Re: Getting started with Counterclockwise

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 2:07 AM, Sean Corfield wrote:
 On Tue, Jan 18, 2011 at 12:45 PM, Chas Emerick wrote:
 The links to the users' and developers' google groups for ccw are 
 prominently linked on the right side of the ccw site:

 And that URL is the #1 Google result for: clojure eclipse

And looks to CCW newbies like it's likely to just lead to a code
repository, tracker, and CCW-developer-centric mailing lists.

 (and this discussion has occurred before about the discoverability of
 IDE documentation with much the same content and result)

It has indeed.

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Re: Why no def- ?

2011-01-23 Thread Benjamin Teuber wrote: Please don't. It has already been
discussed and declined. The metadata is uglier because we want doing
this to be slightly ugly..

Sorry, didn't get your response in time..
Anyways, I agree with Ken it seems weird to have defn- in core and not
def- - or is defn- sort of deprecated in favour of ^:private ?

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An efficient persistent, immutable deque for Clojure with amortized O(1) peek and pop at both ends

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
I got to thinking how one might implement a persistent, immutable
deque that was efficient.

At first I considered modifying my queue implementation. Peeking at
both ends could easily be done in constant time, and popping from the
left. Popping from the right presented a problem: when it ate the
whole vector it would have to hit the seq, so you'd have to move the
seq to the right, veccing it, and replace the left chunk with nil.
This would be O(n) in the current length of the queue. It would also
only happen sometimes, but a worst case access pattern where
right-pops are done until the vector is gone and then right-pop,
left-pop, right-pop, etc. was done would be O(n) overall, as the
vector would keep being seqd, nexted, vecced, popped, seqd, nexted,
vecced, popped, etc. -- it's easy to see the time taken to do this
with n items until all are gone is triangular in n/2, which makes it
quadratic in n, which makes the *per-item* cost linear in n.

So I thought, at first, how do we make removing at both ends
efficient? Trees suggested an answer, and I quickly came up with a
sorted-map-based implementation (but it is NOT the best I eventually

(defprotocol LPop
  (lpeek [this])
  (lpop [this])
  (lconj [this object]))

(deftype LogNDeque [content lowest highest metadata]
(withMeta [this m] (LogNDeque. content lowest highest m))
(meta [this] metadata)
(cons [this object]
  (if content
(let [h2 (inc highest)]
  (LogNDeque. (assoc content h2 object) lowest h2 metadata))
(LogNDeque. (sorted-map 0 object) 0 0 metadata)))
(count [this] (if content (inc (- highest lowest)) 0))
(empty [this] (LogNDeque. nil 0 0 metadata))
(equiv [this other] (= (seq this) other))
(seq [this] (if content (seq (vals content
(peek [this] (if content (content highest)))
(pop [this]
  (if content
(if (= lowest highest)
  (empty this)
  (LogNDeque. (dissoc content highest) lowest (dec highest) metadata))
(throw (IllegalStateException.
 Can't pop empty deque
(lpeek [this] (if content (content lowest)))
(lpop [this]
  (if content
(if (= lowest highest)
  (empty this)
  (LogNDeque. (dissoc content lowest) (inc lowest) highest metadata))
(throw (IllegalStateException.
 Can't pop empty deque
(lconj [this object]
  (if content
(let [l2 (dec lowest)]
  (LogNDeque. (assoc content l2 object) l2 highest metadata))
(LogNDeque. (sorted-map 0 object) 0 0 metadata)))
(toString [this] (if content (str (seq this)) ()))

(defn deque [ things]
  (apply conj (LogNDeque. nil 0 0 {}) things))

Obviously, this has logarithmic performance in general, and for large
deques could be up to 32x slower than ideal. Furthermore, there's a
problem with it and Clojure 1.3 alpha: if you used it as a queue, so
mainly popped at one end and conjed at the other, the numeric indices
used internally would crawl towards Long/MAX_VALUE or Long/MIN_VALUE
and then it would blow up. On 1.2 and earlier it would simply slow
down drastically when it started to use bignum arithmetic.

Wondering if there was a way to improve on that I revisited my earlier
queue implementation.

