Can't get the debugger cdt run

2011-11-30 Thread svenali
Hello all, I try to get the cdt debugger running and fail. I've build the cdt with leiningen and have this jar file in my classpath. A simple (use 'cdt.break) work. But if I want to use com.georgesjahad.cdt I get the following error message: = (use 'com.georgesjahad.cdt) #FileNotFoundException

Re: How can we Laucnh REPL from java Swing application?

2011-11-30 Thread svenali
Hi, you could do it in a way counterclockwise does. You can implement a repl that listening at an arbitrary port like doing this: (ns (:require clojure.main) (:import ( InputStreamReader PrintWriter) ( ServerSocket Socket)