Re: rules for writing macros

2009-02-15 Thread Stuart Halloway

Does this clarify the point I was making?

When writing macros, you cannot dynamically build one of the syntactic  
sugar forms. For example, you cannot write a macro that expands cls  
and member into (cls/member):

   (defmacro call-static [cls member] `(~cls/~member))
   - java.lang.Exception: Invalid token: cls

Instead, you should build normal, unsugared forms:

   (defmacro call-static [cls member] `(. ~cls ~member))
   - nil

 On Tue, Feb 3, 2009 at 11:26 AM, Mark Volkmann wrote:

 Now I remember what I was thinking about. This isn't so much a
 difference between macros and functions as it is a rule about
 something you cannot do in a macro. Quoting from Programming  

 You cannot write a macro that expands to any of the syntactic sugar
 forms ... For example, you cannot write a macro that
 expands to (Math/PI).


 (defmacro pi [] 'Math/PI)  == #'user/pi
 (macroexpand '(pi))  == Math/PI
 (pi)  == 3.141592653589793

 (defmacro strlen [s] `(.length ~s))  == #'user/strlen
 (strlen hello)  == 5

 (defmacro mydoc [s] `(:doc ^#'~s))  == #'user/mydoc
 (macroexpand '(mydoc doc))  == (:doc (clojure.core/meta (var doc)))
 (mydoc doc)  == Prints documentation for a var or special form  
 given its name

 That's a whole lot of sugar that all seems to work ok.  Is there some
 other syntactic sugar form that does not work?  Perhaps he's referring
 to actually producing reader macro usages, like this:

 (defmacro mydoc2 [s] `(:doc ~(symbol (str ^#' s  == #'user/ 
 (macroexpand '(mydoc2 doc))  == (:doc ^#'doc)
 (mydoc2 doc)  == java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol:  



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Re: Fully lazy sequences are coming - feedback wanted!

2009-02-15 Thread Stuart Halloway

I prefer first/rest/next.

Because of where the book is in the production cycle, it will be  
difficult for me to change the prose. But if this gets decided (and  
clojure-contrib updated) in the next week or two I think I can get the  
book printed with the changes incorporated throughout.


 I'm pretty much finished with the fully-lazy implementation and am
 happy so far with the results. I think this will be an important
 addition to Clojure and am planning to add it.

 Now comes the hard part - names and change. The essence of the fully
 lazy seqs is that they will not consume any resources, perform any
 computation or trigger any side effects until they are consumed. This
 is a change to the way the sequence functions work now, in that, in
 order to determine whether they should return a seq or nil, they need
 to touch at least one item. So, there will be an additional function
 on seqs, one that returns the items other than the first as a logical,
 non-nil, possibly empty collection. Calling seq on this collection
 will give you what rest currently gives you - the next seq object or
 nil if none. So the core operations on seqs will be:

 (first x)

 ;collection of remaining items, possibly empty
 (possibly-empty-collection-of-the-remaining-items x)

 ;seq on next item, or nil if none
 (seq-on-the-next-item-if-any-else-nil x)

 (first x) is uncontroversial and won't change. The second is a new
 function. The third is currently called 'rest'.

 I have some ideas for names, and there are definitely tradeoffs
 between short-term pain and long-term goodness in some of the options.
 The first option is to leave rest alone, and give the new function a
 new name, like more.

 (first x)

 ;collection of remaining items, possibly empty
 (more x)

 ;seq on next item, or nil if none
 (rest x)

 Note that (rest x) === (seq (more x))

 This is implemented in the lazy branch, SVN rev 1281. It has the
 attribute of requiring the fewest changes to existing code, and the
 drawback of leaving us with less-than-ideal names, especially insofar
 as more (or whatever you choose to call it) will in some way seem
 synonymous with rest. This naming scheme, and the changes it implies,
 is documented here:

 The second option is to choose the best possible names, and deal with
 some short term pain in porting and confusion. I think the best names

 (first x)

 ;collection of remaining items, possibly empty
 (rest x)

 ;seq on next item, or nil if none
 (next x)

 This is implemented in the lazy branch, SVN rev 1282. Note that this
 changes the meaning of rest, and gives the current rest operation a
 new name, next. It has the attributes of using the most appropriate
 names (IMO) and the drawback of changing the semantics of a frequently
 used function name, but still offering that functionality under a
 different name. It would also break the compatibility of rest with
 Common Lisp's. As with the previous model, the third function can be
 defined in terms of the second - (next x) === (seq (rest x)). This
 naming scheme, and the changes it implies, is documented here:

 A third option would be to retire rest and use only new names:

 (first x)

 ;collection of remaining items, possibly empty
 (more x)

 ;seq on next item, or nil if none
 (next x)

 I haven't implemented this.

 I prefer first/rest/next. I think rest is the best complement to
 first, and it should mean the logical collection once things are fully
 lazy. I think next implies the next seq, as well as the eager nature
 of the operation.

 I am looking for feedback from people willing to read and understand
 the linked-to documentation and the fully lazy model, and especially
 from those trying the lazy branch code and porting some of your own.
 Questions on the model welcome as well. Chouser has also blogged a bit
 about this, with some useful descriptions of nil punning:

 I've been working on this for a few months, in lieu of more
 interesting things, because I knew it would be a breaking change and
 we're trying to get the biggest of those behind us. I appreciate any
 effort you spend in trying to provide informed input.




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Re: Fully lazy sequences are coming - feedback wanted!

2009-02-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

Thanks Rich!  :-)

 , 2009, at 11:25 AM, David Nolen wrote:

 butlast, doall, dorun, doseq, dosync, dotimes, doto, fnseq, gensym,
 macroexpand, macroexpand-1, mapcat, nthrest


 Because they are similar to other Lisps I assume.  The same reason
 for println vs print-line. Changing these are a bad idea in IMHO.

 Breaking the meaning of rest with Common Lisp is a consideration to
 take seriously.  However as long as the documentation clearly states
 (highlights in big bold colors ;) this difference (and the fact the
 operation is support by next) then I think this is a change people
 can live with.

 Changing these names is not on the table.



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Re: Fully lazy sequences are coming - feedback wanted!

2009-02-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

I agree with Walt, and there is no need to pressure the Prags, we are  
on it! :-)

That said, it would be *very* helpful to me if we could get the  
lazyness thing settled this week...


 Regarding Programming Clojure:

 I think that placing the burden of book vs actual incompatibility
 upon Rich is misplaced. If anything, pressure from the Clojure
 community should be placed on the Pragmatic Programmers to allow
 Stuart to do the right thing regarding when the book is released,
 viz., when Clojure has stabilized.

 Realize who is making the open contribution and who is profiting from
 that contribution and keep the priorities straight.

 My 2 cents.


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terminology question re: binding

2009-02-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

David Sletten sent me this erratum:

At the beginning of section 2.4 we have The symbol user/foo refers to  
a var which is bound to the value 10. Under the next subsection  
Bindings we have Vars are bound to names, but there are other kinds  
of bindings as well. The Common Lisp standard defines a binding as  
an association between a name and that which the name denotes. This  
is the second sense used in the book. The first sense of a binding  
between a var and its value is inconsistent.

Should I be using two different terms, or is the notion of binding  


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Re: how to learn clojure ?

2009-02-19 Thread Stuart Halloway

Thanks for the kind words, David. I hope many people will like  
Programming Clojure and find it useful.

Clojure has a *ton* of goodness in it. I think many of the chapters in  
Programming Clojure book could usefully be followed with an entire  
book. Here is a partial list of recommendations for companion reading:

For Java Interop:
* The JVM spec (free online). Know your platform. :-)

For Functional Programming:
* Real World Haskell (free online)

For Concurrency:
* Java Concurrency in Practice

For Macros:
* On Lisp (free online)

For Lisp in General:
* Practical Common Lisp (free online)
* Paradigms of AI Programming

For Multimethods:
* The Art of the Metaobject Protocol

Just Because:
* Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs


 Of course I beg to differ.  The Stuart Halloway's book is fantastic  
 of course, I have it myself.  It's absolutely required reading.   
 Stuart does his best to describe the ins and outs of the language  
 while giving a crash course on the Lisp philosophy.  And yes Clojure  
 is syntactically different from Scheme and Common Lisp, however many  
 of the non-Clojure texts suggested do a better job explaining the  
 deeper why's of Lisp programming, concepts that go beyond the  
 particular implementation.  In fact I would probably recommend the  
 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs as the  
 indispensable Lisp text above all others.

 But thats just MHO.


 On Thu, Feb 19, 2009 at 8:46 AM, Rayne  

 Telling someone to read a book that isn't even focused on the language
 he's trying to learn isn't a great way to help them. Tell him to read
 Programming Clojure or something, anything but Common Lisp and Scheme
 books, he isn't learning those languages he's learning Clojure. There
 is enough information around on Clojure that someone shouldn't be
 forced to read a book on a completely different language.

 No offense guys.


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better syntax highlighting for Clojure

2009-02-23 Thread Stuart Halloway

I have improved the clojure.js bits [1]. Various small changes, but  
the big issue was to discontinue using \b for end of word, which does  
not work well with names-like-this.

Feedback or additional improvements welcome.



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challenge: best fibo implementation under the new laziness?

2009-02-23 Thread Stuart Halloway

I have updated the sample source from the book 
) to the new laziness. Along the way, I replaced the lazy-cons based  
implementation of the fibonacci numbers with this:

(defn fibo
  (concat [0 1] (fibo 0 1)))
   ([a b]
  (let [n (+ a b)]
(cons n (fibo b n))

Is there a better/more idiomatic approach, without resorting to code  
in clojure-contrib? Test your code against the following expression to  
flush out stack and heap overflows.

(rem (nth (fibo) 100) 1000)
- 875

Also, the current 'fibs' implementation in clojure.contrib.seq fails  
the test above, because it holds the entire sequence as it goes. We  
should replace it with whatever the community comes up with on this  


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Re: better syntax highlighting for Clojure

2009-02-23 Thread Stuart Halloway


I originally grabbed the js and css from the Google groups files. I  
haven't changed the colors--I merely adapted the js to do a better job  
of identifying clojure names. The js and css should work on any  
website, which is why I thought this might be of general interest.


 Hello Stuart,

 Can you explain what this is ? Is it just something related to your  
 book, or something that also colors syntax on websites (maybe the  
 clojure website, or github ..) ?

 Indeed, if these are the commonly accepted colors for clojure  
 code, I'll consider adapt clojure-dev to stick with this coloring  

 Thanks in advance,


 2009/2/23 Stuart Halloway

 I have improved the clojure.js bits [1]. Various small changes, but
 the big issue was to discontinue using \b for end of word, which does
 not work well with names-like-this.

 Feedback or additional improvements welcome.




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Re: challenge: best fibo implementation under the new laziness?

2009-02-23 Thread Stuart Halloway


 Using a good old sequence of vectors:
 (defn fibo []
  (map first (iterate (fn [[a b]] [b (+ a b)]) [0 1])))


 Stuart Halloway a écrit :
 I have updated the sample source from the book 
 ) to the new laziness. Along the way, I replaced the lazy-cons based
 implementation of the fibonacci numbers with this:

 (defn fibo
  (concat [0 1] (fibo 0 1)))
   ([a b]
  (let [n (+ a b)]
  (cons n (fibo b n))

 Is there a better/more idiomatic approach, without resorting to code
 in clojure-contrib? Test your code against the following expression  
 flush out stack and heap overflows.

 (rem (nth (fibo) 100) 1000)
 - 875

 Also, the current 'fibs' implementation in clojure.contrib.seq fails
 the test above, because it holds the entire sequence as it goes. We
 should replace it with whatever the community comes up with on this


 Professional: (fr)
 On Clojure: (en)


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Re: retrieving argument :tag metadata

2009-02-24 Thread Stuart Halloway

Cool, thanks.

 On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 11:59 AM, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 Is there a way to programmatically retrieve the :tag of an argument?
 The var metadata will return the tag of a return value...

 The :arglists metadata attached to the Var by defn appear to keep
 the metadata given in the defn form:

 user= (binding [*print-meta* true] (prn (:arglists ^#'future-call)))
 ([#^Callable f])



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new laziness: terminology help

2009-02-24 Thread Stuart Halloway

I am wrestling the sequences chapter of the book into conformance with  
the new laziness, and I am finding it tricky to infer accurate  
definitions of the words sequence, seq (noun), seq (function), and  
ISeq from the variety of extant documentation, code, email chats, and  
IRC logs. I would appreciate comments and corrections to the following  

(1) The book currently claims that sequence and seq are synonyms.  
This is consistent with, but not with  
recent threads here. Is it more accurate to say that a sequence is a  
seq-able collection?