I found a bug or two and fixed them:

(deftype Queue [chunk1 chunk2 size metadata]
(withMeta [this m] (Queue. chunk1 chunk2 size m))
(meta [this] metadata)
(cons [this object] (Queue. chunk1 (conj chunk2 object) (inc size)
(count [this] size)
(empty [this] (Queue. nil [] 0 metadata))
(equiv [this other] (= (seq this) other))
(seq [this] (seq (lazy-cat chunk1 chunk2)))
(peek [this] (if chunk1 (first chunk1) (first chunk2)))
(pop [this]
  (if chunk1
(Queue. (next chunk1) chunk2 (dec size) metadata)
(if-let [nc1 (seq chunk2)]
  (Queue. (next nc1) [] (dec size) metadata)
  (throw (IllegalStateException.
   Can't pop empty queue)
(toString [this] (if (zero? size) () (str (seq this)

(defn queue [ things]
  (Queue. (seq things) [] (count things) {}))

and thought about whether there was a way to make it pop efficiently
from the other end after all. I was thinking of things like how
java.util.ArrayList will sometimes have to copy and double the size of
an internal array, which is O(n), but also because it doubles the size
it has to do so at ever diminishing intervals, so in the worst case of
constantly adding on the end without ever removing it does one add,
then one add and doubles, then two adds and doubles, four adds and
doubles, eight adds and doubles, etc.; the time taken in a simplistic
model where it takes 1 to add without doubling and 1 per element to
double, is 1 for the first add, 2 for the next, 1 for the next two and
then 4 

Re: An efficient persistent, immutable deque for Clojure with amortized O(1) peek and pop at both ends

2011-01-23 Thread
Did you have a look at:

After p. 50 there is a description of dequeues. I don't know how they
compare to yours.

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Re: An efficient persistent, immutable deque for Clojure with amortized O(1) peek and pop at both ends

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 5:48 AM, wrote:
 Did you have a look at:

 After p. 50 there is a description of dequeues. I don't know how they
 compare to yours.

That's weird. If I click that link in Chromium I get a blank page with
an address of about:blank.

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Re: An efficient persistent, immutable deque for Clojure with amortized O(1) peek and pop at both ends

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 6:15 AM, Robert McIntyre wrote:
 What is this Chrome of which you speak? Are you trying to say that
 you don't use clojure for everything?

Certainly not up to and including implementing my own whole web
browser from scratch.

At least, not yet. ;)

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Re: Getting clojure projects into maven central - aot vs sources, -javadoc and -sources artifacts

2011-01-23 Thread Chas Emerick
I'm relying entirely on memory at the moment, but there are two answers to this 

First, Sonatype's validation of -sources.jar and -javadoc.jar aren't as 
stringent as you might expect.  That is, the OSS/central repos' validation 
routines appear to check for the existence of those artifacts corresponding to 
a given jar artifact, but they aren't inspected for completeness.  So if you're 
AOT-compiling, just ensuring that you have -sources.jar and -javadoc.jar files 
in the repository you're promoting will get you past the validation (but of 
course not be particularly helpful in the case of -javadoc.jar, since it'd be 
empty).  Always producing a complete -sources.jar should never be a problem.

The second answer is that it'd be ideal to have autodoc output be emitted for 
your project, and then packaged into the -javadoc.jar.  Tooling would then be 
able to pick up that jar file from upstream maven repos and display relevant 
contents as desired, just as Java IDEs do for javadoc.  There's a lot of 
niggling little details here (e.g. how to make javadoc and autodoc output 
coexist in the same file hierarchy – a must for hybrid projects, settling on 
either a single autodoc output file layout so tooling can reliably find what 
they need or implementing a lookup mechanism, etc).

IIRC, Tom Faulhaber seemed receptive to whatever additions would be necessary 
to make this possible, but it needs someone who is willing and capable of 
coordinating the design so that the result is useful to all known Clojure 
development environments (a rapidly-growing category these days).


- Chas

On Jan 22, 2011, at 7:12 PM, Peter Schuller wrote:

 I'm experimenting with getting my feet wet with proper maven central
 releases by trying to get a small library[1] into maven central.
 The sonatype instructions[2] require, among other things:
  (1) If the project packaging is jar, and the jar file contains java
 classes, there must be a -javadoc.jar for main artifact.
  (2) If the project packaging is jar, and the jar file contains java
 classes, there must be a -sources.jar for main artifact.
 It is non-obvious to me what to do about clojure projects. If I have
 *only* clojure code, and disable AOT in clojure-maven-plugin, I can
 address both (1) and (2) by no longer producing a jar that contains
 java classes. However, that is not sustainable. Some projects may
 contain some Java code too, or else maybe AOT:ed clojure code (what is
 the idiomatic approach there btw; to AOT or not to AOT?).
 clojure-contrib *seems* to be using the strategy to just include
 .clj:s in the main artifact, although the clojure-contrib parent pom
 implies in comments that individual modules may over-ride the lack of
 AOT. How would such artifacts be accepted into maven central if they
 fail (1)/(2)?
 / Peter Schuller
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Map keys

2011-01-23 Thread WoodHacker
Is it possible to create a map key from an integer or string to be
used for retrieving data dynamically from a map?


