Walking a tree

2013-07-06 Thread looselytyped
Good morning everyone! 

I have a problem that I have been struggling with for a few days now. I 
have a directed acyclic graph that I am trying to walk, and can't seem to 
figure out a to prevent my walking already visited branches. Here is the 

(def values
  [{:v a :parent [b]}
   {:v b :parent [c]}
   {:v c :parent [d e]}
   {:v d :parent [f]}
   {:v e :parent [f]}
   {:v f}])

As you can see, I have a vector of records, each with a value and a 
vector of parents. A node can have more than zero or more parents.

 a o
 b o
 c o
 d o o e
 f o

Here is the fruits of several attempts ... 

(defn walk-tree
 (letfn [(in?
   [seq elm]
   (some #(= elm %) seq))
 (walk [already id]
   (when-not (in? already id)
 (when-let [n (some #(if (= id (:v %)) %) values)]
(cons (:v n)
  (mapcat #(walk (conj already (:v n)) %) (:parent 
   (walk #{} (:v (first values))

I was hoping to use the set as a way to record which nodes have been 
visited. Unfortunately as you might be able to tell, that's not going to 
work. The result of running this is 

(a b c d f e f)

Notice that f gets in the list twice. One way to do it would be to make a 
set out of it, but that eliminates the laziness aspect.  

Can anyone point me in the right direction here? 



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Re: Walking a tree

2013-07-06 Thread looselytyped
Dear Stanislav, 

Thank you. You got me going down the right path. Upon looking around for a 
BFS solution, I came across this blog post 
had me going down the right direction. Which leads me to Carlo's response 
-- You are SO right. It was mapcat that was hurting me. 

Thank you all. I do appreciate this. I will keep digging, but Carlo's 
prompt response definitely got me past this rut. 

Warm regards, 


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Light Table - a new IDE concept

2012-04-13 Thread looselytyped
This is an awesome implementation of Brett Victors Inventing On
Principle [http://vimeo.com/36579366] using Clojure and Noir by Chris
Granger (who also wrote Noir).

Figured I would share it with the group.



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Re: Screencast: Clojure + Emacs + slime + swank + cake + Overtone

2011-06-19 Thread looselytyped
Agreed. This is a very informative screencast.

Thanks Sam.


On Jun 17, 3:21 pm, John Toohey j...@parspro.com wrote:
 Excellent screencast.

 On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 11:16, Sam Aaron samaa...@gmail.com wrote:
  Hi there,

  I just finished making a screencast primarily for new Overtone users on how 
  to get set up with Emacs as a primary editor:


  It turns out that this should be pretty useful for Clojure hackers in 
  general as it's really a screencast on how to set up a Clojure environment 
  using Emacs slime, swank and cake. Just s/Overtone/your-project/

  Of course, it's also great if you're interested in making music with 
  programming languages :-)



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Re: Emacs setup - quick navigation to files and definitions

2011-06-15 Thread looselytyped
emacs-nav is a lightweight project explorer for emacs that I have
found useful - https://code.google.com/p/emacs-nav/

It has the ability to grep the directory structure for a symbol (Press
'g' when the cursor is in the emacs-nav window). I find that handy to
search for function names across projects.

Disclaimer - Clojure for me right now is only getting to be a serious
hobby so I am not certain this will scale :)

On a side note - many thanks to Glen Stampoultzis for the ctrl-x ctrl-
i tip ... Works like a charm. Beats the heck out of ctrl-s :)

Hope this helps.


On Jun 15, 5:40 am, Kelvin Ward kelvin.d.w...@googlemail.com wrote:
 In my experience ECB and Speedbar (both come with CEDET) is the only
 option. I think that speedbar may be available without cedet, but it
 seems less functional. ECB can keep the speedbar window fixed
 regardless of closing/opening other emacs windows. It's not a nice as
 IDEs I'd say, but certainly does work, showing a tree of directories,
 clojure files and clojure functions/defs.

 CEDET does look quite the overwhelming install, but it wasn't that
 bad. I found several of the default ecb/speedbar behaviours unpleasant
 and fixed them with the right customisation. Right now, having to
 double, instead of single click, on ecb windows is the most annoying.

 Some settings I have in my emacs config, some of which I won't
 remember why I set them:
 (speedbar-add-supported-extension .clj)
 (setq ecb-use-speedbar-instead-native-tree-buffer 'dir)
 (setq speedbar-show-unknown-files t)
 (setq speedbar-tag-regroup-maximum-length 100)
 (setq ecb-primary-secondary-mouse-buttons 'mouse-1--C-mouse-1)
 (setq ecb-speedbar-buffer-sync nil)
 (setq speedbar-tag-hierarchy-method '(speedbar-sort-tag-hierarchy))
 (setq ecb-auto-expand-directory-tree nil)

 My emacs setup files might helphttps://bitbucket.org/enerqi/emacs-setup/src
 such as src/elisp/rc/emacs-rc-cedet.el. However, I've saved a copy of
 cedet with my elisp files. With recent versions of emacs (23+ or 24+)
 cedet comes with emacs and I had to delete the cedet shipped with
 emacs to avoid changing my emacs config.

