Re: [ANN] 1st public release of geometry toolkit (CLJ CLJS)

2014-03-11 Thread Kuba Roth
Hey, Karsten great stuff and congrats! 

I haven't been following toxic closely for quite some time, sadly but does that 
mean it's been discontinued completely and you are working in clojure full 
time? :)

What's your impression on working with big code base as above library in 
clojure vs java? Does clojure scales well? I'm particularly interested in 
functional vs OO approach and If any performance critical stuff was done in 
java? If you could share some thoughts would be great. 


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Penumbra anyone in clojure 1.5.1

2014-01-27 Thread Kuba Roth
Hi there,
I'm trying to get Penumbra working with clojure 1.5.1 and was wondering if 
there is still anyone using that library...?

Also I've just discovered a fork of penumbra in the clojars 
( which 
claims to be compatible with clojure 1.3, adn address some changes to 
lein2. Is that version preferable to the original git? So far I have had 
not luck with any.

The ('use penumbra.opengl) line gives the following error: 
CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: penumbra.opengl, 

Does that mean the native library can not be found or perhaps I'm missing 
something in project.clj?

  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.5.1]
 [prismofeverything/penumbra 0.6.12]]
  :jvm-opts [-Djava.library.path=./target/native/linux]

Checking ./target/native/linux indicates some native lib do exist there, 
but ./target/classes folder is empty. I assume all the jars are loaded now 
from ~/.m2/repository/prismofeverything/penumbra/0.6.12 (in my case)

Thanks for help,


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Re: Penumbra anyone in clojure 1.5.1

2014-01-27 Thread Kuba Roth
ok I think got it working at least black frame shows up.

On Monday, January 27, 2014 12:51:45 PM UTC-8, Kuba Roth wrote:

 Hi there,
 I'm trying to get Penumbra working with clojure 1.5.1 and was wondering if 
 there is still anyone using that library...?

 Also I've just discovered a fork of penumbra in the clojars ( which 
 claims to be compatible with clojure 1.3, adn address some changes to 
 lein2. Is that version preferable to the original git? So far I have had 
 not luck with any.

 The ('use penumbra.opengl) line gives the following error: 
 CompilerException java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: penumbra.opengl, 

 Does that mean the native library can not be found or perhaps I'm missing 
 something in project.clj?

   :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.5.1]
  [prismofeverything/penumbra 0.6.12]]
   :jvm-opts [-Djava.library.path=./target/native/linux]

 Checking ./target/native/linux indicates some native lib do exist there, 
 but ./target/classes folder is empty. I assume all the jars are loaded now 
 from ~/.m2/repository/prismofeverything/penumbra/0.6.12 (in my case)

 Thanks for help,


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string/replace regex help

2014-01-16 Thread Kuba Roth
This is more of a regex specific question the clojure, but anyway...
I have the a multiline string as follow:
(def myText aSTART


ii   E



.. and I need to replace all text between START END 'keywords' blocks. 
The following regex:
(clojure.string/replace myText #START([^END])* ==)

does sort of what I'm hoping to get but does not guard me against cases 
when one of the END (in this case  E)   characters shows up in 
the middle of the block to be cut.
So my question comes down to what am I missing here? :)

Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

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Re: string/replace regex help

2014-01-16 Thread Kuba Roth
Sweet! Thanks so much!

On 2014-01-16, at 1:17 PM, John Wiseman wrote:

(clojure.string/replace myText #(?s)START.*?END ==)
;; a==\nee\nff\nggg\n==\n\n

(?s) specifies multi-line mode, *? is the non-greedy form of *.

On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 1:02 PM, Kuba Roth wrote:

 This is more of a regex specific question the clojure, but anyway...
 I have the a multiline string as follow:
 (def myText aSTART
 ii   E

 .. and I need to replace all text between START END 'keywords' blocks.
 The following regex:
 (clojure.string/replace myText #START([^END])* ==)

 does sort of what I'm hoping to get but does not guard me against cases
 when one of the END (in this case  E)   characters shows up in
 the middle of the block to be cut.
 So my question comes down to what am I missing here? :)

 Any suggestions are highly appreciated.

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let bindings in tree-seq funciton

2013-09-05 Thread Kuba Roth
I'm currently working with tree-seq function from clojure.core and there is 
one thing I'm struggling to understand... Could you please explain why 
pretty much all of the body of the function sits within 'let binding' and 
not in the 'let body' where only (walk root) is placed?
Has it something to do with tail recursion?