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Re: Map keys

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 11:59 AM, WoodHacker wrote:
 Is it possible to create a map key from an integer or string to be
 used for retrieving data dynamically from a map?


user= (keyword foo)
user= (keyword (str 42))

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Re: Map keys

2011-01-23 Thread Laurent PETIT
2011/1/23 WoodHacker

 Is it possible to create a map key from an integer or string to be
 used for retrieving data dynamically from a map?


but with numbers and Clojure 1.2, be careful to always use the same kind of
wrapper (java.lang.Integer or java.lang.Long) or you'll be in trouble:

user= (def m { a b c first, (Integer. 2) second, (Long. 3)
user= (get m a b c)
user= (get m (Integer. 2))
user= (get m (Long. 2))
user= (get m 2)
user= (get m 3)



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Re: Unification

2011-01-23 Thread rb

On Jan 22, 8:16 pm, David Nolen wrote:
 On Sat, Jan 22, 2011 at 2:09 PM, rb wrote:
  On Jan 21, 11:41 pm, Alex Baranosky

   I've read a bit about clojure.core.unify (

   I haven't gotten through PAIP yet, but I gather unification libraries
   logic programming?  Is it true that unification is a superset of pattern

   Mostly, I'd like to hear more about what something like
   is good for.

  I've used unification with dataflow variables and data structures
  holding unbound variables (though not in clojure) and found it really

  I'm not sure dataflow variables are available in clojure though, but
  would be happy to stand corrected (I heard about the contrib dataflow
  module, but from what I read it's more like cells updating based on
  upstream cells it depends on, whereas what I mean by dataflow variable
  is a variable that makes a thread wait until it gets bound if that
  thread uses that variable)

 This exists in Clojure in the form of promise/deliver.

Thanks Ken and David, I'll take a closer look!





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Reading back record instances

2011-01-23 Thread Nicolas Buduroi
I've been using records extensively lately and I think they are a
really great addition to Clojure. One problem I'm facing tough is to
read them back once printed to a file (or anything else). All others
Clojure data structures are supported by the reader, but not records.

One way to do this would be to write my own printer to output
constructor forms for the given records. That should be working as the
current implementation returns the keys in order. Am I missing
something? Is there a better way?

Regards, budu

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Re: ANN: Textmash - another IDE for Clojure

2011-01-23 Thread Olek
I have added you to committers group, so you can commit your work.
Later I will switch to github since SVN with its central repository
scenario is not very useful in situation where I'm lack of time.

On 23 Sty, 00:28, Laurent PETIT wrote:
 Hello again Olek,

 2011/1/18 Olek


  Here is a link:

  Some time ago I have written it in order to help accomplish a task of
  creating some paraller processing  system written entirely in Clojure
  (it was the map reduce framework from Google).

  It was also used with success in other tasks, like editing PHP pages,
  Clojure learning, writing small programs in Clojure and some simple
  text processing.

  Feel free to contribute in bug fixing and improving or maybe even
  rewriting it in Clojure (there are not too much lines of code).

 I'm using your project as a demonstration on how 'easy' it is to embed

 How should I contribute ? I mean, it seems that you're using svn, so it's
 not clear to me how you would like to get contributions.

 My first idea was to clone your repo via git-svn, and then publish my fork
 on e.g. github ?
 Or ... ?



  The main idea is to take what is best in Eclipse, NetBeans and
  ergonomy of Mac OS and put into light tool.
  I hope you will enjoy it.


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Re: ANN: Textmash - another IDE for Clojure

2011-01-23 Thread Olek
1. Yes, it uses Swing. I have even stared writting it in Clojure, but
startup time was too long, not acceptable for lightweight text editor.
2. Yes, it is. I've carefully studied Mac's TextEdit, NetBeans and
Eclipse and merged theirs ideas.

1. Yeah, I haven't implemented highligting yet. The cost (time and
work) of implementation would be higher than profits I would get. For
me more important were brackets matching and highlighting occurences
of selected word.
2. Yes, first it must be configured.
3. I think that low level configuration gives you much more
possiblities of running or integrating it in different scenarios
(folder layouts, libraries dependiences etc.)

I have no more time for improving the editor, that is why it has been
open sourced.
Thanks for trying it out and feedback!

On 19 Sty, 07:28, Shantanu Kumar wrote:
 I downloaded the JAR and gave it a try. Here's my first impression:

 1. Feels really fast (does it use Swing?)
 2. Consistent U/I - seemingly nice defaults

 1. Clojure files are not syntax highlighted by default
 2. Clojure-Open a REPL doesn't work (at least not out of the box)
 3. Clojure-Configure requires me to edit a text file
 4. Doesn't detect that the Clojure JAR is already in classpath
 5. View-Syntax Highlight submenu is disabled

 My suggestions:
 1. Make it easy for first timers to use
 2. Detect if the Clojure JAR is already in the classpath and use it
 3. Don't make me go through the configuration text file


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Re: ANN: Textmash - another IDE for Clojure

2011-01-23 Thread Laurent PETIT
2011/1/23 Olek

 I have added you to committers group, so you can commit your work.
 Later I will switch to github since SVN with its central repository
 scenario is not very useful in situation where I'm lack of time.