(2) Is it correct to say that seq (noun) and ISeq are synonyms? I take  
this from seqs can be empty * always an ISeq


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Re: new laziness: terminology help

2009-02-25 Thread Stuart Halloway

I like this, and I am OK with seq (function) being the oddball that  
returns a seq or nil.

Rich, this is what Beta 8 of the book currently says -- ok with you?


 I believe that one of Rich's stated purposes with the latest revision
 of the laziness branch was to get rid of some of the subtle
 differences between these terms after all the discussions about this.
 I think that with the new changes the intent is:
 seq (noun) = sequence = ISeq, i.e., anything you might get back from  

 This is a bit counterintuitive, however, because you might expect that
 the noun seq should mean anything you can get back from the seq
 function (i.e., a nonempty ISeq or nil).  However, the behavior of the
 seq? predicate implies that the noun seq is intended to be a synonym
 for ISeq.

 I tend to use the term seq-able to mean anything you can pass to the
 seq function without error.

 Anyway, that's my impression...


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Re: new laziness: terminology help

2009-02-25 Thread Stuart Halloway

 All sequences are represented by (chains of) (possibly lazy) seqs, of
 type ISeq. So yes, sequence/seq(noun)/ISeq are technically synonyms,
 but [1]


 [1] In practice, a sequence fn (like map et al) may return an empty
 sequence, while seq/next will instead return a (forced) thing with a
 first, or nil, and I'd use the terms sequence for the former and seq
 for the latter.

I believe it would be simpler to leave out this footnote. In my  
perfect world, seq/ISeq/sequence are synonyms, and nillability is a  
property only of *functions*: seq and next.

I realize that this breaks with past usage.

Rich, I will treat your next reply as a final ruling for the book. :-)


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Re: class of java array

2009-03-09 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Adrian,

Here is one way:

  (- (into-array [one two]) (class) (.getComponentType))
- java.lang.String
(- (to-array [one two]) (class) (.getComponentType))
- java.lang.Object


 I have a java object that either contains a String or an array of  

 (instance? java.lang.String obj... works fine for the String,

 but how would I check for the String Array?

 Thanks, Adrian.


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Re: New release 20090320

2009-03-20 Thread Stuart Halloway

I am updating some of the examples in the FP chapter to use letfn, and  
the book is already up-to-date on fully lazy seqs.

Any other new features jump out as must discuss in book?


 New release 20090320 -

 Incorporates all the recent additions - fully lazy seqs, :let option
 for doseq/for, letfn for mutually recursive local fns, synchronous
 watches, multi-arg set/union/difference/intersection, counted?, per-
 defmulti hierarchies, #_ ignore form reader macro, future-calls,
 future and pcalls/pvalues, defmulti docstrings and metadata, methods/
 prefers for multimethod reflection, uniform metadata handling for
 atoms/refs/agents/vars/namespaces, condp, release-pending-sends, AOT
 tweaks to support applets and Android, etc. All this in addition to
 many fixes and enhancements.

 The API docs page is now current - changes to the rest of the site
 will come soon.

 This release includes many patches from contributors, and input and
 reports from many users - thanks all!



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Re: Clojure + Java compilation and IntelliJ IDEA plugin

2009-03-25 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Ilya,

I would like to be able to demo the sample code from the book in IDEA.  
Here are a few things I am seeing so far:

(1) When I set a breakpoint, I get a warning icon that says no  
executable code found at... but the breakpoint does in fact seem to  

(2) The variable window correctly displays collections, but not large/ 
infinite sequences. If you try to open a variable view on an infinite  
sequence, it will use all of memory. Can the plugin be modified to  
respect the *print-length* and *print-depth* variables?

(3) I am unable to set a watch on the special variable *print-length*.  
The entry UI goes wonky when I reach the hyphen character in the name.

It's exciting to see the plugin moving forward, thanks for your efforts!


 Hello, all.

 I've just uploaded new version of La Clojure plugin for IntelliJ  
 IDEA. Among several bugfixes and minor changes I have to note  
 several essential moments.

 1. Now Clojure support is added as so-called `facet', which may be  
 attached to every module. Creating new module, just choose Clojure  
 among desired technologies. In this case necessary clojure jar will  
 be downloaded automatically and adjusted as a project library unless  
 you point to it manually.

 2. If you open existing project, clojure facet will be detected  
 automatically. For now facet serves as a label for clojure-aware  
 modules. In that modules you may invoke create new clojure file  
 action and their clojure files will be compiled.

 3. From now IntelliJ IDEA provides support for batch compilation of  
 Clojure files, whose namespace is marked by :gen-calss tag. Compiled  
 classes will be places to the appropriate output directory of a  
 module. One may choose, which sources should be compiled first -  
 Java or Clojure to resolve one-way dependencies. By default Clojure  
 is compiled first. Moreoverm you may to choose whether to copy *.clj  
 files to output path or not (this might be useful if you're going to  
 invoke some functions from *.clj files dynamically). And, of course,  
 automatic detection and compilation of class-labeled clojure files  
 may be switched off. For more details see File - Settings -  
 Compiler - Clojure.

 For someone these settings might seem not sufficiently flexible. So,  
 all comments and proposals are appreciated. :)

 With best regards,
 Ilya Sergey


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Book erratum (was: Clojure + Java compilation and IntelliJ IDEA plugin)

2009-03-26 Thread Stuart Halloway


I have checked in a unit test for the tasklist example that  
demonstrates it working correctly locally. Can you try it and see  
what's different for you?

Git repos:

Then bin/ or bin\runtests.bat depending on your  
platform. The individual test is examples/test/tasklist.clj.


 Hi, Stuart.

 I would like to be able to demo the sample code from the book in IDEA

 That's great, I'm really happy to hear it.

 As for all three issues you've mentioned, all of them have same  
 origin and related to so-called evaluator API. What you can see now  
 using debugger is nothing but vanilla  Java stack, some of whose  
 variable may coincide with appropriate Clojure variables.  
 Implmentation of watches, evaluate expression or some specific cases  
 like dealing with lazy structures is _very_  non-trivial problem,  
 cause all clojure constructs, written, say, in 'watches' section  
 should be translated to correct Java code to capture appropriate  
 stack and environment from JVM and being evaluated.
 For now, we solved this problem partially for Groovy, because Groovy  
 is not so hard to translate to Java and we're working on the same  
 problem for Scala, which is much more dificult because of presence  
 of string typeing. As for Clojure, I don't see an easy way for now  
 to implement such feature.
 For me such tasks as smart completion and resolve have greater  

 BTW, I'm not sure, that thiss issue was already mentioned in errata  
 for book, but I failed to compile tasklist.clj example from last  
 book version (27 feb), because some function (sort of `lazy-eval')  
 from clojure-contrib raised an error during compilation. Same result  
 was obtained by compilation from command line, so I'm afraid some- 
 thing wrong either with current clojure-contrib  version or this  

 Kind regards,

 2009/3/25 Stuart Halloway

 Hi Ilya,

 I would like to be able to demo the sample code from the book in IDEA.
 Here are a few things I am seeing so far:

 (1) When I set a breakpoint, I get a warning icon that says no
 executable code found at... but the breakpoint does in fact seem to

 (2) The variable window correctly displays collections, but not large/
 infinite sequences. If you try to open a variable view on an infinite
 sequence, it will use all of memory. Can the plugin be modified to
 respect the *print-length* and *print-depth* variables?

 (3) I am unable to set a watch on the special variable *print-length*.
 The entry UI goes wonky when I reach the hyphen character in the name.

 It's exciting to see the plugin moving forward, thanks for your  


  Hello, all.
  I've just uploaded new version of La Clojure plugin for IntelliJ
  IDEA. Among several bugfixes and minor changes I have to note
  several essential moments.
  1. Now Clojure support is added as so-called `facet', which may be
  attached to every module. Creating new module, just choose Clojure
  among desired technologies. In this case necessary clojure jar will
  be downloaded automatically and adjusted as a project library unless
  you point to it manually.
  2. If you open existing project, clojure facet will be detected
  automatically. For now facet serves as a label for clojure-aware
  modules. In that modules you may invoke create new clojure file
  action and their clojure files will be compiled.
  3. From now IntelliJ IDEA provides support for batch compilation of
  Clojure files, whose namespace is marked by :gen-calss tag. Compiled
  classes will be places to the appropriate output directory of a
  module. One may choose, which sources should be compiled first -
  Java or Clojure to resolve one-way dependencies. By default Clojure
  is compiled first. Moreoverm you may to choose whether to copy *.clj
  files to output path or not (this might be useful if you're going to
  invoke some functions from *.clj files dynamically). And, of course,
  automatic detection and compilation of class-labeled clojure files
  may be switched off. For more details see File - Settings -
  Compiler - Clojure.
  For someone these settings might seem not sufficiently flexible. So,
  all comments and proposals are appreciated. :)
  With best regards,
  Ilya Sergey


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questions about clojure.contrib.error-kit

2009-03-27 Thread Stuart Halloway

(1) Is there any reasonable way to attach handlers to lazy sequences  
such that the handlers will still be in place outside the original  
handler scope, when the sequence is finally evaluated? (It is not  
obvious to me how to do this without making the handler system part of  
the language core.)

(2) When using continue-with while mapping a sequence, I find myself  
wanting to simply ignore error conditions (instead of having continue- 
with contribute nil or some error token to the sequence which I then  
have to filter out). What is the most idiomatic way to do this?


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Re: Quick slime/emacs questions

2009-03-29 Thread Stuart Halloway

describe-key (usually C-h k) followed by a key will tell you what a  
key is currently bound to.

On my setup C-x C-b is bound to ido-switch-buffer--it is not  
immediately obvious how to make it pop the buffer list in the current  

You might find What You Can Learn From ido.el ( 
) interesting. (Note the correction from Ed Singleton in the comments,  


 When I have two windows open, and hit C-x-C-b, it pops up a list of
 buffers in the OTHER window from where the current focus is.  Any idea
 why it's doing that, and how I can alter the behavior so it pops up
 the list of buffers in the current window?

 Also, where can I look up the names of various commands to rebind to
 different keys?  For example, I want to remap C-s to do what C-x-C-s
 currently does, and I wan to remap C-f to do what C-s currently does,
 to make behavior more consistent with other programs I use.  (After
 using emacs for a while, I inevitably find myself hitting C-x-C-s to
 save in other programs :) )



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Re: Java interoperability and Clojure

2009-04-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Geoff,

You should have no trouble using setAccessible.  There are several  
demos of this in the source code for the book [1] that use  
setAccessible to check private fields in a unit test. (See lancet/test/ 
step-2-complete.clj [2], for instance).

Hope this helps,


 What are the limitations of Clojure and Java interoperability? Are
 they clearly stated somewhere?

 I have been experimenting with using Clojure to test some existing
 Java code (being able to do so makes a convincing argument to use it
 where I work) and I've noticed that there doesn't seem to be any way
 to call or access package-protected methods or fields -- either that
 or I'm doing something wrong. :)

 I've also been trying use the java.lang.reflect capabilities (such as
 setAccessible() in java.lang.reflect.AccessbileObject) and noticed
 that they do not have an effect. How much can be done using those
 libraries within Clojure to affect Java code?

 Any information provided would be most helpful.  Being able to use
 Clojure to write tests for existing Java code (that extensively
 employs package-protected methods and fields) would be a nice way to
 demonstrate Clojure's capabilities to some people I work with.


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Re: Every function is a thread in Clojure?

2009-04-03 Thread Stuart Halloway

No threads:

(ancestors (class (fn[])))
- #{java.lang.Runnable clojure.lang.AFn  
clojure.lang.Obj java.lang.Object clojure.lang.Fn  
clojure.lang.AFunction clojure.lang.IObj clojure.lang.IFn  
java.util.concurrent.Callable clojure.lang.IMeta java.util.Comparator}

What you are referring to is the fact that functions implement  
Callable and Runnable, so that they can trivially play nice with Java  
threads if you need them to.


 Someone correct me if I go wrong here.  But, from my understanding,
 every defined function in Clojure is an implementation of a thread?

 What is the goal in implementing in this fashion?  For example, if I
 am writing in imperative style:

 (println First line)
 (println Second line)
 (println Third line)


 The operations have to occur synchronously.  What does adding Java
 threading add to the mix?

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proposed new contrib: java-utils

2009-04-03 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi all,

I would like to pull together functions that help with Java interop  
and place them in a new contrib: java-utils. Some examples:

(1) Pull out SteveG's properties fn, currently hidden in the internals  
of clojure.contrib.sql

(2) reflective helpers for accessing private and protected values

(3) coercions for Java's irritating types: File/String, URL/String,  
IPAddress/String, etc.