Thank you,

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Usung atom in pmap

2013-09-05 Thread Kuba Roth
I have a few doubts how to approach updating values inside pmap and a general 
question if map is ideal to solve the problem. I'd really appreciate to get a 
review of the following code.
The file-seqC and file-seqB is slightly modified version of file-seq. The plan 
was to spawn subfolders of the root folder into concurrent jobs, count files 
and output final total number. In my initial tests (file-seqB) I was using atom 
which gets updated as soon as each thread completes. It sort of worked although 
was giving me some inconsistent results somewhere around total number but 
seemed quite there. This looked to me as the last thread sometimes have not 
completed on time
So I've come up with another version (file-seqC). First the pmap returned the 
list of total files for each thread and then I reduced that to get the final 
result. This approach is solid and I'm quite happy to figure this out but I'm 
curious if it's possible to implement files-seqB using Atoms. I'm still not 
sure how would I know if all the entries in the pmap completes before the 
output is passed further. Shout this used agents instead and completely drop 
the idea of using pmap?

In the example below I've included file-seqB function for reference.

(ns pdir.core

(defn burn []
 (dotimes [i 1000] ;; Make it slow
   (reduce * (map float (take 1000 (iterate inc i)

; comment out due to problems with uberjar
; Unable to resolve symbol: ttt in this context, compiling:(pdir/core.clj:35:6);
;(defn file-seqB
;  A tree seq on
;  {:added 1.0}
;  [dir]
;   ;(burn) ;; SLOW things down for testing
;(def total (tree-seq
; (fn [^ f] (. f (isDirectory)))
; (fn [^ d] (seq (. d (listFiles
; dir))
;; takes the number of the files in the directory and update the atom
; (swap! ttt + (count total))  ; this gives sort of predictable results
;  ; but still not accurate
;(println Done:  dir (count total) @ttt)

(defn file-seqC
 A tree seq on
 {:added 1.0}
 (let [total  ; Need to wrap output of the tree-seeq into local 
   (tree-seq  ; Otherwise using pmap returns won't complete 
  ; (reduce) function kicks in
(fn [^ f] (. f (isDirectory)))
(fn [^ d] (seq (. d (listFiles
dir) ]

   ;(burn) ;; SLOW things down for testing
   (println Done:  dir (count total))

   (count total) ;Returns a list with summed values


(defn -main [ args]
 (def rootPath (nth args 0))
 (println Root:  rootPath)

 (def f ( rootPath))

 ;(println (seq (. f (listFiles

 (def subDirs (seq (. f (listFiles  ; store the first depth of folders
; and run them concurrently

 (- (pmap #(file-seqC %1) subDirs ,,,); returns list of total files in 
each folder
  (reduce + ,,,); sum them up
  (println Total Files: ,,,)  ; print

  ;(shutdown-agents) ;terminate JVM which linger in command line


(-main /data/temp/kuba/aaa)

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Re: let bindings in tree-seq funciton

2013-09-05 Thread Kuba Roth
Thanks, very interesting point. It's a shame this is not available in the 
clojure docs - very useful for newcomers as me.
Is it fair to say that let bindings is good/recomended  to put all the code  
and the main body is used primarily for returning results of the function?


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Re: send agent inside doseq

2013-08-21 Thread Kuba Roth
Yup, I've done OOP in the past but probably even closer procedural
programming. Recently I've been working pretty much exclusively in
python/C++ which are somewhat at two extremes. I'm hoping to see Clojure to
be a blend of these two and a replacement especially in areas where things
in python are too slow or impossible (parallel stuff). The functional
approach of Clojure is the down side for me at the moment ;). The lack of
loops and variables is a bit mind-bending, feels like going back to start
with programming in general.


On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 10:33 PM, Sean Corfield seancorfi...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 9:31 PM, Kuba Roth wrote:
  The reason I looked into 'intern' can only be explained by totally lack
  experience in Clojure and more general functional programming.

 Ah, is your background OOP?

 You'll find the functional world is pretty different. No variables
 in the traditional sense, no uncontrolled mutation, no loops in the
 traditional sense, no state in the OOP sense.

 def and defn only create top-level definitions - bindings of values to
 symbols - and intern is really an implementation detail that you want
 to keep away from.

 As you can see from my example, you can create a sequence of agents
 easily enough as a data structure, and then you can perform operations
 on that data structure. Agents provide controlled mutation in that
 they start out with an initial value and you send them a series of
 function invocations and they take on new values as each function
 invocation is applied asynchronously.

