Defs with %

2014-06-17 Thread Mike Thompson
odd that I'm allowed to successfully do the def, if it is just going to cause problems later. -- Mike -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members

Help with writing a function to merge two maps

2014-06-17 Thread Mike Fikes
I want to use merge-with * to solve your problem. To do so, define a couple of helper functions (defn v-m [v] (into (sorted-map) (for [{:keys [id val]} v] [id val]))) (defn m-v [m] (mapv (fn [[k v]] {:id k :val v}) m)) that can convert your structure to and from sorted maps. With these,

Re: Defs with %

2014-06-17 Thread Mike Thompson
with the Leiningen REPL. It works fine from the built-in REPL: $ java -jar ~/.m2/repository/org/clojure/clojure/1.5.1/clojure-1.5.1.jar Clojure 1.5.1 user= (def top% 4) #'user/top% user= top% 4 Dave On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 1:32 AM, Mike Thompson wrote: At the REPL

ClojureScript ^:export defprotocol

2014-06-18 Thread Mike Fikes
Is there a way to indicate that a (ClojureScript) protocol is intended to be used from the host? Details: I can define a protocol and an implementation of it in ClojureScript using defprotocol and reify. I can also successfully call methods on reified instances returned to the host (Obj-C

Re: ClojureScript ^:export defprotocol

2014-06-18 Thread Mike Fikes
Even without JIT available in JavaScriptCore, I have been unable to notice a difference in the on-device performance of the “view controller” code I have been writing when turning on :advanced. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll go with :simple and :static-fns. The reified protocol instance works

Re: ClojureScript ^:export defprotocol

2014-06-18 Thread Mike Fikes
available in ClojureScript. I'll ditch all of this when Apple introduces FunctionalSwift along with functional APIs, and the Clojure(Swift) compiler targets that new language. :) - Mike On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 2:48:33 PM UTC-4, Gary Trakhman wrote: 'any problem.. fixed.. by another layer

Re: ClojureScript ^:export defprotocol

2014-06-18 Thread Mike Fikes
That's cool. I see no reason why Clojure / ClojureScript's “reach” can't extend significantly into iOS. On Wednesday, June 18, 2014 3:58:18 PM UTC-4, Gary Trakhman wrote: I was just telling a local ios dev there's like five guys using clojure + objective-c. To me it's impressive. To them,

Re: ClojureScript ^:export defprotocol

2014-06-19 Thread Mike Fikes
I found the solution to the original question I had posed: Is there a way to indicate the protocol names should be preserved? (Analogous to the way ^:export can be used on function definitions.) You simply need to place the meta directly in the method signature forms, as illustrated here:

Best tools for profiling Clojure programs?

2014-06-20 Thread Mike Fikes
I can speak to existence but not optimality :) I've use JProfiler, and my experience is that, just like debuggers work, so does this particular profiler. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: Invalid timestamp

2014-06-20 Thread Mike Fikes
It it perhaps reading the first line of your file and running it trough the parser? -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please

IntelliJ Cursive ClojureScript IDE slowdown

2014-06-21 Thread Mike Fikes
Just sharing a tooling hint: If you are using IntelliJ / Cursive to edit ClojureScript (on a Mac at least), opening a Terminal “pane” at the bottom of the IDE in order to run `lein cljsbuild auto` is nice because you can readily see any errors or warnings the ClojureScript compiler might emit.

Re: IntelliJ Cursive ClojureScript IDE slowdown

2014-06-22 Thread Mike Fikes
Hi Colin, I'm still in the habit of manually saving, but I've noticed that IntelliJ saves quite often on its own. I usually work with :whitespace optimizations so that compilation completes within 3/10 s of saving. (I'm using this to build an iOS app using JavaScriptCore, so this is much

Re: IntelliJ Cursive ClojureScript IDE slowdown

2014-06-22 Thread Mike Fikes
Me too. I suspect it is an IntelliJ-specific problem, unrelated to Cursive. Perhaps Colin has the ability and insight to see where the problem lies. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: IntelliJ Cursive ClojureScript IDE slowdown

2014-06-24 Thread Mike Fikes
Thanks. You're all awesome! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe from this

Re: Clojure on iOS devices - Swift as a host?

2014-06-24 Thread Mike Fikes
(Apologies to Greg for having essentially hijacked this thread, but I suspect he'd find this cool.) I have no experience with the Swift REPL yet, but I'm still finding this a little surreal:

Re: Clojure on iOS devices - Swift as a host?