(4) Maybe some of the utils currently hiding in Compojure (James,  
would that be cool with you? Have you signed/would you sign the  
contributor agreement?)

If this is interesting to others (or at least inoffensive) I will move  
forward with it.

Are there other little nuggets of Java-interop code that I should also  


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2009-04-05 Thread Stuart Halloway

Never worry about foo vs. (File. foo) again!

(doc file)
([arg] [parent child] [parent child  more])
   Returns a from string or file args.


(1) You will need to build contrib from source to see this.

(2) This function is a slight generalization of a similar function in  
Compojure. James, I am hoping to convince you to make Compojure depend  
on contrib and start using a standard set of utils. What do you think?

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2009-04-05 Thread Stuart Halloway

Never worry about the distinction between symbols, keywords, and  
strings when working with Java APIs that know only strings!

  (doc the-str)
   Returns the name or string representation of x


(1) You will need to build contrib from source to see this.

(2) This function is moved from Steve Gilardi's sql.internal contrib.  
(Steve, I broke sql in r636 but I think I fixed it now. Are there  
tests I can run?)

(3) I believe that the-str in miglayout can also be eliminated in  
favor of this standard version. Steve, do you agree?


(1) I kept the original name the-str but would prefer as-str.  
Community, what say ye?

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2009-04-05 Thread Stuart Halloway

Don't work with the yucky properties API, just install a map of  
properties for the duration of a block!

([settings  body])
  setting = property-name value

  Sets the system properties to the supplied values, executes the  
body, and
  sets the properties back to their original values. Values of nil are
  translated to a clearing of the property.


This function is a refactoring of Shawn Hoover's with-properties.  
Shawn, if my changes offend in any way let me know and I will fix it.


(1) You will need to build contrib from source to see this.

(2) Name changed from with-properties to with-system-properties

(3) Expected argument is now a map, not a vector, which I believe is  
more logical and convenient for callers.

(4) Uses the-str so that property keys can be Clojure keywords or  

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2009-04-05 Thread Stuart Halloway

 I noticed the indentation changed for the ns form with your changes  
 to sql.clj sql/internal.clj . Is the indentation you used produced  
 by some tool?


No -- the intended change was from multiple :use forms to one :use  
form with multiple namespaces. Any indentation changes outside of that  
were unintentional--let me know if I am violating conventions.


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2009-04-05 Thread Stuart Halloway

Doh! Missed that. The duck-streams and java-utils versions of file  
have overlapping but disjoint functionality. Other-Stuart, I can take  
a look at combining these, or we can just leave them separate for now.


 On Apr 5, 5:07 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 Never worry about foo vs. (File. foo) again!

 (doc file)
 ([arg] [parent child] [parent child  more])
Returns a from string or file args.


 (1) You will need to build contrib from source to see this.

 (2) This function is a slight generalization of a similar function in
 Compojure. James, I am hoping to convince you to make Compojure  
 on contrib and start using a standard set of utils. What do you  

 There's actually a file in that's pretty
 similar to this. In fact, I removed the file function from Compojure
 because it clashed with duck-streams :)

 - James

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Re: proposed new contrib: java-utils

2009-04-05 Thread Stuart Halloway

 I'd also like to get your latest thinking on your suggestions from  
 some time ago about clojure.contrib.lazy-seqs. If they can be  
 rewritten as you suggested as functions that return a new sequence  
 rather than as def'd sequences, that's strictly more powerful and  
 would be an improvement. (One can always use a def'd var to hold  
 such a function if that's desired in a particular application.)


At quick glance it looks to me that all three of the lazy-seqs should  
be functions. If you want me to I'll change this and add tests.


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2009-04-05 Thread Stuart Halloway

Good summary. Let's keep them separate until we feel pain.

- Stuart Halloway

 They work rather differently.  duck-streams/file treats all arguments
 as strings, so
 (file foo bar)  =  File foobar
 I wrote it that way because I often want to construct a file name like
 (file base . extension)

 java-utils/file is closer to the Java File interface, by assuming that
 each argument is a separate directory name.
 (file foo bar)  =  File foo/bar

 I don't see an obvious way of combining them.

 java-utils/file is more efficient because it doesn't have to do any
 string manipulation.

 My opinion?  java-utils/file is more Java-like; duck-streams/file is
 more Ruby-like.  Neither is particularly Clojure-like, that would just
 be (File. foobar).

 -Stuart Sierra

 On Apr 5, 5:30 pm, James Reeves wrote:
 I'd like it if they were combined. You could then use (file foo/ 
 or (file foo bar).

 - James

 On Apr 5, 9:25 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 Doh! Missed that. The duck-streams and java-utils versions of file
 have overlapping but disjoint functionality. Other-Stuart, I can  
 a look at combining these, or we can just leave them separate for  


 On Apr 5, 5:07 pm, Stuart Halloway  
 Never worry about foo vs. (File. foo) again!

 (doc file)
 ([arg] [parent child] [parent child  more])
Returns a from string or file args.


 (1) You will need to build contrib from source to see this.

 (2) This function is a slight generalization of a similar  
 function in
 Compojure. James, I am hoping to convince you to make Compojure
 on contrib and start using a standard set of utils. What do you

 There's actually a file in that's  
 similar to this. In fact, I removed the file function from  
 because it clashed with duck-streams :)

 - James

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lazy seqs (was Re: proposed new contrib: java-utils)

2009-04-06 Thread Stuart Halloway

r652 is a breaking change to contrib. (powers-of-2) and (fibs) are now  
functions and do not hold their heads. primes is still a sequence  
because it needs to hold past values for efficiency.


 On Apr 5, 2009, at 4:27 PM, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 At quick glance it looks to me that all three of the lazy-seqs should
 be functions. If you want me to I'll change this and add tests.

 Please do. Thanks.


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reading properties file: does this helper already exist?

2009-04-08 Thread Stuart Halloway

Does something like this (or better) already exist in Clojure?  If not  
I will add it to java-utils.


(defn read-properties [f]
(let [props (Properties.)]
  (.load props (FileInputStream. f))

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Re: reading properties file: does this helper already exist?

2009-04-08 Thread Stuart Halloway

I don't like that if you treat properties as a seq you get Java  
Hashtable$Entry objects, instead of a vector as you would with a map,  
hence my into {}. But maybe it is a silly quibble since  
destructuring works fine with either.


 Can't you just write:
 (.load (Properties.) (FileInputStream. f))
 and skip separate function altogehter?

 Err.. that should be:
 (doto (Properties.) (.load (FileInputStream. f)))
 .. point remains.

 Krešimir Šojat

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Java 6 dependency in clojure-contrib ok?

2009-04-08 Thread Stuart Halloway

Perry's proposed props functions 
) uses some Java 6 methods.

Is it ok for me to add such things to contrib, or are we maintaining  
Java 5 compatibility?


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2009-04-08 Thread Stuart Halloway

Changed to as-str (r654).


 In Compojure, I called this str*, but I think I like as-str a little

 - James

 On Apr 5, 5:19 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 Never worry about the distinction between symbols, keywords, and
 strings when working with Java APIs that know only strings!

   (doc the-str)
Returns the name or string representation of x


 (1) You will need to build contrib from source to see this.

 (2) This function is moved from Steve Gilardi's sql.internal contrib.
 (Steve, I broke sql in r636 but I think I fixed it now. Are there
 tests I can run?)

 (3) I believe that the-str in miglayout can also be eliminated in
 favor of this standard version. Steve, do you agree?


 (1) I kept the original name the-str but would prefer as-str.
 Community, what say ye?

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Re: clojure dependency management and build

2009-04-08 Thread Stuart Halloway

Lancet is more at proof-of-concept stage than ready for heavy lifting  
-- I am using a mix of Ant and Rake on my own Clojure stuff. :-)

I am happy to contribute to solving some of these issues but don't  
have time to lead the effort.


 When you are building something real with Clojure and Emacs/Slime/ 
 Swank - things can get a bit hairy with dependency management.

 I have scoured the inter-tubes in the past couple days to see what I  
 could find.

 I found Lancet, for builds:

 I haven't tried it yet.

 I found some people doing things with Maven:

 Creating a clojurue app with maven:


 I heard some chatter yesterday on #clojure about using Ivy with  

 So there is a flurry of activity.  Please let me know if there are  
 other things that I am missing.

 What I am doing now from my emacs / slime-repl is hacking things in  
 manually to my  swank-clojure-extra-classpaths.  This doesn't scale  
 for working with multiple clojure projects in emacs.

 I will probably create a script to make things a bit nicer.  But I'd  
 like something fundamentally better.

 Here are the issues:

 -I download lots of little projects things from github and i want to  
 munge them all together for my app. This means I need to build jars  
 (some with ant, otehrs with maven, etc.)  and in other cases I want  
 to depend directly on the .clj files using clojures namespace-to-dir- 
 structure conventions.  So there are a couple different ways to  
 build of the classpath - one for .clj and one for .jar.
 -Many projects also have their own lib foler - with both jars and  
 cljs, so I need to pick those deps up transatively.
 -The work in the Clojure community is proceeding very fast, so I'd  
 like updating all the projects from git to be automated as well.

 So what is a good solution to these problems?  Perhaps it would be  
 cool to build some git/maven/lancet aware infrastructure to do this  
 refreshing of deps, building the deps, and building up the  
 classpath.  It may also be good to configure .emacs to be able to  
 load projects and rebuild the classpath dynamically based on lancet  
 build files - much in the way that intelliJ or eclipse load projects  
 from ant .builds or maven poms.

 Is all this too much, am I missing something that already exists?


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getting code coverage into clojure-contrib builds?

2009-04-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
I spent a few minutes this morning trying to get an emma coverage  
report over contrib. Short answer is that it doesn't work -- emma  
throws an exception while instrumenting the code (see attached  

I will go and bug the emma folks, but first wanted to ask here if  
there is any specific reason that Clojure-generated bytecode might  
surprise emma?

I have attached a modified build.xml if anybody wants to try this out.


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project name=clojure-contrib default=jar xmlns:mvn=urn:maven-artifact-ant

Pack all clojure-contrib sources into a JAR. Compile those that can
be compiled standalone if the clojure.jar property points us to

  property name=src location=src/
  property name=build location=classes/

  available property=hasclojure file=${clojure.jar}/

  !-- The JAR file to create. --
  property name=jarfile location=clojure-contrib.jar/
  property name=slimjarfile location=clojure-contrib-slim.jar/

  !-- These make sense for building on --

  property name=snapshot.repo.dir location=/var/www/maven-snapshot-repository/
  property name=stable.repo.dir location=/var/www/maven-repository/

  target name=init
mkdir dir=${build}/

  target name=clean description=Remove generated files and directories.
delete file=${jarfile}/
delete file=${slimjarfile}/
delete dir=${build}/

  target name=test_clojure
	  description = Run clojure tests
java classname=clojure.main
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  arg value=-e/
  arg value=(require '(clojure.contrib [test-clojure :as main])) (main/run)/

  target name=test_contrib
	  description = Run contrib tests
mkdir dir=coverage/
emmajava classname=clojure.main libclasspathref=emma.lib
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  arg value=-e/
  arg value=(require '(clojure.contrib [test-contrib :as main])) (main/run)/
  txt outfile=coverage/coverage.txt /
  xml outfile=coverage/coverage.xml /
  html outfile=coverage/coverage.html  /
  filter includes=clojure.contrib.*/

  !-- you will need to grab these files from --
  path id=emma.lib 
pathelement location=emma/emma.jar /
pathelement location=emma/emma_ant.jar /

  taskdef classpathref=emma.lib /

  target name=emma description=turns on EMMA's on-the-fly instrumentation mode 
property name=emma.enabled value=true /

  target name=test_datalog
	  description = Run datalog tests
java classname=clojure.main
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  arg value=-e/
  arg value=(require '(clojure.contrib.datalog.tests [test :as main])) (main/run)/

  target name=test depends=test_clojure,test_contrib,test_datalog
	  description=Run all tests/

  target name=check_hasclojure
  description=Print a warning message if clojure.jar is undefined
echoWARNING: You have not defined a path to clojure.jar so I can't compile files.
 This will cause some parts of clojure.contrib not to work (e.g., pretty print).
 To enable compiling, run ant -Dclojure.jar=lt;...path to;

  target name=compile_clojure depends=init,check_hasclojure
  description=Compile Clojure sources.
java classname=clojure.lang.Compile
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  sysproperty key=clojure.compile.path value=${build}/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.accumulators/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.command-line/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.complex-numbers/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.cond/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.core/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.def/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.except/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.fcase/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.generic/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.generic.arithmetic/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.generic.collection/

Re: getting code coverage into clojure-contrib builds?