 I wonder what you might be trying to achieve? Or perhaps this is just
 initial experimentation? One thing you'll find about Clojure is how
 rarely you need mutation.

 At World Singles we have about 18,000 lines of Clojure with just two
 agents (used to provide measured asynchronous DB updates for a couple
 of very specific situations) and 27 atoms, which are nearly all just
 caches - only half a dozen of those are really mutable state (and
 we're consolidating that).

 Welcome to Clojure!
 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
 An Architect's View --
 World Singles, LLC. --

 Perfection is the enemy of the good.
 -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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send agent inside doseq

2013-08-20 Thread Kuba Roth
Hi there,
I've got a range of values and I'd like to run agents for each value per 
thread. For some reason I've got only one agents being updated. 
Not sure what's wrong here but I suspect  must be doing something terrible 


(doseq [s (range 30 35)]
   ;(println (format _%s s))
   (intern *ns* (symbol (format _%s s) ) (agent s)) ;; set 
initial value
   (send @(intern *ns* (symbol (format _%s s))) + 100)  ;; send 
agent and update value
   (println @(intern *ns* (symbol (format _%s s)) ));; deref

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Re: send agent inside doseq

2013-08-20 Thread Kuba Roth
Thanks Sean, your example looks much cleaner and most important works! 
The reason I looked into 'intern' can only be explained by totally lack of 
experience in Clojure and more general functional programming. 
My goal was to dynamically create a var inside the 'doseq' and apparently 
'intern' is used in this cases. The 'def' special form didn't work for 
me... (not sure why). But as I said it was rather my lame attempt to make 
things work then any well thought out decision :)


On Tuesday, August 20, 2013 4:56:30 PM UTC-7, Sean Corfield wrote:

 Very likely Juan, as seen here: 

 (let [agents (map agent (range 30 35))] 
   (doseq [a agents] 
 (send a + 100) 
 (println @a)) 
   (doseq [a agents] 
 (println @a))) 

 For me that prints: 


 but I suspect that's more luck that anything since there's no reason 
 the agent operations need to have finished before the second println. 

 Kuba, as a separate issue, why are you trying to intern all those 
 symbols? It's not very idiomatic. 


 On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 4:49 PM, juan.facorro 
  If on the println you don't see the value updated, it's probably because 
  operation sent to the agent wasn't applied yet. 
  Add a (Thread/sleep 500) in between the send and println expressions and 
  you'll see the expected agents'. 
  On Wednesday, August 21, 2013 12:21:59 AM UTC+1, Kuba Roth wrote: 
  Hi there, 
  I've got a range of values and I'd like to run agents for each value 
  thread. For some reason I've got only one agents being updated. 
  Not sure what's wrong here but I suspect  must be doing something 
  (doseq [s (range 30 35)] 
 ;(println (format _%s s)) 
 (intern *ns* (symbol (format _%s s) ) (agent s)) ;; 
  initial value 
 (send @(intern *ns* (symbol (format _%s s))) + 100)  ;; 
  agent and update value 
 (println @(intern *ns* (symbol (format _%s s)) ));; 
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 Sean A Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN 
 An Architect's View -- 
 World Singles, LLC. -- 

 Perfection is the enemy of the good. 
 -- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880) 

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pmap thread oversubscription OSX

2013-05-01 Thread kuba roth
Hi there,

I'm currently testing a map/pmap performance and run into weird
behavior in Clojure running on a OSX (compered to Linux).
Running a 'slow' (processor intensive pmap function on OSX suffers
from very poor performance whereas the same function on Linux runs
just fine.
At the first glance looks like there is a oversubsription of threads
taking place on OSX and I don't fully understand if the problem is
part of my code or is this perhaps a bug on OSX platform. (Clojure

Here is the slow function, I need to stress it  that using Thread/
sleep to create dummy long running job doesn't seem to cause this
problem. Realizing long sequence made a trick for me and force all
procsc to run on 100%.