OK, thanks.

What I've achieved is more a proof of concept right now. Maybe I should
put it in a branch.
I'll quickly describe what I'm talking about, so you can choose:

  * I've leiningened the project. Maybe I could mavenize it instead.
What are your guts here ?
  * I've leiningened it to test the mavenization, on my side, of
  * paredit.clj uses clojure and clojure contrib. So the feature currently
shows a delay when it is first invoked. Since the point of my demo was not
clojure integration but paredit.clj integration, I've not tried to make this
happen in the background, etc. To the contrary, I've tried to compact the
proof of concept code as much as possible in one place, so it can be
easily spotted and reviewed.
  * Currently, I've just demonstrated the raise over sexpr command I
described in an earlier post in this same thread.

What I've not been able to achieve (but I admit I haven't spent too much
time right now on it) is how to make the command appear in the menu. I
thought at first that it was derived from the actions map in the
TextEditor class, but the layout of the menus must live somewhere else ...
If you can help me spot the right place ?

I also still have to finish proper bundling of paredit.clj in the first
place, half done and should not last 'til the end of this week.



 On 23 Sty, 00:28, Laurent PETIT wrote:
  Hello again Olek,
  2011/1/18 Olek
   Here is a link:
   Some time ago I have written it in order to help accomplish a task of
   creating some paraller processing  system written entirely in Clojure
   (it was the map reduce framework from Google).
   It was also used with success in other tasks, like editing PHP pages,
   Clojure learning, writing small programs in Clojure and some simple
   text processing.
   Feel free to contribute in bug fixing and improving or maybe even
   rewriting it in Clojure (there are not too much lines of code).
  I'm using your project as a demonstration on how 'easy' it is to embed
  How should I contribute ? I mean, it seems that you're using svn, so
  not clear to me how you would like to get contributions.
  My first idea was to clone your repo via git-svn, and then publish my
  on e.g. github ?
  Or ... ?
   The main idea is to take what is best in Eclipse, NetBeans and
   ergonomy of Mac OS and put into light tool.
   I hope you will enjoy it.
   You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google
   Groups Clojure group.
   To post to this group, send email to
   Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with
   your first post.
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   For more options, visit this group at

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Re: ANN: Textmash - another IDE for Clojure

2011-01-23 Thread Olek
Yes, make a branch.
I seen many people are using leiningened, so it is a good (main
stream) choice, especially that your parts of code are written in

The layout of menus is made in pl/olek/textmash/menu/

I have also started TextMash2 which is going to be entirely written in
Clojure, it is going to be written - 20 minutes a day, mainly in
fundamental (proof of concept) parts so It will be easier to other to
add/fullfill project with new features.

On 23 Sty, 20:49, Laurent PETIT wrote:
 2011/1/23 Olek

  I have added you to committers group, so you can commit your work.
  Later I will switch to github since SVN with its central repository
  scenario is not very useful in situation where I'm lack of time.

 OK, thanks.

 What I've achieved is more a proof of concept right now. Maybe I should
 put it in a branch.
 I'll quickly describe what I'm talking about, so you can choose:

   * I've leiningened the project. Maybe I could mavenize it instead.
 What are your guts here ?
   * I've leiningened it to test the mavenization, on my side, of
   * paredit.clj uses clojure and clojure contrib. So the feature currently
 shows a delay when it is first invoked. Since the point of my demo was not
 clojure integration but paredit.clj integration, I've not tried to make this
 happen in the background, etc. To the contrary, I've tried to compact the
 proof of concept code as much as possible in one place, so it can be
 easily spotted and reviewed.
   * Currently, I've just demonstrated the raise over sexpr command I
 described in an earlier post in this same thread.

 What I've not been able to achieve (but I admit I haven't spent too much
 time right now on it) is how to make the command appear in the menu. I
 thought at first that it was derived from the actions map in the
 TextEditor class, but the layout of the menus must live somewhere else ...
 If you can help me spot the right place ?

 I also still have to finish proper bundling of paredit.clj in the first
 place, half done and should not last 'til the end of this week.



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Re: Getting started with Counterclockwise

2011-01-23 Thread Sean Corfield
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Ken Wesson wrote:
 And that URL is the #1 Google result for: clojure eclipse
 And looks to CCW newbies like it's likely to just lead to a code
 repository, tracker, and CCW-developer-centric mailing lists.