2009-04-09 Thread Stuart Halloway

OK, I'll try Cobertura next.

There is a reason my Java knowledge sounds about 5 years old ... :-)


 Stuart Halloway wrote:
 I will go and bug the emma folks, but first wanted to ask here if
 there is any specific reason that Clojure-generated bytecode might
 surprise emma?

 I might be totally wrong, but from what I've heard, Emma's development
 has stopped a few years ago and it doesn't support some Java 5
 features, including annotations. A quick search seems to confirm the
 development has stopped scenario, at the very least. That said, I
 know cobertura is used successfully nowadays in java projects; it also
 works at the bytecode level.

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OK, cobertura runs, but...

2009-04-09 Thread Stuart Halloway
I have Cobertura running and producing reports against contrib, sort-of.


(1) AFAICT, cobertura *insists* in trying to parse the source code as  
Java to do cyclomatic complexity analysis. This blows up, of course.

(2) The red/green coloring of the lines does not match what I know is  
happening in the test run. This may be caused by #1 but I doubt it.

I have attached a modified contrib build.xml if anyone wants to play  
with this. Note that you will need to drop cobertura and its various  
jars into a cobertura directory.

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project name=clojure-contrib default=jar xmlns:mvn=urn:maven-artifact-ant

Pack all clojure-contrib sources into a JAR. Compile those that can
be compiled standalone if the clojure.jar property points us to

  property name=src location=src/
  property name=build location=classes/
  property name=test.temp.dir location=test/tmp/

  available property=hasclojure file=${clojure.jar}/

  !-- The JAR file to create. --
  property name=jarfile location=clojure-contrib.jar/
  property name=slimjarfile location=clojure-contrib-slim.jar/

  !-- These make sense for building on --

  property name=snapshot.repo.dir location=/var/www/maven-snapshot-repository/
  property name=stable.repo.dir location=/var/www/maven-repository/

  target name=init
mkdir dir=${build}/

  target name=clean description=Remove generated files and directories.
delete file=${jarfile}/
delete file=${slimjarfile}/
delete dir=${build}/

  target name=test_clojure
	  description = Run clojure tests
java classname=clojure.main
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  arg value=-e/
  arg value=(require '(clojure.contrib [test-clojure :as main])) (main/run)/

  target name=test_contrib
	  description = Run contrib tests
mkdir dir=${test.temp.dir}/
java classname=clojure.main
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  arg value=-e/
  arg value=(require '(clojure.contrib [test-contrib :as main])) (main/run)/

  target name=cover_contrib
	  description = Run contrib tests for coverage
mkdir dir=${test.temp.dir}/
java fork=yes classname=clojure.main
  sysproperty key=net.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile
		  file=${basedir}/cobertura.ser /
  sysproperty key=clojure.jar
		  file=${clojure.jar} /
path location=cobertura/instrumented/
	path refid=cobertura.classpath/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  arg value=-e/
  arg value=(require '(clojure.contrib [test-contrib :as main])) (main/run)/
cobertura-report format=html srcdir=${src} destdir=cobertura/report/

  target name=test_datalog
	  description = Run datalog tests
java classname=clojure.main
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  arg value=-e/
  arg value=(require '(clojure.contrib.datalog.tests [test :as main])) (main/run)/

  target name=test depends=test_clojure,test_contrib,test_datalog
	  description=Run all tests/

  target name=check_hasclojure
  description=Print a warning message if clojure.jar is undefined
echoWARNING: You have not defined a path to clojure.jar so I can't compile files.
 This will cause some parts of clojure.contrib not to work (e.g., pretty print).
 To enable compiling, run ant -Dclojure.jar=lt;...path to;

  target name=compile_clojure depends=init,check_hasclojure
  description=Compile Clojure sources.
java classname=clojure.lang.Compile
path location=${build}/
path location=${src}/
path location=${clojure.jar}/
  sysproperty key=clojure.compile.path value=${build}/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.accumulators/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.command-line/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.complex-numbers/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.cond/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.core/
  arg value=clojure.contrib.def/

Re: DISCUSS: tests that read and write files

2009-04-09 Thread Stuart Halloway

Three concerns:

(1) Would like to see the file after a failed test.

(2) Also have tests that read a file, and I would be much more  
comfortable not having to rely on code to write the file first.  
Doesn't feel like a unit test.

(3) The macro is more complex than the code being tested. :-) (The net  
effect of my build.xml changes might also be...)

But I am much more interested in having a shared approach that all  
contrib users adhere to than in getting my way. :-)


 My recommendation would be to use a temporary file that is created and
 deleted in a macro or fixture.

 (defmacro with-tmp-properties-file [ body]
  `(binding [*tmp-properties-file* (File/createTempFile temp
 (spit *tmp-properties-file* contents of the test file)
 (.delete *tmp-properties-file*)))

 -Stuart Sierra

 On Apr 9, 1:54 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 In r659 I added a unit test to clojure-contrib that needed to read  
 write from the filesystem. I picked a dumb and simple convention, and
 welcome review from other committers to move to something that is  


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Re: set-system-properties

2009-04-09 Thread Stuart Halloway

Yes to almost all of this (r662). I am not totally comfortable with  
the false/false conversion.


 Hi Stuart H!  Comment on:

 (defn set-system-properties
  Set some system properties. Nil clears a property.
  (doseq [[name val] settings]
(if val
  (System/setProperty (as-str name) val)
  (System/clearProperty (as-str name)

 What if that were:

(if (nil? val)
  (System/clearProperty (as-str name))
  (System/setProperty (as-str name) (as-str val))

 The change allows:
 1. Using boolean false as a value (converted to the string false)
 2. Using keywords/symbols as values.

 Also, get-system-property could support multiple arities:

 (defn get-system-property
  ([stringable] (System/getProperty (as-str stringable)))
  ([stringable default] (System/getProperty (as-str stringable) (as-
 str default

 -Stuart S


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Re: The Path to 1.0

2009-04-17 Thread Stuart Halloway

I would love to see 1.0, and the sooner the better. At Relevance we  
are doing real work in Clojure today.

As for wish list I would love to see improvements to the development  

* move from svn to git
* move regression tests from contrib into clojure itself

But neither of these need necessarily to block 1.0 IMO.

When I release software that depends on Clojure I pin it to a commit  
number, not to a named release. For me the named release is more about  
public recognition than anything else.


P.S. Git is to svn as functional languages are to mutable languages.  
Git repositories are immutable data structures, and repos-local  
pointers such as HEAD are like atoms. It would be interesting to see  
Clojure's data structures have a canonicalized serialization and play  
around with content addressability.

 When we release software that depends on Clojure we don't care about  
 numbered releases at all -- we will run regression tests of our own  
 production app against the Clojure and contrib repositories and pin  
 our releases to a commit number, not a specif

 People (and not just book authors :) often ask - whither 1.0? [Ok,
 maybe they don't use 'whither']. The fact remains, some people want a
 1.0 designation, and I'm not unwilling, providing we as a community
 can come to an understanding as to what that means, the process it
 implies, and the work it will require (and who will do it). Here are
 some of the relevant issues, IMO:

 - Stability/completeness/robustness

 This is mostly about - does it work? Is it relatively free of bugs? Is
 it free of gaping holes in core functionality? I think Clojure is in a
 pretty good place right now, but am obviously biased. This in no way
 implies there isn't room for improvement.

 - API stability

 With the semantic changes of fully lazy sequences behind us, I think
 the syntax and semantics of existing functions is largely stable.

 - Development process stability

 Currently all new work (fixes and enhancements) occurs in trunk.
 There's no way to get fixes without also getting enhancements. I think
 this is the major missing piece in offering stable numbered releases.
 While I've cut a branch for each of the prior two releases, no one has
 ever submitted a bugfix patch for either. If people are going to want
 to work with a particular release version for an extended period of
 time, someone (other than me) will have to produce patches of (only!)
 fixes from the trunk for the release branch, and occasionally produce
 point releases (1.0.x) from that branch. I'd like to continue to do
 the bulk of my work in trunk, without messing anyone up or forcing
 everyone to follow along.

 - Freedom from change

 Numbered releases are most definitely not about absence of change in
 general. There are more things I want to add and change, and there
 will be for some time. That will keep Clojure a living language. 1.0
 or any numbered release can't and won't constitute a promise of no
 further change. But there are different kinds of change,  changes that
 fix bugs and changes that add new capabilities or break existing code.
 People need to be able to choose the type of change they can tolerate,
 and when to incur it.

 - Perception

 Obviously, a 1.0 designation impacts perception. I am not interested
 in pursuing it just to influence perception, but rather to
 (collectively) acknowledge a milestone in usability and stability.
 However there may be other perceptions, good/bad or simply wrong (e.g.
 that Clojure is finished).  Will the general perception engendered
 by 1.0 be met in the large, or a mismatch?

 What does 1.0 mean to you? Are we there yet? Any recommendations for
 the organization of the release branches, patch policy etc?

 Feedback welcome,



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Re: str-utils change proposal, round 2

2009-05-14 Thread Stuart Halloway

FYI: I am working on an open-source CSV parser in Clojure. Splitting  
on delimiters is rarely enough in my experience.


 would you consider adding support of a split by passing a delimiter?
 since parsing csv/tsv is a pretty common task.

 I know it can be done by using re-split. but it seems to occur
 common enough that it's not a bad idea.

 On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 1:12 AM, Sean Devlin wrote:

 Hello again everyone,
 I've added a few new routines to a string library I've been working
 on.  I mentioned it about a month ago, as a proposed change to str-

 Original Thread:


 Most notable I've created two new functions in this addition,


 They have a simple form

 (str-take 7 Clojure Is Awesome) =  Clojure
 (str-drop 8 Clojure Is Awesome) =  Is Awesome

 But the can also take a regex

 (str-take #\s+ Clojure Is Awesome) =  Clojure
 (str-drop #\s+ Clojure Is Awesome) =  Is Awesome

 You can check the tests and README.html for more usage.

 I'm looking for feedback.  If anyone else has string functions that I
 haven't covered, let me know.


 Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.


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monad tutorial question

2009-05-18 Thread Stuart Halloway

When working through Part 3 of the monad tutorial [1], I am seeing the  
following behavior for fib-trace:

(fib-trace 3)
= [2 [[[1 1] [[[0 0] []] [[2 1] [[[1 1] [

According to the tutorial, it should be:

(fib-trace 3)
= [2 [[1 1] [0 0] [2 1] [1 1]]]

Am I doing something wrong?



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is there a sibling of fmap that maps keys instead of values?

2009-05-30 Thread Stuart Halloway

clojure.contrib.generic.functor.fmap will return a map with values  
updated by a function. What if I wany *keys* updated by a function?  
Does this exist yet? If not, what should I name it for inclusion in  


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Re: is there a sibling of fmap that maps keys instead of values?

2009-05-30 Thread Stuart Halloway

Thanks Konrad.

I certainly do not want to add this to fmap. However, I think there  
are lots of situations where mapping keys is well-defined. For  
example, you have a tree of data from XML or JSON, and you want to  
replace the keys (strings) with instances of their actual type.

I guess given the ambiguity that names like mapkeys might be  
misleading. Other suggestions?


 On 30.05.2009, at 17:11, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 clojure.contrib.generic.functor.fmap will return a map with values
 updated by a function. What if I wany *keys* updated by a function?
 Does this exist yet? If not, what should I name it for inclusion in

 Speaking strictly from an implementation point of view, you could add
 a type tag to your map that identifies it as a map for which fmap
 acts on keys, and implement the multimethod fmap for that type.

 However, transforming keys is a much less well-defined operation than
 transforming values. You can consider a map a function from keys to
 values; fmap then returns the composition of that function with an
 arbitrary function f. That's always well-defined. A transformation of
 keys can lead to ambiguities: what if two different keys are
 transformed to the same new key, but the associated values differ?
 For this reason, the operation you want does not satisfy the
 conditions for fmap.

 Finally, I don't know of any other module that implements such a
 function, perhaps because of the ambiguity problem.