2014-06-24 Thread Mike Fikes
Thanks David! Targeting ClojureScript to iOS just got an order of magnitude easier for me. I want to say that Colin Fleming (Cursive) has been extremely helpful in helping me sort out how to achieve this. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure

Re: Clojure on iOS devices - Swift as a host?

2014-06-25 Thread Mike Fikes
That's cool! What I haven't been able to figure out is if we actually get FTL with JavaScriptCore on iOS 8, or better yet, if we can somehow gain access to a JSContext from the WKWebView. More detail: I'm using ClojureScript to develop what are otherwise native iOS apps. (Meaning using UIKit,

Style-question: self-named attribute getters?

2014-06-25 Thread Mike Fikes
I'm curious about this stuff too. (I'm very new to Clojure.) I wouldn't be surprised if the general sentiment is: “Don't.” The argument goes along these lines: By encapsulating, you have introduced a tiny new little API that clients need to learn the semantics of. Additionally, that API is

import functions from different .clj files

2014-07-12 Thread Mike Fikes
Normally, the initial elements of the namespace are used to create directories and the last element matches the filename. So, for your first example, there would be an a/b/c.clj file. Perhaps this is at the root of the issue. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

import functions from different .clj files

2014-07-12 Thread Mike Fikes
And alternatively you could declare the first namespace as being a.b.c.fileB -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be

Re: import functions from different .clj files

2014-07-12 Thread Mike Fikes
I think the root cause is that you need to follow the directory name and filename conventions. For example is in a clojure/java/jdbc.clj file -- You received this message because

Re: handling only a part of a hash-map

2014-07-16 Thread Mike Fikes
select-keys makes it easy to extract a portion of a map: (select-keys {:id 1 :ts 2 :ignore 3} [:id :ts]) = {:ts 2, :id 1} -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts

Re: Calculating the number of timestamps logged within a specific time period

2014-07-17 Thread Mike Fikes
As a start, you could use group-by with a function that squashes together items that fall in the same second and then count the size of each value. (reduce-kv (fn [c k v] (assoc c k (count v))) {} (group-by #(quot % 1000) epochs)) ;= {1405060205 1, 1405060200 1, 1405060201 8, 1405060202 1}

Re: unexpected behavior of clojure.core/empty

2014-07-18 Thread Mike Fikes
My guess: Perhaps this is a bug, or alternatively, a known issue that won't be addressed because to do so would be a breaking change. There is an old demo of Clojure given by Rich where MapEntry's were printed using some sort of un-readable notation #:foo 5. But clearly MapEntry's have been

Re: Calculating the number of timestamps logged within a specific time period

2014-07-18 Thread Mike Fikes
You could use frequencies: user= (frequencies (map #(quot % 1000) epochs)) {1405060202 1, 1405060201 8, 1405060200 1, 1405060205 1} -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note

Re: unexpected behavior of clojure.core/empty

2014-07-19 Thread Mike Fikes
MapEntry is a collection: (coll? (clojure.lang.MapEntry. a 1)) ;= true (ancestors (class (clojure.lang.MapEntry. a 1))) ;= (a set that includes clojure.lang.IPersistentCollection) The docstring for empty implies it would return an empty MapEntry. But perhaps since MapEntry is a special

Re: unexpected behavior of clojure.core/empty

2014-07-19 Thread Mike Fikes
I did a little “code archaeology” in an attempt to elucidate what Rich may had been thinking: In mid 2007, some of the persistent collection implementations had an EMPTY value defined. [1, 2]. (But, of course, no such EMPTY value was defined for MapEntrys.) Around a year later, MapEntrys were

Re: unexpected behavior of clojure.core/empty

2014-07-19 Thread Mike Fikes
In *Clojure Programming* (Emerick, Carper, Grand) a swap-pairs function is defined in the section describing how empty allows you to write functions against abstractions. That function operates on sequentials, and, importantly, is carefully designed (invoking empty) so that its return type is

Re: unexpected behavior of clojure.core/empty

2014-07-19 Thread Mike Thvedt
, puzzler wrote: As Mike points out, it does seem that MapEntry is considered a collection and is designed to emulate a vector so that you don't really have to worry about whether you have a MapEntry or a two-element vector (and as he points out, in ClojureScript there really is no distinction