I'll concede that it looks to _you_ like such a site. When I picked up
CCW for the first time, I assumed (correctly) it was the project home
page and would be where I could find all the end user documentation
(as well as developer documentation).

 (and this discussion has occurred before about the discoverability of
 IDE documentation with much the same content and result)
 It has indeed.

Which tempts me to ask why you decided to bring it up again? :)
Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
Railo Technologies, Inc. --
An Architect's View --

If you're not annoying somebody, you're not really alive.
-- Margaret Atwood

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Re: Clojure/JVM languages internal presentation

2011-01-23 Thread Sean Corfield
Thank you for sharing this Rob! I've recently gone thru a similar
process with a company and we ended up introducing both Scala and
Clojure, for different purposes, although we didn't have a large team
to convince (so I didn't need to do as much work to get the changes
accepted :)

I love the comparisons in your slides between Java and all the other
languages. I don't work in Java much these days but it reminded me why
I'd moved to higher-level languages :)

On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 3:33 PM, Robert Campbell wrote:
 This past summer I gave a presentation on JVM langauges at our
 company's worldwide developer summit. I tried to get approval for
 Clojure but had to settle for Scala because its syntax didn't frighten
 management. I figured I'd share it in case any of the slides can be of
 use elsewhere.

 open in browser (no notes):


 The talk (w/notes in github .key file) was very important and the
 slides don't make much sense without it, but it generally went like:

 -Topic is JVM languages, what they are, why we should care about them
 -We (as a mostly Java house) have two big problems: bloat and concurrency
 -Show bloat with examples, try to illustrate a trend
 -Why are these other languages so concise?
 -Go back over the examples pulling out a single language feature from
 each (in bold), explain how it leads to more concise code
 -Talk a bit about concurrency, No free lunch (R), Ghz wall, cores increasing
 -Java's answer to concurrency is difficult to work with
 -Make a token effort to select a JVM language based on books,
 perceived momentum/maturity/community, etc
 -Select Clojure and Scala, end with Scala example since that's the one
 that was approved (replace slide here :-)


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How does pmap partition its work?

2011-01-23 Thread Michael Gardner
Suppose I have a sequence of tasks I'd like to parallelize using pmap. The 
amount of CPU time these tasks require varies greatly; in particular, many of 
them will require virtually no work. Can I rely on pmap to divide the work 
efficiently even if there is some pattern to the distribution of easy tasks 
(e.g. clumped at the beginning, or every nth)? Assume it's not possible to 
identify the easy tasks beforehand.

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Re: How does pmap partition its work?

2011-01-23 Thread Andy Fingerhut

No, you cannot rely on pmap to do that.

pmap is lazy in the sequence it produces, so it tries not to work  
farther ahead of the consumer of its output sequence than the amount  
of parallelism it uses, which is the number of available processors  
plus 2.

Suppose you have 4 available processors, so pmap tries to keep at most  
6 parallel invocations of your map function running.  Suppose also for  
example's sake that the function you are using with pmap on each  
element is sequential, so it uses at most one processor at a time.

Imagine that the numbers below are the times in seconds required to  
calculate your function on each element of the input sequence to pmap:

100 1 1 1 1 (15 more elements requiring 1 second each) 100 1 1 1 1 (15  
more elements requiring 1 second each)

When some code tries to retrieve the first element of the lazy seq  
that is the output of pmap, 6 threads will start calculating.  The  
threads for calculating the function on the 2nd through 6th elements  
will finish soon (if scheduling is fair), but no threads will be  
invoked to calculate the function on the 7th element yet, because pmap  
is trying not to work too far ahead.  When the function is done  
calculating the first element, and some consumer tries to access the  
2nd element of the output sequence, then a thread will be started  
working on the 7th input element, and so on.

So if the consumer of the output sequence is trying to retrieve  
elements as quickly as possible and doing some negligible amount of  
processing on each one, here will be the rough pattern of CPU busy time:

(1) 1.5 seconds of 4 processors working for 1 second each on the first  
6 elements.

(2) about 99 seconds more time finishing the function on the first  
element, but only 1 processor busy at a time, the other 3 idle

(3) about 14/4 seconds of all 4 processors busy working on the next 14  
elements, each taking about 1 sec of CPU time.

Then this pattern repeats when the next heavy element requiring 100  
seconds to calculate the function is reached.

Note: Sometimes working at odds with pmap's Don't work too far ahead  
approach is if the input sequence to pmap is chunked.  When a chunk is  
reached, all elements in that chunk have threads start in parallel, so  
the number of parallel threads can easily exceed (availableProcessors 
+2) during those times.

