NSF grant funding

2010-07-07 Thread labwork07
All I know is that you have to show educational value for NSF. So, funding for development should be accompanied by teaching or lecturing. On Jul 7, 2010 4:14pm, Luc Préfontaine wrote: Here in Canada we have a number of programs for R&D and the bureaucratic burden is not worth the $

Re: Clojure Conference Poll

2010-01-26 Thread labwork07
DC Clojure vacation + Friday tutorial On Jan 22, 2010 12:36pm, dysinger wrote: We will be organizing a conference in the next month for 2010 (probably in the fall). One question I would like to ask is, given the conference is probably going to be a 2-day conference, would you rather ha