Re: Moving average from Java to Clojure

2014-07-20 Thread Mike Fikes
There actually is a queue implementation. Here is a way to use it for your problem: (defn make-moving-average-queue [n] (atom {:lengthn :current-total 0.0 :old-values(clojure.lang.PersistentQueue/EMPTY)})) (defn update-moving-average-queue [old-queue next-value]

Re: Moving average from Java to Clojure

2014-07-20 Thread Mike Fikes
Hey Cecil, In addition to using peek instead of first, as indicated by Plinio, the moving-average function above uses some poor names, in hindsight, especially the old-queue parameter name. I'd suggest naming it queue, as it refers to an atom. You could even consider naming the function

Re: Clojure XML - is there a better way?

2014-07-22 Thread Mike Fikes
My only gut reaction is that, without a root node, it doesn't seem that you have XML. (It is certainly not a well formed document, and I would suspect lots of XML tools/libraries would have difficulty coping with the example you provided.) -- You received this message because you are

ANN qarth 0.1.0, an OAuth library

2014-07-24 Thread Mike Thvedt
-Java. Qarth is brand new, so please let me know about any issues or rough edges you encounter. --Mike -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to clojure

Re: ANN qarth 0.1.0, an OAuth library

2014-07-25 Thread Mike Thvedt
with OAuth--log in users and get a token to make requests. However, differences between OAuth providers made code reuse difficult, despite a few attempts at fixing the situation. This is the wheel I hope doesn't have to be reinvented. Mike On Friday, July 25, 2014 8:16:44 AM UTC-5, Plinio Balduino

Re: Clojure 1.7 and invokeStatic

2014-08-06 Thread Mike Thvedt
It's worth pointing out that var indirection is already cheap in Java--it is generally dominated by IO, memory access, object construction, dynamic dispatch... The JIT compiler will inline any var access if the var doesn't visibly change, and only needs to check one word of memory per var each

Re: Clojure 1.7 and invokeStatic

2014-08-06 Thread Mike Thvedt
I don't want to question your microbenchmarks, but I'm not sure you have the correct interpretation. Read memory fences have little to no cost. In particular, read memory fences are a no-op (literally) on x86 unless the cache line is invalidated. On Wednesday, August 6, 2014 5:54:32 AM UTC-5,

Re: Clojure 1.7 and invokeStatic

2014-08-06 Thread Mike Thvedt
I didn't want to start a flame war, I just didn't want people being misled into thinking static vars are a big perf improvement for most code. It's better do use ordinary dynamic vars unless you're sure it will be beneficial for some tight loop somewhere. The usual case is the JIT inlines the

Newbie: adding items to a global vector in doseq

2014-08-14 Thread Mike Fikes
Read up on atoms. The results of your conj call are being discarded. For example, check out the behavior of this: (def urls2 (atom [])) (swap! urls2 conj;) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send

Re: Newbie: adding items to a global vector in doseq

2014-08-14 Thread Mike Fikes
Thomas is absolutely right, Philippe. Things also get easier if you avoid, or defer side effects, and first focus on pure functions. So, for example at the REPL, you might first try processing a literal sequence of lines, repeatedly adjusting the processing code, tweaking the regex, until you

Programming Clojure in the large: libraries, frameworks, oh my

2014-09-19 Thread Mike Haney
Just a note - juxt/jig isn't being maintained, and has been replaced by juxt/modular. Modular is based on Stuart Sierra's component library, and mainly consists of several pre-built components and some nice helpers for wiring and configuring components. It also plays well with juxt/ceylon,

Re: [ANN] Onyx: Distributed data processing in Clojure

2014-09-20 Thread Mike Drogalis
Daniel: Haha, yes! Shame that I tried to be smooth in open sourcing it, and managed to botch it in the worst possible manner. Rangel: I can't speak to ZeroMQ, but I chose HornetQ because of its performance, support for transactions, and support for clustering. That being said, everything that

Rich Hickey's Transducers talk from Strange Loop

2014-09-21 Thread Mike Rodriguez
Thanks for putting it up so fast! -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your first post. To unsubscribe

Re: core.async | compojure ... odd error ... help!!

2014-09-28 Thread Mike Fikes
, or to-chan on collections read directly from memory. - Mike On Saturday, September 27, 2014 5:01:36 AM UTC-4, mond wrote: Hi James, Er, nice tip on the routes - that was another thing that I didn't expect to work but was happy when it did ;-) I will of course adapt it to your recommendation

Re: Where can one find low hanging fruit for open source contribution?