Amit Rathore's medusa is intended to let you keep processors busy, but  
with a different method of invoking it than pmap.


On Jan 23, 2011, at 5:56 PM, Michael Gardner wrote:

Suppose I have a sequence of tasks I'd like to parallelize using  
pmap. The amount of CPU time these tasks require varies greatly; in  
particular, many of them will require virtually no work. Can I rely  
on pmap to divide the work efficiently even if there is some pattern  
to the distribution of easy tasks (e.g. clumped at the beginning, or  
every nth)? Assume it's not possible to identify the easy tasks  

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ANN: A simple scheme interpreter in clojure

2011-01-23 Thread dennis
I have implemented a simple interpreter in clojure,it is just
transformed from the interpreter in SICP.Maybe someone interested in

I have pushed it on github at
,you can clone and run it by yourself.

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Logos v0.4 - Closing in on SWI-Prolog ?

2011-01-23 Thread David Nolen
I just pushed the latest version of Logos. The project is now, I believe,
sufficiently original. For the amount of time that I've spent on it, I'm
surprised that it can solve the classic Zebra problem in nearly the same
amount of time as SWI-Prolog - 7ms on my machine. I attribute this to a few

* miniKanren's purely functional approach is a great design that matches
with Clojure's unique strengths
* protocols deliver on allowing you to write succinct code that really lets
you get to the speed of the host

Another big change is a logos.nonrel namespace which contains copy-term,
project, cond-a (soft cut), cond-u (Mercury-style committed choice).

Next up, logic variable aware pattern matching so that you can write Clojure
miniKanren programs that are as succinct as their Prolog cousins.


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Re: Logos v0.4 - Closing in on SWI-Prolog ?

2011-01-23 Thread David Nolen
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 10:01 PM, David Nolen

 I just pushed the latest version of Logos. The project is now, I believe,
 sufficiently original. For the amount of time that I've spent on it, I'm
 surprised that it can solve the classic Zebra problem in nearly the same
 amount of time as SWI-Prolog - 7ms on my machine. I attribute this to a few

 * miniKanren's purely functional approach is a great design that matches
 with Clojure's unique strengths
 * protocols deliver on allowing you to write succinct code that really lets
 you get to the speed of the host

 Another big change is a logos.nonrel namespace which contains copy-term,
 project, cond-a (soft cut), cond-u (Mercury-style committed choice).

 Next up, logic variable aware pattern matching so that you can write
 Clojure miniKanren programs that are as succinct as their Prolog cousins.



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Re: How does pmap partition its work?

2011-01-23 Thread Michael Gardner
On Jan 23, 2011, at 8:34 PM, Andy Fingerhut wrote:

 No, you cannot rely on pmap to do that.

Thanks for the detailed and informative answer. I'll probably settle for 
shuffling the list of inputs before passing them to pmap, and just accept that 
there may be some inefficiency in the distribution of work.

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Re: How does pmap partition its work?

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Michael Gardner wrote:
 Suppose I have a sequence of tasks I'd like to parallelize using pmap. The 
 amount of CPU time these tasks require varies greatly; in particular, many of 
 them will require virtually no work. Can I rely on pmap to divide the work 
 efficiently even if there is some pattern to the distribution of easy tasks 
 (e.g. clumped at the beginning, or every nth)? Assume it's not possible to 
 identify the easy tasks beforehand.

Here's a little data:
user= (def printer (agent nil))
user= (defn xyz [n] (send printer (fn [_] println
(Thread/currentThread))) (* n n))
user= (xyz 3)
#Thread Thread[Thread-2,5,main]
user= (pmap xyz (range 20))
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-25,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-25,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-21,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-21,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-29,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-29,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-30,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-28,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-26,5,main]
#Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-24,5,main]
(0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81 100 121 144 169 196 225 256 289 324 361)

The fiddling with an agent is to prevent individual println outputs
from getting intermingled; instead the lines are perhaps slightly out
of order but at least are not mangled into unreadability.

As you can see, there are at least seven threads called somewhat
randomly; not a simple alternating pattern of 2 as you might naively
expect on a dual-core machine. It seems to prefer thread 22 for some

I don't know exactly what is going on under the hood but it looks like
it either involves some degree of randomness, or it tries to
load-balance (and something else was sometimes preempting threads -- I
don't know what, when I ran this nothing on my system was doing
anything CPU-intensive with a priority equal to or higher than the
REPL process, but NetBeans and the REPL were both being a bit
sluggish; some sort of Windows weirdness). Either way it's likely that
a mix of easy and hard jobs, even with a pattern, won't screw things
up too much.