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Re: Good examples of defmulti polymorphism

2009-06-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Glen,

(1) Real-world example:  I use polymorphism on the types of two  
different arguments to define implicit conversions:

(defmulti coerce
   (fn [dest-class src-inst] [dest-class (class src-inst)]))

(defmethod coerce [ String] [_ str]
   ( str))

(defmethod coerce [Boolean/TYPE String] [_ str]
   (contains? #{on yes true} (.toLowerCase str)))

(2) Made-up, but realistic example: using polymorphism on two  
different inheritance hierarchies on a single argument:

(defmulti service-charge (fn [acct] [(account-level acct) (:tag acct)]))
(defmethod service-charge [::acc/Basic ::acc/Checking]   [_] 25)
(defmethod service-charge [::acc/Basic ::acc/Savings][_] 10)
(defmethod service-charge [::acc/Premium ::acc/Account] [_] 0)

(3) Example from inside Clojure itself: using external tags to layer a  
hierarchy onto existing objects without their knowledge (inspector.clj).

All of these are documented in the book [1] and you can view the  
sample code at [2].


[2] See  

 I'm used to polymorphism in OO systems where everything in driven  
 from inheritance hierarchy.  Clojures defmulti style polymorphism  
 seems powerful but has left me wondering how to most effectively use  
 it.  I'm looking for some good real world examples of how people  
 have used polymorphism in clojure.


 Glen Stampoultzis


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Re: You know you've been writing too much Clojure when...

2009-06-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

People keep looking at me funny when I point out variables as code  
smells during code review...


 Same here with the commas. Since I've been neck deep in Clojure, I've
 been pathologically forgetting to add them with other languages.

 On Jun 2, 10:06 am, Shawn Hoover wrote:
 On Tue, Jun 2, 2009 at 9:52 AM, Michael Reid  

 On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 2:51 PM, Paul Stadig  
 You meant to type disclosure, but instead you typed disclojure.


 How about when you try to write code in other languages, and
 reflexively place parentheses before function/method names?

 (len 'Foo') -- not valid Python. :(


 Don't forget, commas are NOT optional!

 irb(main) a = [1 2 3]
 SyntaxError: compile error!

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feature request: docstring for defstruct

2009-06-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

I would like to see defstruct take an optional docstring. Would such a  
patch be welcome?


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Re: filter on sequence

2009-06-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Ditto what everyone else said, plus let's get rid of the duplicated  
call to Math/log by splitting the iterate into an iterate + a map:

   (fn [[_ second]] ( second 10))
   (map (fn [x] [x (/ x (Math/log x))])
(iterate #(* % 2) 2)))


 On 02.06.2009, at 17:35, Wilson MacGyver wrote:

 for example, the first 10 produces.

 ([2 2.8853900817779268] [4 2.8853900817779268] [8 2.8853900817779268]
 [16 3.8471867757039027] [32 5.7707801635558535] [64  
 [128 15.38874710281561] [256 26.380709319112476] [512
 46.16624130844683] [1024 82.07331788168325])

 what if I want to filter so I only get pairs for which the 2nd value
 is  10. I couldn't figure out how to get
 filter to work for pair values.

 Try this:

 (take 3
   (filter #( (second %) 10)
 (iterate (fn [[a b]] [(* 2 a) (/ a (Math/log a))])
  [2 (/ 2 (Math/log 2))])))

 If you try to take 10 values, you will create an endless loop because
 with the given parameters your sequence actually has less than ten
 elements that satisfy the condition!

 a 2nd question is more of general clojure idiom, in trying to covert
 the following java code from michaelg's java 1 presentation

 private int calcSize(){
  int max = 2;
  while ((max/Math.log(max))  size 
max  Integer.MAX_VALUE  max  0){
max *=2;
  return max;

 My first reaction was to do it using a sequence. Is this the clojure
 idiomatic way to convert a while loop from other languages?

 Clojure has loops as well:

 (let [size 10]  ;made up
   (loop [max 2]
 (if (or (= (/ max (Math/log max)) size)
   (= max Integer/MAX_VALUE)
   (= max 0))
   (recur (* 2 max)



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Re: unit testing private methods?

2009-06-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Allen,

You could write a function that uses the clojure.contrib.with-ns/with- 
ns macro to dip into the namespace being tested and return the private  
function, assigning it to a local name in the test namespace.

I need this too, and have been meaning to ping the other Stuart about  
either (a) adding something like this to test-is, or (b) creating a  
new test-helpers library in contrib that would include this function.


 I have a namespace with some public functions, and some private
 functions. I would like to write unit tests for the functions, and put
 them in a separate file from the main name space. I would also like to
 have an (ns) declaration in my tests file, because the tests require
 several libraries. Of course, if I have private methods in namespace
 A, I can't call them from namespace B. Right now, it seems I have
 several options:

 1) put the unit tests in the same file
 2) put the unit tests in a separate file, in the same namespace
 3) make the private functions public
 4) ???

 I don't really like the first three options. Ideally, the private
 functions would remain private to every namespace except the testing
 name space. Is there a good solution for this?



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Re: unit testing private methods?

2009-06-03 Thread Stuart Halloway

 2) put the unit tests in a separate file, in the same namespace

This works for me, but since it won't work with the normal use/require  
idiom, I would like to see a standard convention evolve to make it  
easy to read other people's code.


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Re: Spring and Clojure

2009-06-04 Thread Stuart Halloway

I think Clojure addresses (at the language level, and better) all the  
issues that Spring addresses. So in the long run Spring is unnecessary  
in a Clojure world.

But in the short run you have the codebase you have, and the skills  
that you have. So if it makes sense, do it.


 At this point I have no particular use case. We are solely a Spring  
 shop where we build Spring web apps and we use Groovy beans (using  
 dynamic lang support in Spring) for some stuff like MVC controllers,  
 XML parsing, etc. I thought that it would be interesting to  
 incorporate some Clojure beans for some tasks (perhaps some  
 concurrent processing tasks, etc.) Does it even make saense?

 Anyway, if someone would come up with a way to integrate Clojure  
 code into Spring ApplicationContext and show the example, that would  
 be interesting.

 Best regards,

 2009/6/3 Luc Prefontaine
 We did the reverse (using Spring directly from Clojure) without any  
 Never thought about creating Clojure beans however.

 We had already some code to bootstrap Spring from Java.
 Just called it from Clojure.

 We wanted to drop Java as much as possible but did not want to loose  
 some of the low level
 stuff we wrote in Java.

 Being curious, can you shed any light of the use you would make of  
 Clojure beans ?

 Luc P.

 On Wed, 2009-06-03 at 09:02 -0700, Dmitriy Kopylenko wrote:


 I'm just wondering is there a way to create Clojure beans and inject
 them into other Spring beans (given that Clojure code implements Java
 interface) inside Spring ApplicationContext, similar to other dynamic
 langs support:



 Luc Préfontaine

 Armageddon was yesterday, today we have a real problem...


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Re: [ANN] test-expect functional mocking/expectation library

2009-06-10 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Matt,

I would like to move this to contrib, if you will sign the CA. I'll be  
moving my simple binding-based stubs to use this and will send along  
suggestions if I have any.

Thanks for writing this!


P.S. Apologies if variants of this message show up twice. Mail client  

 When I started working on this library, I thought to myself, I can't
 believe no one has put together an expectation/mocking library but I
 couldn't find one so I went ahead and started my own.  Of course, it
 was not until I had an early working version that I discovered Allen
 Rohner's expectation tools, but I figured that mine were sufficiently
 different to merit further development (at least relative to the
 latest code of his I could find).

 In the past week or so I've been refactoring and fixing bugs on my
 test-expect library and I find it much improved over what I previously
 had.  The salient improvements on the latest on trunk include:

 - Removal of dependency on test-is.  Tests have been moved to a
 separate file instead.  The library is still geared toward easy
 integration with test-is, but the explicit dependency is gone.

 - Replaced exceptions on error with the new and improved error
 functions that are ready to be overridden or used as-is.  They also
 include reporting the expected behavior in an unevaluated form, a la

 - Added convenience methods such as (once) (more-than x) for
 invocation count and argument matching.\

 - Default has-args argument matchers to being equality matchers so you
 can say (has-args [5]) instead of (has-args [#(= 5 %)])

 - Bug fixes

 The latest is available for public consumption at
 Basically the gist of it is it sets up the bindings for any functions
 you'd rather not touch while testing the function you're working on.
 So, you just say:

 (expect [dep-fn1 (has-args [5 (less-than 4)] (returns a string!))]

 Any unexpected or unmatched calls are reported.  Successful execution
 is silent, which mirrors other libraries I have used in other
 languages. Further details to be found in the source.

 Suggestions for further changes or improvements are more than
 welcome.  If people find this library useful I'd be more than happy to
 sign the CA and put this in contrib. Also, Allen, if you are
 interested in merging our efforts let me know.  Is your latest code


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Re: [ANN] test-expect functional mocking/expectation library

2009-06-10 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Matt,

I would definitely like to see test-expect added to contrib. If you  
will sign the CA I will move it there. I have a bunch of existing  
tests that are simply using binding to do cheap stubbing, and will be  
converting those tests to test-expect over the next several days.

Thanks for writing this!


 When I started working on this library, I thought to myself, I can't
 believe no one has put together an expectation/mocking library but I
 couldn't find one so I went ahead and started my own.  Of course, it
 was not until I had an early working version that I discovered Allen
 Rohner's expectation tools, but I figured that mine were sufficiently
 different to merit further development (at least relative to the
 latest code of his I could find).

 In the past week or so I've been refactoring and fixing bugs on my
 test-expect library and I find it much improved over what I previously
 had.  The salient improvements on the latest on trunk include:

 - Removal of dependency on test-is.  Tests have been moved to a
 separate file instead.  The library is still geared toward easy
 integration with test-is, but the explicit dependency is gone.

 - Replaced exceptions on error with the new and improved error
 functions that are ready to be overridden or used as-is.  They also
 include reporting the expected behavior in an unevaluated form, a la

 - Added convenience methods such as (once) (more-than x) for
 invocation count and argument matching.\

 - Default has-args argument matchers to being equality matchers so you
 can say (has-args [5]) instead of (has-args [#(= 5 %)])

 - Bug fixes

 The latest is available for public consumption at
 Basically the gist of it is it sets up the bindings for any functions
 you'd rather not touch while testing the function you're working on.
 So, you just say:

 (expect [dep-fn1 (has-args [5 (less-than 4)] (returns a string!))]

 Any unexpected or unmatched calls are reported.  Successful execution
 is silent, which mirrors other libraries I have used in other
 languages. Further details to be found in the source.

 Suggestions for further changes or improvements are more than
 welcome.  If people find this library useful I'd be more than happy to
 sign the CA and put this in contrib. Also, Allen, if you are
 interested in merging our efforts let me know.  Is your latest code


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(re)setting a function globally

2009-06-10 Thread Stuart Halloway

Matt Clark's test-expect library includes two versions of a report- 
problem function: a standalone version, and another that integrates  
with test-is. The comments suggest two ways to active the test-is  
version: wrapping calls to expect in a binding, and interning the  
specialized version of report-problem back into the main test namespace.

After playing with it for a few minutes, I decided I preferred the  
latter approach, and would suggest adding the following function to  

(defn use-test-is! []
  (require 'mdc.common.test-expect.test-is-adapter)
  (def report-problem (ns-resolve 'mdc.common.test-expect.test-is- 
adapter 'report-problem)))

This feels a little hacky, but is there a better way? I don't see how  
binding/set! get me there, because I do not want to repeat bindings  
for every test, nor do I want to have to create a top level binding  


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Re: (re)setting a function globally

2009-06-11 Thread Stuart Halloway

Matt is signing the CA and I will be adding test-expect to contrib.


 Can I help from the test-is side?  Could test-expect be added to

 On Jun 10, 1:36 pm, Matt Clark wrote:
 Thanks for these ideas, I will give them a try tonight and update the
 adapter namespace with the changes.  If anyone knows of a more
 idiomatic way I could have implemented the problem reporting
 functionality that would prevent the necessity of these hacky
 solutions, I'm all ears.


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Re: (re)setting a function globally

2009-06-12 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Matt,

I think it is important to have a one-line solution for using the  
library with test-is. If you are going this route, I would have the  
adapter namespace immigrate in all (except expect) from the test- 
expect namespace. That way a single (use 'clojure.contrib.test- 
expect.test-is) would be sufficient to get started.

You can write a specific immigrate function based on the generic one  
in Compojure. While you are at it, send James an email asking him to  
sign the CA and donate immigrate to contrib. :-)

Once Rich confirms the signed CA, I will add the library to contrib.


 The agreement is signed and in the (snail) mail.