2014-09-29 Thread Mike Drogalis
Please do. :) On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 5:57 PM, Marcus Blankenship wrote: Cool, thanks Michael. Do you mind if I add it to the Clojure Learning Resources repo page? On Sep 29, 2014, at 5:54 PM, Michael Drogalis

Do this or that

2014-10-06 Thread Mike Fikes
Here's a style question: If you have to conditionally do one set of side effects or another set, is your preference to use when and when-not, or an if containing do blocks? Or perhaps some other construct? In terms of a concrete example: (let [boolean-value (some-predicate?)] (when

Re: best way to edit EDN value in cljs

2014-10-10 Thread Mike Fikes
Can you use update-in or assoc-in? On Friday, October 10, 2014 2:28:26 PM UTC-4, Dustin Getz wrote: I have an arbitrarily nested EDN value stored in an atom in ClojureScript. What is the best way to make edits to an arbitrary subtree of this value? -- You received this message because you

Re: Do this or that

2014-10-11 Thread Mike Fikes
Thanks all! FWIW, the snake game in Programming Clojure has an example (where refs are conditionally updated) which is consistent with the advice given here. Two nice things I noticed in that example: 1. The first form inside do is kept on the same line (a small but nice improvement reducing

Re: Keyword comparison performance

2014-10-11 Thread Mike Rodriguez
To the point (b) it seems that this posts is saying the clj's = will not be faster for keyword than string since the runtime type checking overhead is where most time is spent. So the identity part of keyword equals doesn't show its benefit here (unless these were long strings vs long keywords

Re: Keyword comparison performance

2014-10-11 Thread Mike Rodriguez
To the point (b) it seems that this posts is saying the clj's = will not be faster for keyword than string since the runtime type checking overhead is where most time is spent. So the identity part of keyword equals doesn't show its benefit here (unless these were long strings vs long keywords

Re: Keyword comparison performance

2014-10-11 Thread Mike Rodriguez
To the point (b) it seems that this posts is saying the clj's = will not be faster for keyword than string since the runtime type checking overhead is where most time is spent. So the identity part of keyword equals doesn't show its benefit here (unless these were long strings vs long keywords

Re: Keyword comparison performance

2014-10-11 Thread Mike Rodriguez
Thanks for taking the time for the (detailed) clarification. I understand what you were saying now. :) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are

Re: Why is my function faster with eval?

2014-10-11 Thread Mike Fikes
Hey Michael, Since your eval solution essentially cookie-cutters out maps, each with the same keys, as fast as it can, I was playing around with what would happen if you used records, and I cobbled together something that appears to run twice as fast as the eval approach: (defn

Re: uniqueness of hash if computed on different jvms across different machines.

2014-10-13 Thread Mike Fikes
In addition to Andy's caveats, remember that hash code equality doesn't imply object equality. In concrete terms, a = b implies h(a) = h(b), with the useful bit being h(a) ≠ h(b) implies a ≠ b. On Monday, October 13, 2014 2:04:57 AM UTC-4, Sunil Nandihalli wrote: Hi, Is the clojure

Re: Modelling in Clojure

2014-10-21 Thread Mike Haney
I can't remember if someone posted this already, and the thread is too long and I am too lazy to go back and check, so I apologize if it's already been mentioned. Anyway, I found this talk very helpful when I started learning Clojure, getting used to data-oriented thinking:

Expanding The Use Of Transducers To Atoms?

2014-10-26 Thread Mike Thompson
of observables, should this atom-as-seq-with-transducer be easier? Should the IAtom interface or the add-watcher function be changed to make this process easier? Just a thought. -- Mike -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post

Idiomatic way to return a single value from an async function

2014-11-10 Thread Mike Haney
Eric Normand has an interesting article on this here: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are

Re: Persistent Data Structures for Objective-C/LLVM

2014-11-12 Thread Mike Fikes
I'm thinking Anton's persistent collections could be useful on iOS. Out of curiosity, I made a small iOS project that compares the performance of Anton's map to ClojureScript's, when adding lots of key-value pairs (using transients):

Re: If code is data why do we use text editors?