That can be further tested:

user= (defn heavy [f amt] (fn [x] (Thread/sleep amt) (f x)))
user= (defn s [x] (* x x))
user= (def l (heavy s 1000))
user= (defn run [fseq n] (time (doall (pmap #(%1 %2) fseq (range n nil)
user= (run (cycle [s l]) 100)
Elapsed time: 17141.64872 msecs
user= (run (cycle [s s l l]) 100)
Elapsed time: 17020.59136 msecs
user= (run (cycle [s s l s l l]) 100)
Elapsed time: 17007.0366 msecs
user= (defn randomize [s] (let [n (count s)] (repeatedly #(nth s
(rand-int n)
user= (run (randomize [s l]) 100)
Elapsed time: 18015.8562 msecs

As you can see, the timings are fairly consistent when a 50/50 mix of
short (1msec) and long (1000msec) tasks get parallelized using pmap,
with several possible patterns and also with no pattern to their

This was again on a dual-core machine; it's interesting that the
numbers are around 17-18s instead of 25s (100 jobs, averaging 500ms
each, split between two cores). The use of more than two threads in
the thread pool is presumably the cause of this; Thread/sleep lets
another of the threads make progress. It didn't collapse down to just
1s so it's also not the case that pmap is spawning as many threads as
will maximize throughput (fifty running the slow jobs plus two running
the fast ones on both cores while the slow ones sleep). Since the jobs
would cumulatively take 50s if run serially, the speedup factor from
pmap here is just under 3.

One more data point:

user= (run (repeat l) 50)
Elapsed time: 10172.37124 msecs

That's fifty long jobs without any short ones. The speedup factor here
is 5 rather than 3. This shows that it will allow five, but no more,
jobs to be running concurrently, and that it doesn't load balance. If
it did, adding the short jobs wouldn't slow it down more than a few
ms; in fact doing so almost doubles the time, so it seems the jobs are
preallocated in some manner and the short jobs take up half the
available threads in the pool. (This is odd given that it seemed
before to be using at least seven threads, not just five.)

Of course, real jobs are likely to be CPU-intensive instead of
yielding like Thread/sleep.

user= (def foo (atom nil))
user= (defn l2 [x] (doseq [a (range 750)] (reset! foo (* a x))) (* x x))

The number 750 causes l2 to take about 900ms on my machine.


Re: How does pmap partition its work?

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Ken Wesson wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 8:56 PM, Michael Gardner wrote:
 Suppose I have a sequence of tasks I'd like to parallelize using pmap. The 
 amount of CPU time these tasks require varies greatly; in particular, many 
 of them will require virtually no work. Can I rely on pmap to divide the 
 work efficiently even if there is some pattern to the distribution of easy 
 tasks (e.g. clumped at the beginning, or every nth)? Assume it's not 
 possible to identify the easy tasks beforehand.

 Here's a little data:
 user= (def printer (agent nil))
 user= (defn xyz [n] (send printer (fn [_] println
 (Thread/currentThread))) (* n n))

Eh, that's weird. That's not the definition I used. I used

(defn xyz [n] (let [t (Thread/currentThread)] (send printer (fn [_]
(println t (* n n))

of course so it would be the pmap thread, not the agent thread, in the
printout. I had been experimenting with investigating the agent thread
pools too, so the defn must have come from that part of the REPL

This data:

 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-25,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-25,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-21,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-21,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-29,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-29,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-22,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-30,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-28,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-26,5,main]
 #Thread Thread[pool-2-thread-24,5,main]

was generated using the latter defn (the one that captures
Thread/currentThread outside the send).

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Re: Getting started with Counterclockwise

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 7:21 PM, Sean Corfield wrote:
 On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 12:46 AM, Ken Wesson wrote:
 (and this discussion has occurred before about the discoverability of
 IDE documentation with much the same content and result)
 It has indeed.

 Which tempts me to ask why you decided to bring it up again? :)

Because the topic arose again.

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Re: How does pmap partition its work?

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
Other posts to the thread indicate that longer-range patterns in the
inputs could cause problems. If you know you'll be consuming the full
sequence, try this:

(defn eager-pmap [f  colls]
  (map deref (doall (apply map #(future (f %)) colls

This creates all of the futures right away (due to the doall) and
leaves it up to the future implementation to distribute work around
some thread pool. On my system, it creates 80 or so of them each time
it's run on a seq of 10 things, which persist for some time
afterward -- so, a bit of a problem there. Another one that seems like
it ought to be more efficient:

(defn eager-pmap [f  colls]
  (let [cores (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
agents (cycle (for [_ (range cores)] (agent nil)))
promises (apply map (fn [ _] (promise)) colls)]
  (apply map (fn [a p  args]
   (send a
 (fn [_] (deliver p (apply f args)
agents promises colls))
(map deref promises)))

This one uses the agent send thread pool to divide up the work.
Oddly, it's actually 2-3x slower than the previous and only uses 75%
CPU on a dual-core machine, though it doesn't leak threads. It looks
like agents, or promise/deliver, or both have lots of overhead
compared to futures. (Which is odd since the obvious implementation of
future is (defmacro future [ body] `(let [p# (promise)] (.start
(Thread. (fn [] (deliver p# (do ~@body) p#)). So maybe it's agents
that are causing the inefficiency? On the other hand, the result of
evaluating (future foo) doesn't appear to be a naked promise, though
it could still be a wrapped one, and that implementation would not
limit itself to 80-odd threads; maybe future instead uses the agent
send-off pool?!)