 Also, I think I found a solution to the original problem that spurred
 this thread.  In the test-is-adapter namespace I have added an expect
 macro that wraps the standard expect macro with a binding for the  
 is specific report-problem function.  So now when you want to use  
 expect and test-is together, just :use all of test-expect excluding
 the expect macro, :use the expect macro from the test-is-adapter, :use
 test-is and you should be good to go.  This way you should get the
 best of both worlds with no destructive global function changes.  Go
 figure I come up with this after reading the entire clojure modules
 thread and starting a solution using deftemplate :)

 - Matt

 On Jun 11, 8:36 am, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 Matt is signing the CA and I will be adding test-expect to contrib.


 Can I help from the test-is side?  Could test-expect be added to

 On Jun 10, 1:36 pm, Matt Clark wrote:
 Thanks for these ideas, I will give them a try tonight and update  
 adapter namespace with the changes.  If anyone knows of a more
 idiomatic way I could have implemented the problem reporting
 functionality that would prevent the necessity of these hacky
 solutions, I'm all ears.

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Re: will clojure evolve to be able to do systems programming?

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

Would be interesting to combine Clojure with NailGun for utility  

 Due to the startup cost of the JVM, Clojure and Java probably aren't
 the best choices for tiny five to ten line utility scripts. That being
 said, Clojure works well for level stuff like bit twiddling, I/O, and
 socket programming. If you're in an environment where Java is
 available on your servers, it can be a good bet due to the extreme
 simplicity of deployment.


 On Jun 16, 9:30 am, hari sujathan wrote:
 thanks  regards,
 Hari Sujathan

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binding at the REPL

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

This surprised me. What part of my mental model needs to be  
adjusted? :-)

user= (def dozen 12)

user= (binding [dozen 13] dozen)
12 ; hunh?

user= (#(binding [dozen 13] dozen))

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Re: binding at the REPL

2009-06-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

OK, just updated the repos. and this isn't happening anymore. Kind of  
a strange bug though. Rich, do you know why this happened (and did you  
explicitly fix it at some point?)

 Strange, I get the expected result, Clojure SVN revision 1382:

 user (def dozen 12)
 user (binding [dozen 13] dozen)
 user (#(binding [dozen 13] dozen))

 -the other Stuart

 On Jun 16, 2:08 pm, Stuart Halloway wrote:
 This surprised me. What part of my mental model needs to be
 adjusted? :-)

 user= (def dozen 12)

 user= (binding [dozen 13] dozen)
 12 ; hunh?

 user= (#(binding [dozen 13] dozen))

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Re: clojure.contrib.*

2009-06-19 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Justin,

The easiest solution is to download the sample code for the book from  
[1] (this is referenced in the Preface under Downloading Sample  
Code). The sample code includes everything you need: clojure, clojure- 
contrib, and the book samples, plus launch scripts that get all the  
classpath stuff right.

That way you can focus on learning the language first, and postpone  
classpath hell for a little later. :-)



 Is clojure.contrib.* not included with clojure?

 I'm reading the book and in chapter two re-split doesnt work for me.
 I may have missed some instructions- was I supposed to install
 something else?


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ANN: libraries promoted from contrib to clojure

2009-06-25 Thread Stuart Halloway

If you are following the github head of the Clojure and contrib  
projects, you will see that several libraries have moved from contrib  
into Clojure:

* clojure.contrib.test-is becomes clojure.test
* clojure.contrib.stacktrace becomes clojure.stacktrace
* clojure.contrib.template becomes clojure.template
* clojure.contrib.walk becomes clojure.walk

Thanks to Stuart Sierra for writing all these libraries. If you are  
using one of them (and working with head), you will need to rename it  
in your use/require/ns forms. Also, the signature and implementation  
of test/are has changed, and is now more idiomatic. For example:

(deftest test-count
   (are [x y] (= x y)   ; instead of (are (= _1 _2))
   (count nil) 0
   (count ()) 0
   (count '(1)) 1
   (count '(1 2 3)) 3
; etc.

The purpose of this change (other than the general usefulness of the  
libraries!) is to let Clojure host its own test suite. You can now run  
Clojure's tests with ant test.

Go ye now, sign the CA, and write some great tests for Clojure. You  
know you want to.


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executing tasks on a schedule

2009-06-26 Thread Stuart Halloway

I am working on a Clojure project that is becoming more and more  
schedule-oriented. So far I have been using Clojure's native  
concurrency constructs, but I am becoming tempted to use Java's  
concurrency primitives to get interruptability, etc. -- or maybe even  
wrap a Java library like Quartz.

Has anyone else been down this road?


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porting Practical Common Lisp examples to Clojure

2008-09-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi all,

I am porting [1] the Practical Common Lisp examples [2] to Clojure,  
and blogging notes [3] as I go. Feedback of all kinds is most welcome,  
and I hope that some folks here will find this useful.



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Re: (seq? abc)

2008-10-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

Right. So, should sort work?

user= (sort bca)
java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class java.lang.String does  
not implement the requested interface java.util.Collection


 (seq? ...) tests for whether or not the argument is a sequence, i.e.  
 an instance of ISeq.

 (seq ...) works on things that are seq-able, basically any kind of  
 collection (instances of IPersistantCollection, instances of  
 java.util.Collection, Strings, Arrays, etc.), not solely instances  
 of ISeq. If you look at their docs, they all say they accept a  
 collection, not a sequence.

 So, the String abc is seq-able, but it is not a sequence itself.


 - J.

 On Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 2:46 PM, Fogus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 OK.  So we can do:
 (map (fn [x] x) abc)
 (first abc)
 (rest abc)
 (filter (fn [x] (if (= x \b) false true)) abc)
 (seq abc)

 So why is (seq? abc) false?



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Re: (seq? abc)

2008-10-02 Thread Stuart Halloway

True, but what I am concerned about is cognitive load in understanding  
the language. Right now, there is some set of functions that work on  
seq-able things, and another set of functions that work only on actual  
seqs. Is there a reason that sort belongs in the latter camp?


 You could sort this way:
 user (apply str (sort (seq bac)))

 On Oct 2, 11:58 am, Stuart Halloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Right. So, should sort work?

 user= (sort bca)
 java.lang.IncompatibleClassChangeError: Class java.lang.String does
 not implement the requested interface java.util.Collection



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class weirdness

2008-10-03 Thread Stuart Halloway

Does this make sense?

user= (let [x Integer] (.getName x))
user= (.getName Integer)
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: getName

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safe navigation operator

2008-10-03 Thread Stuart Halloway

Groovy has a safe navigation operator. Yes, this probably enables Law  
of Demeter violations, but it is darn useful when you are dealing with  
existing Java APIs that required lots.of.dotted.notation.

I would like to have this in Clojure. Anybody else like it?

(defmacro ?.
   like .. but drops out on null object
   ([x form]
  `(. ~x ~form))
   ([x form  more]
  `(if-let x# (. ~x ~form) (.? x# [EMAIL PROTECTED]

BTW, my use case was (?. someClass getProtectionDomain getCodeSource  
getLocation). This needs to drop out for null whenever someClass comes  
from a ClassLoader that cannot report its location.


P.S. A cooler name than save navigation operator would be welcome,  
and I am not wedded to the Groovy syntax. I initially misremembered it  
as .? which I think I may like better.

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Re: class weirdness

2008-10-03 Thread Stuart Halloway

Thanks Stephen, Chouser, and Rich.

Understanding the historical reason that (. SomeClass method) doesn't  
work, I would be in favor of the deprecation Rich mentioned, leading  
to (. SomeClass method) being able to work in the future.


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Re: safe navigation operator

2008-10-06 Thread Stuart Halloway

Yes, that's better. Glad you like the idea.

Does anybody not named Stuart also want to see this added to  
Clojure? ;-)


 On Oct 3, 3:13 pm, Stuart Halloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 (defmacro ?.
like .. but drops out on null object
([x form]
   `(. ~x ~form))
([x form  more]
   `(if-let x# (. ~x ~form) (.? x# [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Interesting -- I like it.  It doesn't seem to be totally compatible
 with .., though:

 user= (?. System (getenv SHELL) (startsWith /bin) getClass
 java.lang.Exception: Unable to resolve symbol: startsWith in this
 context (NO_SOURCE_FILE:62)

 Also, if-let could give the wrong result in the (admittedly unlikely)
 situation that one of the methods returns Boolean.FALSE.
 Here's another take:

 (defmacro ?..
   like .. but stops and returns nil if any method returns nil
   ([x form]
  `(.. ~x ~form))
   ([x form  more]
  `(let [x# (?. ~x ~form)]
 (if (nil? x#) nil

 user= (?.. System (getenv SHELL) (startsWith /bin) getClass
 user= (?.. System (getenv FOO) (startsWith /bin) getClass

 -the other Stuart


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followup on struct inheritance

2008-10-07 Thread Stuart Halloway

This is a tangent from Brian's question about struct inheritance:  
While I am not sure that I want struct inheritance, it seems  
unnecessarily hard to write the macro for it. Structs are not first  
class citizens, in that you cannot reflect against them. I want to ask:

(defstruct person :fname :lname)
(struct-keys person) ;hypothetical function
- (:fname, :lname)

Of course, by poking around a little bit I can get the answer:

; reflective goo
(.get (.getDeclaredField (class person) keys) person)
- (:fname :lname)

Two questions:

(1) Should Clojure provide a function to reflect on a  
PersistentStructMap$Def's keys?
(2) Philosophical question: Why not make fields like Def.keys public  
to begin with? They are they key public contract of the Def class  
anyway. With keys public I would be comfortable with just saying  
(.keys person) for the scenario of reflecting against structure  


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Re: help a journalist: why Clojure?

2008-10-10 Thread Stuart Halloway


- Reach and performance of Java
- Elegance of Ruby*
- Scales like nothing else**

*Lisp would be more accurate than Ruby, but managers have probably  
been hearing more about Ruby than Lisp.
** (Functional Programming + Software Transactional Memory) =  
Multicore applications programmed by real humans.

I am nominally a pointy-headed boss and I am already convinced.

Stuart Halloway
Relevance, Inc.

 I'm doing an article for on 5 [or whatever] languages that
 ought to be on your [IT Manager's] radar, and I'd like to include
 Clojure. I'm looking for a short statement on why it's useful, and why
 the boss ought to let you use it for enterprise work. Any takers?

 This is meant to be a short-and-sweet article: just its name, URL, a
 quick formal definition, and then one or two quotes from developers
 about why they think it's valuable. Imagine that you're trying to
 convince someone's boss to let you use it. What would you say?

 (This is a follow-up to
 in case you care. Some folks pointed out that a few obvious
 languages should have been included. I'm happy to comply.)

 --Esther Schindler
  senior online editor,


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ANN: Clojure book

2008-10-10 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi all,

I am working on what I hope will become the first Clojure book in print:

If you are interested in being a reviewer please let me know off-list.


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Re: Dealing with keyword-keyed maps in Java land

2008-10-13 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Paul,

I think that I would rather see things remain explicit, i.e. if you  
need to interoperate with Java you convert manually before throwing  
the map over.

In the Rails world they tried to solve a similar problem (string vs.  
symbol keys) by wrappering Hash to be indifferent between string and  
symbol keys, and it is still confusing. Now you have to remember  
whether you have the wrappered kind or not...


 Now that clojure maps are Java Maps, it is easier to inter-operate
 with Java code that has methods that take a Map as one of its
 arguments, because you can just pass the Map right into the Java
 code.  The problem is that often times, the Java method is expecting
 the Map to have String values in the keys, definitely not clojure's
 Keywords.  So if you have a {:foo 1} clojure map that you pass to a
 Java method, which then calls map.get(foo), you won't find that

 Does anyone have any suggestions for how to handle this?  You could
 just use Strings for the keys in the clojure map, but then that map
 might not work with other clojure functions that expect the keys to be
 Keywords, not Strings.  You could pass the map through a function that
 converts the Keywords to Strings before using it in Java, but I
 thought that was the whole point of making clojure maps implement Map,
 so I wouldn't have to do (jmap {:foo 1}) everytime I want to pass a
 Map to Java.

 I'm wondering if there is some way to make a clojure Map be smart
 enough to return the value even if you give it string.  Probably not,
 because then what do you do with {:foo 1 foo 2}.  Anyway, just
 wondering if anyone else has run into this Keyword/String mismatch
 problem and if you have an elegant solution.


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Re: recur question

2008-10-13 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Michael,

The multiplication by n comes after the recur.


 Giving the factorial function as:

 (def factorial
(fn [n] (cond (= n 1)
  ( n 1) (* n (recur (dec n))

 the compiler complains Can only recur from tail position.
 Isn't really the recur in tail position? It is the last expresson to
 be evaluated.


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are pr friends correct for regexps?

2008-10-13 Thread Stuart Halloway

(prn #\\w+)
- \w+

I was expecting something the reader could handle...