; Processor intensive process which will run in parallel
; Notice Thread/sleep is not used - since it doesn't use processor
(more appropriate for imitating I/O stuff)
(defn myFunc [input]
  ;(Thread/sleep 500)  ;; this doesn't use processor
  (doseq [n (take 1000 (range))])  ;; some slow dummy process
  (println (str --- input))  ;; some side effect to
track down roughly the progress

 ...and the results:
OSX - dual-core:
(time (doall (pmap #(myFunc %) (take 4 (range)  Elapsed time:
30263.3 msecs
(time (doall (map #(myFunc %) (take 4 (range)  Elapsed
time: 9239.3 msecs

Linux 12core - the vector to iterate over has been increased to avoid
tha case where there are more cores then tasks:
(time (doall (pmap #(myFunc %) (take 100 (range)Elapsed time:
16408.8 msecs
(time (doall (map #(myFunc %) (take 100 (range) Elapsed time:
150310.1 msecs

I've got more examples for OSX which clearly shows that as soon as the
number of tasks exceeds number of cores pmap performance suffers. It
seems to me like there is no blocking taking place on threads and all
the tasks are started at the same time.

I've also run a test using Agents (pardon my code style) but the
problem seems to show up there too. All tasks in the range gets
submitted instantly causing oversubscribtion, so no task blocking is
taking a place.

;forced single threaded
(time (doseq [x (take 100 (range))]
  (send (agent 0)  (myFunc x)); still single
threaded... - I wonder if there is a better way to do that?

; parallel
(time (doseq [x (take 100 (range))]
  ;(send (agent x)  myFunc )  ;

With Agents, on linux parallel was way faster whereas on OSX a
magnitude slower:
linux parallel thr - 1min 52s
linux single thr   - 9min 35s


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pmap oversubscription on OSX

2013-05-01 Thread kuba roth
Hi there, I'm a bit nervous, this is my first post here :)

I'm currently testing a map/pmap performance and run into weird behavior in 
Clojure running on a OSX (compered to Linux).
Running a 'slow' (processor intensive pmap function on OSX suffers from 
very poor performance whereas the same function on Linux runs just fine. 
At the first glance looks like there is a oversubsription of threads taking 
place on OSX and I don't fully understand if the problem is part of my code 
or is this perhaps a bug on OSX platform. (Clojure 1.4)

Here is the slow function, I need to stress it  that using Thread/sleep to 
create dummy long running job doesn't seem to cause this problem. Realizing 
long sequence made a trick for me and force all procsc to run on 100%.

; Processor intensive process which will run in parallel 
; Notice Thread/sleep is not used - since it doesn't use processor (more 
appropriate for imitating I/O stuff)
(defn myFunc [input]
  ;(Thread/sleep 500)  ;; this doesn't use processor
  (doseq [n (take 1000 (range))])  ;; some slow dummy process
  (println (str --- input))  ;; some side effect to track 
down roughly the progress

 ...and the results:
OSX - dual-core:
(time (doall (pmap #(myFunc %) (take 4 (range)  Elapsed time: 
30263.3 msecs
(time (doall (map #(myFunc %) (take 4 (range)  Elapsed time: 
9239.3 msecs

Linux 12core - the vector to iterate over has been increased to avoid tha 
case where there are more cores then tasks:
(time (doall (pmap #(myFunc %) (take 100 (range)Elapsed time: 
16408.8 msecs
(time (doall (map #(myFunc %) (take 100 (range) Elapsed time: 
150310.1 msecs

I've got more examples for OSX which clearly shows that as soon as the 
number of tasks exceeds number of cores pmap performance suffers. It seems 
to me like there is no blocking taking place on threads and all the tasks 
are started at the same time. 

I've also run a test using Agents (pardon my code style) but the problem 
seems to show up there too. All tasks in the range gets submitted instantly 
causing oversubscribtion, so no task blocking is taking a place.

;forced single threaded
(time (doseq [x (take 100 (range))] 
  (send (agent 0)  (myFunc x)); still single 
threaded... - I wonder if there is a better way to do that?

; parallel
(time (doseq [x (take 100 (range))] 
  ;(send (agent x)  myFunc )  ;

With Agents, on linux parallel was way faster whereas on OSX a magnitude 
linux parallel thr - 1min 52s 
linux single thr   - 9min 35s 


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Re: pmap thread oversubscription OSX

2013-05-01 Thread kuba roth
Thanks all for advise and sorry for the double post. 
Will check this out tonight and get back.