2014-11-15 Thread Mike Haney
Colin - I'm just curious if you have any experience with Jetbrains MPS? I was into it pretty heavily before I got into Clojure, and I've thought a lot about how to add support for Clojure to it (would be pretty straightforward, actually), but haven't had the time to pursue it or the conviction

Re: Clojurescript to target JVM?

2014-11-21 Thread Mike Fikes
I too was intrigued by this and cobbled together a quick test to see if this made it possible to create command-line apps that start up more quickly [1]. It appears that this is indeed the case, but, of course you still need to pay JVM startup time. I was also interested in what Sam Beran

Re: Thnx for clojureconj videos !!

2014-11-24 Thread Mike Haney
Seconding the recommendation for the Clojure Gazette. If you aren't subscribed already, just do it. It's a fantastic resource, and I am very grateful for Eric Normand and the tireless effort he puts into it. On a side note, I had the pleasure of meeting Eric at the Conj, and he is one of the

rest arguments and desctructuring / nil vs. empty

2014-11-30 Thread Mike Fikes
For rest arguments, as in (defn foo [x r] r), when the remaining arguments are rolled up into a sequence, you will get nil instead of an empty sequence. Is it fair to say that the rest nomenclature came about back at the beginning of Clojure, when rest really did return nil, prior to the

Re: Charting Data Format Feedback Requested

2014-12-12 Thread Mike Anderson
Lucas, Thanks for kicking off the discussion - great to see your proposal on this. I think it will be really valuable if we can converge on a standard way of representing this kind of data in Clojure/ClojureScript. Copying the Incanter and main Clojure groups as well because I think there will

Re: Multimethod dispatch based on Java classes is simply not reliable.

2014-12-13 Thread Mike Rodriguez
I'm not 100% sure and haven't really looked deeply at this comment or link you mention, but perhaps this is related to This would only be the case for Clojure-dynamically generated Java classes though, which is those from deftype or the macros built

Re: Has the old invalid constant tag: -57 bug been fixed?

2014-12-16 Thread Mike Fikes
I've recently seen the same error: Loading test/cljs/classroom_checkout/test1.cljs... done CompilerException java.lang.ClassFormatError: Unknown constant tag 117 in class file classroom_checkout/utils_test$eval12853,

Re: Has the old invalid constant tag: -57 bug been fixed?

2014-12-16 Thread Mike Fikes
You are absolutely right, Andy. Getting out my bantha shears in order to provide a good reduction for a bug report… -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new

Re: Has the old invalid constant tag: -57 bug been fixed?

2014-12-16 Thread Mike Fikes
I found that the problem I'm experiencing is, in essence, the same issue as discussed (and fixed) here, but with some new tool in my toolchain (Cursive/simple-brepl/Weasel). TL;DR: Something produces a .class file that exceeds the

Re: Has the old invalid constant tag: -57 bug been fixed?

2014-12-17 Thread Mike Fikes
I did some digging and for those interested, this appears to be the way piggieback and tools.nrepl work for ClojureScript. Details are in the Cursive ticket: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups

ANN: Sparse matrix support for Clojure with vectorz-clj 0.28.0

2014-12-27 Thread Mike Anderson
Here is a little belated Christmas present for Clojure data aficionados: ;; setup (use 'clojure.core.matrix) (set-current-implementation :vectorz) ;; create a big sparse matrix with a trillion elements (initially zero) (def A (new-sparse-array [100 100])) ;; we are hopefully smart

Re: ANN: Sparse matrix support for Clojure with vectorz-clj 0.28.0

2014-12-28 Thread Mike Anderson
! On Saturday, December 27, 2014 4:56:55 AM UTC-5, Mike Anderson wrote: Here is a little belated Christmas present for Clojure data aficionados: ;; setup (use 'clojure.core.matrix) (set-current-implementation :vectorz) ;; create a big sparse matrix with a trillion elements (initially zero

Re: ANN: Sparse matrix support for Clojure with vectorz-clj 0.28.0

2014-12-28 Thread Mike Anderson
2014 09:43:54 UTC+8, Matt Revelle wrote: On Dec 28, 2014, at 7:28 PM, Mike Anderson wrote: Interesting idea. The challenge is that I'm not sure how to add representation specification in an implementation independent way. It's a quirk of vectorz that it has

Re: [lein] compile sass?