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Re: Nested Multimethods

2008-10-13 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Patrick,

How about:

(defmulti length (fn [x]
  (if (= :stateMachine  (:class x))
(:state x)
(:class x

(defmethod length :yardstick [x] 36)
(defmethod length :walking [x] short)
(defmethod length :running [x] long)

user= (length {:class :yardstick})
user= (length {:class :stateMachine :state :walking})
user= (length {:class :stateMachine :state :running})

It would probably be better to have the fn return a vector so you  
don't have to worry about :state and :class values with colliding  
names, but that's the basic idea.


 Is there anyway to do the following with the existing multi-method

 There is a general multi-method length(object) that splits off to
 different methods depending on the :class of the object.

 And then specifically for objects with :class = :stateMachine, I want
 to define it's method to split off further depending on the :state of
 the object.

 (defmulti length :class)
 (defmethod-multi length :stateMachine :state)

 (defmethod length :stateMachine :walking
  (println Short distance))

 (defmethod length :stateMachine :running
  (println Long distance))

 Thanks very much for your help.

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Re: are pr friends correct for regexps?

2008-10-15 Thread Stuart Halloway

Yep, I was on an older build. Nevermind. :-)

 On Mon, Oct 13, 2008 at 9:06 AM, Stuart Halloway

 (prn #\\w+)
 - \w+

 Works for me, SVN 1067:
 user= #\\w+
 user= (prn #\\w+)


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Re: max

2008-10-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

+1. And I like compact as a name (my Ruby is showing).


 OK. Then next question.

 Is there some reason we don't have a remove the nils function in  
 the 'clojure namespace?

 Something like (filter #(identity %) coll) works, but would it be  
 possible to add a 'squeeze or 'compact function so we could do  
 something like (apply max (compact coll))?


 On Thu, Oct 16, 2008 at 3:22 PM, Stuart Halloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] 

 Hi Paul,

 I think the current behavior is reasonable. It is consistent across
 all the numeric functions. And if the nil got into max by being a
 sentinel value from some other function, I don't think there is a
 right way to interpret it.


  Currently, (max 1 2 nil 4) throws a NPE. Would it be reasonable to
  expect it to return 4? Or is it right that it throws an NPE?


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Re: max

2008-10-16 Thread Stuart Halloway

Just to add to the confusion: I want compact to remove nil and  
false. :-)

 Perhaps another nudge for compact is that it's not as simple as  
 (filter identity coll), to wit:

 user (filter identity [1 2 nil false 4])
 (1 2 4)

 user (filter #(not (nil? %)) [1 2 nil false 4])
 (1 2 false 4)

 So unless you want to catch false in your net you really need to be  
 doing the latter, which again is not unreasonable, but just a little  
 messy to be using frequently.


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should (test ...) resolve symbols?

2008-10-17 Thread Stuart Halloway

I was surprised to find that test does not resolve symbols into Vars:

; don't do this
(test 'foo)
- :no-test

; do this
(test #'foo)
- :ok

Is there a conceptual reason that test should not resolve symbols into  

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Re: Beginners (and idiomatic Clojure)

2008-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Krukow,

The quality will definitely be higher than this:

Same author, more time. :-)


 On Oct 20, 12:30 am, Paul Barry [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I agree, it would help to have a resource for learning Clojure.  For
 now, my best advice is to pick a real project to start working and
 then specific questions in the IRC room, #clojure on

 Within a few months, we'll have the beta 

 Wow, I wasn't expecting a book this early. Hope the quality will be as
 high as the other material on the web -- will definitely pre-order it.
 Thanks for the hint.



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destructuring/multimethods vs. pattern matching

2008-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi all,

I seem to recall Rich saying I like the destructuring part of pattern  
matching. In my efforts to appreciate that statement, I am playing  
around with porting simple Haskell examples to Clojure, trying to use  
destructuring (and multimethods) where the Haskell does pattern matches.

For example:

-- Haskell
qsort [] = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort smaller ++ [x] ++ qsort bigger
 where smaller = filter (x)  xs
   bigger = filter (=x) xs

; Clojure, destructuring pivot and vals
(defn quicksort-1 [[pivot  vals]]
   (if pivot
 (let [smaller (partial filter #( % pivot))
  bigger (partial filter #(= % pivot))]
   (lazy-cat (quicksort-1 (smaller vals)) [pivot] (quicksort-1  
(bigger vals

; Clojure again, using multimethod to separate base and recur
(defmulti quicksort-2 first)
(defmethod quicksort-2 nil [_] nil)
(defmethod quicksort-2 :default [[pivot  vals]]
   (let [smaller (partial filter #( % pivot))
bigger (partial filter #(= % pivot))]
 (lazy-cat (quicksort-2 (smaller vals)) [pivot] (quicksort-2  
(bigger vals)

I am confident that the Clojure could be prettier, but not sure how.  


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Re: destructuring/multimethods vs. pattern matching

2008-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Steve,

Thanks! I like quicksort-4. It all fixes a problem that bugged me in  
all the other examples, which is that bigger is a lie. The real  
semantic is not smaller, which quicksort-4 captures perfectly.

I will have to get used to thinking of remove as the opposite of  
filter. The English connotations of the former are too imperative  
for me, but I don't know a better word for it.


 On Oct 20, 2008, at 11:16 AM, Stuart Halloway wrote:

 Hi all,

 I seem to recall Rich saying I like the destructuring part of  
 matching. In my efforts to appreciate that statement, I am playing
 around with porting simple Haskell examples to Clojure, trying to use
 destructuring (and multimethods) where the Haskell does pattern  

 For example:

 -- Haskell
 qsort [] = []
 qsort (x:xs) = qsort smaller ++ [x] ++ qsort bigger
 where smaller = filter (x)  xs
   bigger = filter (=x) xs


 I am confident that the Clojure could be prettier, but not sure how.

 Here are a couple of ideas:

 The first is a more literal translation of the Haskell code with  
 'when providing the nil case:

 (defn quicksort-3 [[x  xs]]
   (when x
 (let [smaller (filter #( % x) xs)
   bigger (filter #(= % x) xs)]
   (lazy-cat (quicksort-3 smaller)
 (quicksort-3 bigger)

 The second uses the filter/remove complementary pair so there's only  
 one predicate:

 (defn quicksort-4 [[x  xs]]
   (when x
 (let [smaller #( % x)]
   (lazy-cat (quicksort-4 (filter smaller xs))
 (quicksort-4 (remove smaller xs))



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Re: destructuring/multimethods vs. pattern matching

2008-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Achim,

Nice--I like this one, except for needing to apply. What I really want  
is arity overloading *within* the first argument, which is what led me  
down the path to multimethods.

Is there a reason to prefer concat over lazy-cat here?



 Here's a variadic version:

   (defn qsort
 ([] [])
 ([x  xs] (concat (apply qsort (filter #( % x) xs))
   (cons x (apply qsort (filter #(= % x) xs))

   user (qsort 1234 56 789 0)
   (0 56 789 1234)

 Kind regards,

 Am 20.10.2008 um 17:16 schrieb Stuart Halloway:

 Hi all,

 I seem to recall Rich saying I like the destructuring part of  
 matching. In my efforts to appreciate that statement, I am playing
 around with porting simple Haskell examples to Clojure, trying to use
 destructuring (and multimethods) where the Haskell does pattern

 For example:

 -- Haskell
 qsort [] = []
 qsort (x:xs) = qsort smaller ++ [x] ++ qsort bigger
where smaller = filter (x)  xs
  bigger = filter (=x) xs

 ; Clojure, destructuring pivot and vals
 (defn quicksort-1 [[pivot  vals]]
  (if pivot
(let [smaller (partial filter #( % pivot))
bigger (partial filter #(= % pivot))]
  (lazy-cat (quicksort-1 (smaller vals)) [pivot] (quicksort-1
 (bigger vals

 ; Clojure again, using multimethod to separate base and recur
 (defmulti quicksort-2 first)
 (defmethod quicksort-2 nil [_] nil)
 (defmethod quicksort-2 :default [[pivot  vals]]
  (let [smaller (partial filter #( % pivot))
  bigger (partial filter #(= % pivot))]
(lazy-cat (quicksort-2 (smaller vals)) [pivot] (quicksort-2
 (bigger vals)

 I am confident that the Clojure could be prettier, but not sure how.




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Re: destructuring/multimethods vs. pattern matching

2008-10-20 Thread Stuart Halloway

 What are your concerns re: apply? Are there performance issues? Or is
 it not being able to call qsort on a collection directly?

I just want the code to look pretty, no deeper concerns than that. :-)

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Re: Beginners (and idiomatic Clojure)

2008-10-21 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Krukow,

The book will go electronic beta (60% complete) in early November, and  
should be available in print in March 2009.

WRT to the case study, you are absolutely right. We will develop the  
Java and Clojure versions in parallel, so that neither one benefits  
unfairly from domain knowledge. We also have a pretty decent system  
for estimation, so we should get some real metrics of relative effort.


 On Oct 20, 2:02 pm, Stuart Halloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi Krukow,

 The quality will definitely be higher than this:

 Same author, more time. :-)


 Hi Stuart,

 Sounds good - you have at least one buyer ;-) Will there be a pdf
 +hardcover option?

 I noticed your Clojure case study at Relevance -- nice initiative. I
 have a feeling the clojure version will be faster to develop, have
 fewer bugs, scale better and perhaps even perform better than the Java

 To be fair make sure you develop the versions in parallel so that
 experiences from building the Java version don't carry over to
 Clojure, or vice versa.



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Re: unit tests

2008-10-21 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Tim,

Example below. This is from a demo porting Java code to Clojure, the  
original Java code is in the Apache Commons [1]. Note that test does  
not resolve symbols:

; don't do this
(test 'index-of-any)
- :no-test

; do this
(test #'index-of-any)
- :ok


(ns exploring.index-of-any
 (use clojure.contrib.seq-utils))

   #^{:test (fn []
 (assert (nil? (index-of-any nil #{\a})))
 (assert (nil? (index-of-any  #{\a})))
 (assert (nil? (index-of-any foo nil)))
 (assert (nil? (index-of-any foo #{})))
 (assert (zero? (index-of-any zzabyycdxx #{\z \a})))
 (assert (= 3 (index-of-any zzabyycdxx #{\b \y})))
 (assert (nil? (index-of-any aba #{\z}}
   [str chars]
   (some (fn [[idx char]] (and (get chars char) idx)) (indexed str)))

 I've noticed around the place a few hints at testing capabilities such
 (test v)
 and contrib having a run tests, but I'm at a bit of a loss as to how
 it fits together. If there is a good example I can take a look at
 please point me toward it.

 Generally what I've been doing is writting a test case at the bottom
 of my function and commenting it out when I see the correct output.
 But if there is a more formal definition I'd prefer to use that.

 (defn poly-expand [points]
  (loop [aa (first points) remaining (rest points) built (empty
(if (empty? remaining)
  (concat built [aa (first points)])
  (recur (first remaining) (rest remaining) (concat built [aa
 (first remaining)])
 ;(pr (poly-expand '(a b c d)))
 ;  - (a b b c c d d a) ie: lines of polygon connected

 I imagine what I should be doing is somehow attaching a :test metadata
 which checks that a given input equates to a given output, I just need
 an example to follow. Coming from an imperitive background, I have to
 say that unit testing seems to be one of the stand out advantages to
 the functional approach. I can't even begin to imagine how to
 represent test cases for the C/C++ projects I've worked on hahahahaha,
 but it just feels like a natural part of the development cycle in
 clojure which is really great.



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Re: Testing Clojure (was Re: Bug? Strange set equality (r1075))

2008-10-21 Thread Stuart Halloway

Since there is now a movement afoot to write a comprehensive test  
suite, I want to re-post the spike I did earlier on ClojureCheck.

It would be cool to use check-style tests for at least part of the  
Clojure suite. If there is interest in this, I hope to have time to  
work on this in late November, or would be delighted if someone else  
picks up the idea and runs with it.

Original message follows:


At the JVM summit Clojure breakout someone suggested a Haskell  
QuickCheck/ScalaCheck library for Clojure. I am attaching a small  
spike in that direction below. A few questions:

(1) Is anybody interested?

(2) If the answer to (1) is yes, do you like the direction I am going  
in the public API, e.g.

(for-all [x Integer y Integer] (some stuff that must be true))

(3) Any suggestions about implementation detail? (E.g. I like using a  
multimethod for arbitrary--is there a prettier syntax for ignoring the  
argument after using it for dispatch?)


;;; clojure_check.clj: quick check framework for Clojure

;; Copyright (c) 2008 Stuart Halloway. All rights reserved.