On Wednesday, May 1, 2013 11:09:05 AM UTC-7, kuba roth wrote:

 Hi there, 

 I'm currently testing a map/pmap performance and run into weird 
 behavior in Clojure running on a OSX (compered to Linux). 
 Running a 'slow' (processor intensive pmap function on OSX suffers 
 from very poor performance whereas the same function on Linux runs 
 just fine. 
 At the first glance looks like there is a oversubsription of threads 
 taking place on OSX and I don't fully understand if the problem is 
 part of my code or is this perhaps a bug on OSX platform. (Clojure 

 Here is the slow function, I need to stress it  that using Thread/ 
 sleep to create dummy long running job doesn't seem to cause this 
 problem. Realizing long sequence made a trick for me and force all 
 procsc to run on 100%. 

 ; Processor intensive process which will run in parallel 
 ; Notice Thread/sleep is not used - since it doesn't use processor 
 (more appropriate for imitating I/O stuff) 
 (defn myFunc [input] 
   ;(Thread/sleep 500)  ;; this doesn't use processor 
   (doseq [n (take 1000 (range))])  ;; some slow dummy process 
   (println (str --- input))  ;; some side effect to 
 track down roughly the progress 

  ...and the results: 
 OSX - dual-core: 
 (time (doall (pmap #(myFunc %) (take 4 (range)  Elapsed time: 
 30263.3 msecs 
 (time (doall (map #(myFunc %) (take 4 (range)  Elapsed 
 time: 9239.3 msecs 

 Linux 12core - the vector to iterate over has been increased to avoid 
 tha case where there are more cores then tasks: 
 (time (doall (pmap #(myFunc %) (take 100 (range)Elapsed time: 
 16408.8 msecs 
 (time (doall (map #(myFunc %) (take 100 (range) Elapsed time: 
 150310.1 msecs 

 I've got more examples for OSX which clearly shows that as soon as the 
 number of tasks exceeds number of cores pmap performance suffers. It 
 seems to me like there is no blocking taking place on threads and all 
 the tasks are started at the same time. 

 I've also run a test using Agents (pardon my code style) but the 
 problem seems to show up there too. All tasks in the range gets 
 submitted instantly causing oversubscribtion, so no task blocking is 
 taking a place. 

 ;forced single threaded 
 (time (doseq [x (take 100 (range))] 
   (send (agent 0)  (myFunc x)); still single 
 threaded... - I wonder if there is a better way to do that? 

 ; parallel 
 (time (doseq [x (take 100 (range))] 
   ;(send (agent x)  myFunc )  ; 

 With Agents, on linux parallel was way faster whereas on OSX a 
 magnitude slower: 
 linux parallel thr - 1min 52s 
 linux single thr   - 9min 35s 


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Re: pmap thread oversubscription OSX

2013-05-01 Thread kuba roth
On OSX (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime)) returns 2 in my case.

I've also run into the following thread:!topic/clojure/AtA-0LKYe9A
There are two other implementations of CPU bound pmap: pmapall and 
pmap-pool. The latter one (by j-g-faustus) actually solved my problem on 

Attaching complete example for reference:

(import '(java.util.concurrent Executors))
(defn pmap-pool [f coll]
  (let [queue (ref coll)  ;; shared queue of work units
nthreads  (.availableProcessors (Runtime/getRuntime))
pool  (Executors/newFixedThreadPool nthreads)
tasks (map (fn [_]
 (fn [] ; one task per thread
   (let [local-res (atom [])] ;; collect results per 
thread to minimize synchronization
 (while (seq @queue)
   ;; queue may be emptied between 'while'
   ;; and 'dosync'.
   (when-let [wu (dosync
;; grab work unit, update 
(when-let [w (first @queue)]
  (alter queue next)
 (swap! local-res conj (f wu
   (range nthreads))
results (doall (map #(deref (.get %)) ;; blocks until completion
(.invokeAll pool tasks))) ;; start all tasks
results (reduce concat results)]
(.shutdown pool)
;; sanity check
(when-not (and (empty? @queue)
   (= (count results) (count coll))
   (every? #(= % :done) results))
  (println ERROR: queue  (count @queue)  #results (count results)))

(defn myFunc [input]
  (doseq [n (take 1000 (range))])  ;; some slow dummy process
  (println (str --- input))

(time (last (pmap-pool #(myFunc %) (take 6 (range)

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Re: Clojure for Beginners eBook

2013-05-01 Thread kuba roth
I would also add 

   - setting up Eclipse with counterclockwise 
   - native java libs setup  (lwjgl) for OpenGL folks. Since I don't have 
   java background this took me a while to figure out and Lein (which is a 
   great tool btw) doesn't provide an intuitive support for this sort of stuff 
   out of the box unfortunately. 

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