2014-12-28 Thread Mike Haney
Cool, I'll give your fork a try. I've been using lein-shell to just run sassc directly, but it's annoying because sassc bombs if the target folder doesn't exist. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

Pedestal comparison to Sente/HTTPKit

2015-01-26 Thread Mike Haney
I haven't had a chance to really dig into Pedestal yet, but Ryan Neufeld did a video sometime back that really opened my eyes to how Pedestal works: Pedestal is primarily focused on letting you provide your services (RESTful or otherwise) while still providing some

Pedestal comparison to Sente/HTTPKit

2015-01-26 Thread Mike Haney
Forgot to mention, as far as raw performance/latency of HTTP servers go, you can find a comparison here: -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: [ANN] dformat 0.1.0

2015-01-15 Thread Mike Haney
I completely agree that the order of arguments is backwards - precludes the use of 'partial'. Other than that, good job. Very clever idea. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to

Re: [ANN] Leiningen 2.5.1 released

2015-01-15 Thread Mike Thompson
Reported here: The workaround is to remove any wget or curl in your PATH, which will force lein.bat to use powershell (when downloading from github). On Monday, January 12, 2015 at 9:25:26 PM UTC+11, Jean Niklas L'orange wrote: Hi

Re: Question about ClojureScript Testing

2015-02-11 Thread Mike Thompson
, auto-reloading etc. Here's a template project for the combination of figwheel and reagent: On a different track, here's a way to use:optimizations :none -- Mike -- You received

alternatives to component (like) systems

2015-01-27 Thread Mike Haney
I can say from experience that it's quite a bit easier to use component from the beginning than to retrofit it, plus it solves the problem of controlling startup order quite nicely (among others). If you're planning on using component anyway, you might as well bite the bullet and start with it

Switched map for record and got slower

2015-01-28 Thread Mike Rodriguez
Another thing to note is if you were using these maps as keys to a hash-based associative structure, like a hash map, then you be aware that Clojure record do not cache their hash code like other Clojure persistent map impls do. I've had this eat up performance time in some scenarios before.

Re: Switched map for record and got slower

2015-01-28 Thread Mike Rodriguez
Sorry. That was a typo. I meant 1.8. I'm just referring to the version tagged on the Jira. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated -

Re: ANN: boltzmann 0.1.1 - a deep-learning library

2015-01-05 Thread Mike Anderson
On Tuesday, 6 January 2015 04:27:55 UTC+8, Christian Weilbach wrote: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 On 05.01.2015 03:34, Mike Anderson wrote: Very cool stuff! Like yours! I wish nurokit was EPLed, then I could have had a look at it and try to include it there. Have

Re: ANN: Sparse matrix support for Clojure with vectorz-clj 0.28.0

2015-01-10 Thread Mike Anderson
Thanks Matt! I've just release Vectorz 0.45.0 including your changes. A lot of sparse operations are much faster now! On Monday, 29 December 2014 21:56:30 UTC+8, Matt Revelle wrote: Yes, will do. On Dec 28, 2014, at 9:58 PM, Mike Anderson wrote: Looks like

Re: [ANN] Clojure 1.7.0-alpha5 now available

2015-01-11 Thread Mike Fikes
Alex, 1.7.0-alpha5 looks OK to me. It passed with some regression testing for an AOTd http-kit compojure / core.async REST server using Lucene, clojure/java.jdbc / MySQL, Java 1.7.0_65 on Ubuntu 10.04.1 LTS. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure

Re: Clojure for Desktop UI Design Application

2015-01-13 Thread Mike Haney
My evolution is similar to Colin's, with more SWT than Swing. And I understand where you're coming from - did Java for 15 years and C++ before that. I didn't even really learn about functional programming until about 3 years ago, and after an aborted dive into learning Scala I switched to

Re: Clojure for Desktop UI Design Application

2015-01-13 Thread Mike Haney
I know it seems overwhelming, and if you try to keep up with all the latest cool libraries, -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated -

[ANN] cqrs-server - An opinionated CQRS/ES implementation using Onyx, Datomic, DynamoDB, Kafka and Zookeeper.

2015-02-14 Thread Mike Haney
, and I will be digging into your system at the first opportunity. Thank you so much for sharing this work with the community. Mike -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note

Re: [RFC] Testing ClojureScript code with clojurescript.test and Karma

2015-02-11 Thread Mike Thompson
up ... You'll need to change your :none hack as soon as you switch to clojurescript v0.0.2719 : Cheers, Mike -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure

Re: ANN: boltzmann 0.1.1 - a deep-learning library

2015-01-04 Thread Mike Anderson
Very cool stuff! I notice that you are specialising the RBM to a specific matrix implementation (Clatrix / JBlas) in the file jblas.clj. Are you sure you need to do that? Part of the beauty of core.matrix is that you should be able to write your algorithms in an implementation-independent

Re: Who's using Clojure?