I'd recommend just using the first version of eager-pmap in this email
if you need an eager-pmap. The extra threads it creates are not too
numerous (it doesn't create 100,000 threads for an input seq of
100,000 items) and they *do* seem to disappear again *eventually* (it
may take several minutes; it takes much less than 1 hour; it takes
more than 30 seconds; can't be more precise with the data I've
gathered thus far).

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Re: How does pmap partition its work?

2011-01-23 Thread Ken Wesson
On Sun, Jan 23, 2011 at 11:34 PM, Ken Wesson wrote:
 Other posts to the thread indicate that longer-range patterns in the
 inputs could cause problems. If you know you'll be consuming the full
 sequence, try this:

 (defn eager-pmap [f  colls]
  (map deref (doall (apply map #(future (f %)) colls

 This creates all of the futures right away (due to the doall) and
 leaves it up to the future implementation to distribute work around
 some thread pool. On my system, it creates 80 or so of them each time
 it's run on a seq of 10 things, which persist for some time
 afterward -- so, a bit of a problem there. Another one that seems like
 it ought to be more efficient:

 (defn eager-pmap [f  colls]
  (let [cores (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
        agents (cycle (for [_ (range cores)] (agent nil)))
        promises (apply map (fn [ _] (promise)) colls)]
      (apply map (fn [a p  args]
                   (send a
                     (fn [_] (deliver p (apply f args)
        agents promises colls))
    (map deref promises)))

 This one uses the agent send thread pool to divide up the work.
 Oddly, it's actually 2-3x slower than the previous and only uses 75%
 CPU on a dual-core machine, though it doesn't leak threads.

I've managed to make this more efficient, by making each agent send
process a larger portion of the job than one single item:

(defn eager-pmap [f  colls]
  (let [cores (.. Runtime getRuntime availableProcessors)
agents (cycle (for [_ (range cores)] (agent nil)))
ccolls (map (partial partition 16 16 []) colls)
promises (apply map (fn [ _] (promise)) ccolls)]
  (apply map (fn [a p  chunks]
   (send a
 (fn [_]
   (deliver p
 (apply map f chunks)
agents promises ccolls))
(mapcat deref promises)))

This is much faster than either of the other eager-pmaps I posted to
this thread, and yet it's only using 60% CPU on my dual-core box. That
means there's still another x1.6 or so speedup possible(!) but I'm not
sure how.

Raising the size of the partitions from 16 all the way to 1024 makes
no noticeable difference.

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Re: ANN: A simple scheme interpreter in clojure

2011-01-23 Thread David
Line 86 of core.clj is:

(list 'cadr caddr)

and should be:

(list 'caddr caddr)

On Jan 23, 9:45 pm, dennis wrote:
 I have implemented a simple interpreter in clojure,it is just
 transformed from the interpreter in SICP.Maybe someone interested in

 I have pushed it on github at
 ,you can clone and run it by yourself.

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Re: Why no def- ?

2011-01-23 Thread OGINO Masanori

Sorry to cut in, but I agree with Ken, too.
If defn- should be in core and def- shouldn't, it seems asymmetric.
Showing why there is asymmetric design may leads to positive
discussion, I think.

Thank you.

Name:  OGINO Masanori (荻野 雅紀)

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Re: ANN: A simple scheme interpreter in clojure

2011-01-23 Thread Andrzej

You may want to see if there is anything of interest for you there:

It has its own reader that attempts to be more compatible with Scheme
than the reader used in Clojure. It constructs a fairly elaborate
syntactic tree (perhaps it would be better to abstract its nodes a bit
- currently it's somewhat convoluted) and preserves a lot of
information about the source code in metadata.

OTOH, the evaluator is AFAIR fairly buggy and incomplete.

The whole thing is unmaintained now so feel free to scavenge any parts
of it, if you like.



On Mon, Jan 24, 2011 at 11:45 AM, dennis wrote:
 I have implemented a simple interpreter in clojure,it is just
 transformed from the interpreter in SICP.Maybe someone interested in

 I have pushed it on github at
 ,you can clone and run it by yourself.

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