;; Inspired by Scalacheck et al (
;; Licensed under the same CPL as Clojure (

;; Uses clojure.contrib.test-is for assertions
;; Example (passing)
;; (for-all [x Integer y Integer] (= (+ x y) (+ y x)))
;; Example (failing)
;; (for-all [x Integer y Integer] (= (+ x y) (- y x)))

(ns clojure-check
  (:import (java.util Random))
  (:use clojure.contrib.test-is))

(defmulti arbitrary identity)

(def random (Random.))

(defn collection-size []
  (.nextInt random 100))
(def *check-count* 50)

(defn choose [rng]
  (nth rng (.nextInt random (count rng

(defmethod arbitrary Integer [_] (.nextInt random))
(defmethod arbitrary Character [_] (char (.nextInt random)))
(defmethod arbitrary :ascii-character [_] (char (choose (range 32  

(defmethod arbitrary String [_]
  (apply str (take (collection-size) (iterate (fn[_] (arbitrary  
Character)) nil
(defmethod arbitrary :ascii-string [_]
  (apply str (take (collection-size) (iterate (fn[_] (arbitrary :ascii- 
character)) nil

(defmacro binding-values [ vars]
  `(vector ~@(map (fn [v] `['~v ~v]) vars)))

(defmacro for-all [args  forms]
  (let [vars (take-nth 2 args)
value-generators (map (fn [x] `(arbitrary ~x))(take-nth 2 (rest  
   ~@(map (fn [f]
`(dotimes i# *check-count*
   (let ~(apply vector (interleave vars value-generators))
 (is (true? ~f) (pr-str (binding-values [EMAIL 

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Re: unit tests

2008-10-21 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Tim,

You have run afoul of the automagical conversion between Lispy - and  
Javaish _:

' sad
(use 'clojure.contrib.test_is)
java.lang.Exception: namespace 'clojure.contrib.test_is' not found  
after loading '/clojure/contrib/test_is/test_is.clj' (NO_SOURCE_FILE:0

; happy
user= (use 'clojure.contrib.test-is)

Stu (H)

 There's a simple unit testing library in clojure.contrib.test-is.
 Look at the source code comments there for examples of how you can
 define tests.

 Thanks Stuart S, I did a subversion grab of the source and well that
 looks extreemly useful.

 I'm a bit stuck on how to load test_is...
 I've added a tiny section to the wiki because I couldn't find any
 instructions on using contrib, and well I made a lot of mistakes along
 the way that other people might avoid:

 I think that it is set up correctly because I can use fcase, but
 can't use test_is. Maybe I don't need to explicitly or something, my
 brain is a bit fried atm please see below:

 user= (use 'clojure.contrib.fcase)
 user= (use 'clojure.contrib.test_is)
 java.lang.Exception: namespace 'clojure.contrib.test_is' not found
 after loading


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Re: Idiomatic Clojure code?

2008-10-27 Thread Stuart Halloway


I think I am missing something here, can you elaborate?

 By the way, difference is eager, so I'm not sure there's much point in
 using lazy-cat. :-)

I am using lazy-cat *because* difference is eager. Is that mistaken?  
For example, the first expression below returns immediately, and the  
second does not.

(take 1 (lazy-cat [1 2] [(Thread/sleep 1)]))
user= (lazy-cat [1 2] [(Thread/sleep 1)])
(1 2 nil)


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troubleshooting classloader problems

2008-10-28 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi all,

When I am troubleshooting classloader problems I find myself wanting  
to know the list of URLs currently on the classpath. I didn't find  
this exposed anywhere, so I wrote the functions below.


(take 3 (classpath-url-seq))
- (file:/Users/stuart/relevance/personal/SHCLOJ_svn/Book/code/

Of course to be most helpful this needs to be in clojure.jar --  
otherwise you might have classloader problems loading the classloader  
help code. :-) Not sure if this is general enough to deserve to be in  
clojure.jar, but you're welcome to it if others find it useful.


; ---
(defn classloader-seq
   ([] (classloader-seq (clojure.lang.RT/baseLoader)))
  (loop [loaders (vector cl)]
(if (nil? (last loaders))
 (drop-last loaders)
 (recur (conj loaders (.getParent (last loaders

(defn classpath-url-seq [ args]
   (map (memfn toExternalForm)
(reduce concat
   (map (memfn getURLs)
(apply classloader-seq args)

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Re: idiomatic Clojure for agents?

2008-10-28 Thread Stuart Halloway

I have not looked at pmap yet, but I expect it will be a better fit,  
since Monte Carlo is a good fit for Fork/Join.

I am considering using this example across a variety of implementation  
strategies for the concurrency chapter in the book. Aside from agents  
and pmap, any other approaches spring to mind?


P.S. I think that is the second time you have had to tell me to stop  
using count as a local name. Bad habits die slowly... :-)

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 10:06 PM, Stuart Halloway

 The code below implements a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the
 value of pi. It works, and it was easy to reuse the original single-
 threaded approach across multiple agents.

 How idiomatic is this use of agents? Other than bringing in ForkJoin,
 are there other idiomatic ways to parallelize divide-and-conquer in

 Did you look at pmap?  You might be able to use something like (pmap
 (fn [_] (sample-for-pi count)) (range count)), and then use that in
 your guess-from-samples reduce.  I'm thinking this might be better
 because it would handle more of the work: scaling to the number of
 CPUs, launching the agents, waiting for the results.  I'm not sure
 it's a perfect fit -- perhaps pmap adds unneeded overhead.

 BTW, using count as a local name can cause surprises later when
 someone tries to use the clojure/count function.



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Re: idiomatic Clojure for agents?

2008-10-28 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Bill,

Thanks, that's a good point re: await. It would also be interesting to  
have the agents run for a certain length of time, rather than a  
certain number of iterations.

What do you think of using a map argument to a reduce fn? Idiomatic  
Clojure seems to prefer using a vector, but I am biased toward a map  
based on Ruby experience. I haven't decided which is more readable.


 Hi Stuart,

 On Mon, Oct 27, 2008 at 7:06 PM, Stuart Halloway

 Hi all,

 The code below implements a Monte Carlo simulation to estimate the
 value of pi. It works, and it was easy to reuse the original single-
 threaded approach across multiple agents.

 How idiomatic is this use of agents? Other than bringing in ForkJoin,
 are there other idiomatic ways to parallelize divide-and-conquer in


 (defn in-circle? [[x y]]
  (= (Math/sqrt (+ (* x x) (* y y))) 1))

 (defn random-point []
  [(dec (rand 2)) (dec (rand 2))])

 ; take samples, tracking number that land
 ; :in circle and :total number
 (defn sample-for-pi [count]
  (reduce (fn [{in :in total :total} point]
   {:in (if (in-circle? point) (inc in) in)
:total (inc total)})
 {:in 0 :total 0}
 (take count (repeatedly random-point

 (defn guess-from-samples [samples]
  (assoc samples :guess (/ (* 4.0 (:in samples)) (:total samples

 ; guess pi by running Monte Carlo simulation count times
 (defn guess-pi [count]
  (guess-from-samples (sample-for-pi count)))

 ; guess pi by running Monte Carlo simulation count times
 ; spread across n agents
 (defn guess-pi-agent [n count]
  (let [count (quot count n)
   agents (for [_ (range n)] (agent count))]
(doseq a agents (send a sample-for-pi))
(apply await agents)
(guess-from-samples (reduce (fn [a1 a2]
 {:in (+ (:in @a1) (:in @a2))
  :total (+ (:total @a1) (:total  

 I've not gotten around to playing with the concurrency features of
 Clojure yet, so I'm just commenting theoretically on your code. In
 guess-pi-agent, you use await to wait for the results from the
 agents. If one of the agents dies, won't your code wait forever? I
 would think that it would be preferable to use await-for (with a
 timeout) so that the result can still be guessed based on the samples
 that have come back from the other agents. If you plan to use a
 variation of this code in a multi-processor example, some degree of
 agent failure is even more likely.

 Bill Clementson


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Re: idiomatic Clojure for agents?

2008-10-28 Thread Stuart Halloway

Java does thread protect, but it is synchronized. Also java.math and  
java.util's random number generator aren't pluggable with alternate  
implementations. For that I would need SecureRandom.

For my simple example I think I will use a per-thread  
java.util.Random, note the issues, and point interested readers to the  

This has me wondering: should Clojure's rand and rand-int default to  
use a thread-bound instance of java.util.Random?


 On Oct 27, 7:06 pm, Stuart Halloway [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 ; take samples, tracking number that land
 ; :in circle and :total number
 (defn sample-for-pi [count]
(reduce (fn [{in :in total :total} point]
 {:in (if (in-circle? point) (inc in) in)
  :total (inc total)})
   {:in 0 :total 0}
   (take count (repeatedly random-point

 You'll need to use a different pseudorandom number generator /
 pseudorandom stream for each thread.  Otherwise adding more threads
 won't help performance much, because they will serialize on the PRNG.
 (Hopefully Java thread-protects the PRNG's state -- the C library
 doesn't, which makes for interesting errors ;-) .)  Using Pthread
 mutexes to protect the thread state, in a C implementation of a Monte
 Carlo method on an 8-core 2-socket recent Intel box, I was only able
 to get 2x speedup.  (For game tree search I can get 8x speedup on the
 same machine.)

 Check out the following parallel PRNG tutorial for more info:


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commutes do not trigger validate-fn?

2008-10-28 Thread Stuart Halloway

Is this by design? It surprised me, as I expected all transactional  
updates to be protected by validate-fn.


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Re: Using a Java Debugger with Clojure

2008-10-29 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Luc,

Do you have any special sauce for Spring/Clojure integration that the  
community might be interested in? Or is it just so easy that there is  
nothing to say? :-)


 Debugging presently with JSwat and it works fine. We have extensive  
 logging (javalog) and use some trace macros
 from time to time.

 Of course you have to get acquainted with the internal Clojure  
 representation as shown by the debugger but that's not a big  
 learning curve.

 Presently we use a mix of Spring beans, Java and Clojure components.


 On Tue, 2008-10-28 at 11:58 -0700, Scott Hickey wrote:

 It should work. Before I had a debugging working in Eclipse with  
 Groovy, I used JSwat, JEdit and Ant for project work with success.

  Scott Hickey
 Senior Consultant
 Object Partners, Inc.

 - Original Message 
 From: Bill Clementson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 1:43:58 PM
 Subject: Re: Using a Java Debugger with Clojure

 Hi Peter,

 On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 11:27 AM, Peter Wolf [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  Hello all,
  I am new to Clojure, but not Java or LISP (I used to work at LMI).
  I am considering a project written in a mixture of Clojure, Java  
  Groovy.  Clojure for the concurrent inner loop.  Groovy/Grails  
 for the
  Web UI.  And lots of Java reused from other projects.
  How would I debug something like this?  Can I compile Clojure so  
 that a
  standard Java debugger understands it?

 I don't know about Groovy, but some people have used standard Java
 debuggers to debug  Clojure code. For example:

 1. Read Rich's section on debugging in Getting Started:
 2. Have a look at my blog post:
 3. There was a recent discussion on this group where another
 individual had some problems getting JSwat working:
 4. A general search for debugger on this group will also bring up
 some other relevant threads.

  Is there a better way?

 Better is subjective. ;-)

 You could use traditional lisp debugging techniques as well. I've
 covered some of these on my blog:



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Re: Documentation string in metadata?

2008-10-29 Thread Stuart Halloway


The second function definition doesn't have a documentation string, it  
has a string form in its body. Valid behavior, but potentially  


 the metadata for the second function definition
 doesn't contain the documentation string. I was
 wondering if this is valid behaviour or a bug?

 user (defn foobar foobar [] ())
 user (:doc (meta #'foobar))

 user (defn foobar [] foobar ())
 user (:doc (meta #'foobar))



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Re: Ants and agents

2008-10-29 Thread Stuart Halloway

Hi Jim,

send-off is never immediate. It schedules a function for execution  
later. The call to send-off queues execution of the next evaporation,  
and the code continues on.

Agents cannot do more than one thing at once, so the queued  
evaporation cannot possibly happen while this evaporation is sleeping.


 I was looking at the same code today. My question is slightly
 different. In the code

 (defn evaporation [x]
  (when running
(send-off *agent* #'evaporation))
  (. Thread (sleep evap-sleep-ms))

 it looks like the next request (when running (send-off...)) is sent
 immediately, the sleep happens after the evaporate and, more
 confusingly, happens after the next request is sent. Naively, it looks
 like you'd get an infinite number of send-off messages before the
 evaporate and the sleep happened.

 What am I misunderstanding?



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