2015-03-16 Thread Mike Rodriguez
We've been using Clojure at Cerner in the healthcare IT space. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send email to Note that posts from new members are moderated - please be patient with your

Re: [ClojureScript] Re: ANN: ClojureScript 0.0-3115

2015-03-16 Thread Mike Fikes
If that is true, then it is a problem, indicative either of a widespread lack of discipline among the tool makers or (more likely) a strong need for some additional well-specified (and maintained!) APIs in the compiler for tools to hook into. Sometimes it is just a simple bug or lack

Eclipse Public License

2015-03-24 Thread Mike Milinkovich
I just wanted to make people here aware that the Eclipse community is discussing revising the Eclipse Public License. As the Clojure community makes use of the EPL, some folks may be interested in the discussion. Please see the mail archives at

[ANN][book] Clojure Reactive Programming

2015-03-24 Thread Mike Haney
This is the first new Clojure book that has looked interesting to me in some time. I just picked it up, I'll let you know my thoughts when I've had time to read through it. -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups Clojure group. To post to this group, send

Re: Deterministic macro expansion for Clojure?

2015-03-31 Thread Mike Haney
You also might want to check out this talk In part of the talk, he describes how they generate symbols deterministically to use in query fragments that can be predictably combined into Datomic queries. Different application, but mostly the same requirements as you

Re: [ANN][book] Clojure Reactive Programming

2015-03-26 Thread Mike Haney
There is value in comparing approaches, minus the personal attacks. I would suggest starting a different thread, though. Bringing this back to the original topic - I'm about 25% through the book, and it is really good so far. Thank you Leonardo for writing what so far appears to be a very

From JavaScript to ClojureScript (Doing Computers screencast)

2015-01-29 Thread Mike Patella
Hey folks! I started the screencast series Doing Computers at the beginning of this month. I wanted to share what I believe is the best of the three screencasts I've released so far. I managed to introduce a few obvious bugs while recording this

Re: ANN: ClojureScript 0.0-3211

2015-04-25 Thread Mike Fikes
Hey Tony, try updating the version of Clojure in your project.clj to 1.7.0-beta1, which is used by 0.0-3211. (In short, reader/read was given a second arity to allow options to be passed, thus supporting #? conditional reading.) -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the

Re: Too many words written on referential transparency in Clojure and Haskell

2015-04-22 Thread Mike Rodriguez
This is exactly one of the reasons a bunch of folk ( aka, purests maybe ) don't like that map/filter etc. in Clojure convert the input collection into seqs, unlike Haskell or others where the those monad laws keep you in check that map/filter return the *same* container - so mapping a set

Re: Too many words written on referential transparency in Clojure and Haskell

2015-04-21 Thread Mike Rodriguez
Thanks for sharing this. I found the write-up to be very informative and to have good background sources. I certainly never thought about this sneaky behavior concerning `seq` and hash sets before now. I'll have to look out for that one! On Tuesday, April 21, 2015 at 8:13:48 PM UTC-5, Andy

Re: Meaning of part of the doc string for `ns-resolve`

2015-04-24 Thread Mike Rodriguez
I agree about wanting to use the explicit argument name surrounded by markdown quotes in docs. I've definitely started adopting this practice and wish there were conventions around this sort of thing. Without it, doc strings can easily get ambiguous and confusing in how they relate the the

Re: Meaning of part of the doc string for `ns-resolve`

2015-04-25 Thread Mike Rodriguez
I have found long docs like that to be useful in some major top-level function if it has a large sort of input and configuration parameters to pass in. Markdown I believe means with back ticks around the symbol to make it stand out as an actual art name vs some other word in the sentence. I

Re: A more flexible versio of - ?

2015-05-04 Thread Mike Thompson
In addition to what's already been pointed out, on a grander scale there's: On Tuesday, May 5, 2015 at 6:48:34 AM UTC+10, Kaiyin Zhong wrote: Wouldn't be nice to have something like: (- thing (f1 ph arg2 arg3) (f2 arg1 ph arg3)

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