 On Jun 13, 2:50 am, yair yair@gmail.com wrote:


  With swank and slime all set-up along with CDT, further improved by
  slime autocomplete, my emacs setup is getting pretty close to being a
  full featured, highly clojure focused IDE.  One thing I am struggling
  with while working on a larger than usual project (i.e. 7 source files
  some of which have 200-300 lines) is quickly navigating between source
  files and the definitions within them.  I took a look at CEDET but it
  seemed a bit overwhelming, and I wasn't sure the effort would be worth
  it as I couldn't tell if clojure would then be supported within it.

  So, which plugins do you use in emacs for navigating between clojure
  source files and definitions?


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Re: New to Clojure

2011-06-08 Thread looselytyped
Hi Santosh,

I have been playing around with Clojure for some time now, and outside
of echoing most of the suggestions listed above (specifically
StackOverFlow hints/tricks, OSS projects on GitHub/BitBucket and most
importantly the REPL with Leiningen) I have one more suggestion -
Being a Java guy (and Ruby) myself, one thing I found myself
struggling with is the functional nature of Clojure. I still struggle
with it so I will elaborate on how I am trying to work around it.

  - The Little Schemer [http://www.amazon.com/Little-Schemer-Daniel-P-
Friedman/dp/0262560992] - I found this book to be a good refresher on
recursion, and thinking along those lines. I just went through it (I
wrote all the code samples in Clojure), and am starting the next one
in the series which is
  - The Seasoned Schemer [http://www.amazon.com/Seasoned-Schemer-

I started playing with the 99 Lisp Programs exercise suggested by
Shantanu a while back, and one thing that helped me was to use Clojure
core only (rather than using Clojure Contrib along with it). YMMV.

There are few books out there that can help - The Joy of Clojure IMO
being a really good one to pick, but it's one that you should read
after getting your hands dirty with Clojure first. Practical Clojure
is another good book, and relatively new so it covers some of the
newer constructs in Clojure as compared to Stu's Programming
Clojure (Though I believe Aaron Bedra is working on the second
edition of that book).

Finally, I agree with many others on this thread - Emacs is a popular
editor among many a lisp programmer, and Clojure is no different.
Unfortunately if you are not familiar with it, it presents a two-fold
problem - you need to learn to use the editor along with learning
Clojure. My take on this - if you are familiar with an IDE like
Eclipse or NetBeans or even IntelliJ just download the plugin and
start writing code.

Hope this helps.


On Jun 8, 12:49 am, Santosh M santoshvmadhyas...@gmail.com wrote:
 Thank you mike will definitely go through the links. :). I don't have
 any background of lisp.



 On Jun 7, 3:30 pm, Mike Anderson mike.r.anderson...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Santosh,

  I was in your position a little over a year ago. Some recommendations
  that may help:

  - If you're coming from a Java environment, you may find it easiest to
  move to Clojure by using a Clojure plugin for your favourite Java IDE.
  I use the Counterclockwise plugin for Eclipse which is excellent, but
  I've heard great things about Enclojure for Netbeans too.
  - It's worth watching the video for Clojure for Java Programmers by
  Clojure creator Rich Hickey 
  - I also strongly recommend this video if you want to understand
  Clojure's data structures and approach to 
  - I've found StackOverflow to be a great resource for Clojure tricks
  and hints

  Hope this helps - and good luck!


  On Jun 7, 8:30 pm, Santosh M santoshvmadhyas...@gmail.com wrote:

   I want to learn clojure. I already know Java. Please tell me how to



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Re: ANN: Emacs auto-complete plugin for slime users

2010-10-24 Thread looselytyped
This is awesome! Thank you. After installing auto-complete and
following the instructions on your github page, works like a charm.

Brilliant work.



On Oct 16, 12:27 am, Jarl Haggerty fictivela...@gmail.com wrote:
 Should autocomplete work in the swank repl?  It works perfectly in a
 clj buffer but nothing happens in the repl.

 On Aug 19, 7:46 am, Phil Hagelberg p...@hagelb.org wrote:

  On Thu, Aug 19, 2010 at 6:21 AM, Steve Purcell st...@sanityinc.com wrote:
   I guess Phil's very busy, but if he can apply this patch, then the 
   regular swank-clojure 1.3.0-SNAPSHOT on clojars should end up containing 
   the fix.

  Just applied this patch and pushed to github and clojars. Thanks!


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Re: post your feedback on the conj

2010-10-24 Thread looselytyped
A big shout-out to Relevance, sponsors, speakers and attendees (with
my own heartfelt gratitude towards Alan et al.) - Thank you! A great

Superb talks, and smooth execution, down right to making sure everyone
could get to and from the social outings and to-from the airports.

It was nice to put faces on the names and twitter handles of many
Clojurians. I look forward to seeing the lazy-sequence of conferences
being evaluated in the future :)

With my utmost appreciation,

Warm regards,


On Oct 24, 12:03 pm, Stuart Halloway stuart.hallo...@gmail.com
 If you were at Clojure-conj, you can post your feedback on talks through 
 SpeakerRate athttp://speakerrate.com/events/613-clojure-conj. Please do, so 
 we can make (second conj) even better!

 It was terrific meeting so many of you for the first time. Thanks again to 
 all the attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers for making the conj 


 Stuart Halloway
 Clojure/core team at Relevancehttp://clojure.comhttp://thinkrelevance.com

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Re: clojure.contrib.repl-utils show

2010-06-02 Thread looselytyped

I figured it out. For the record, it was me being stupid about it. The
problem was doing a (use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils) would barf
because 'source' is declared in both clojure.repl and
clojure.contrib.repl-utils (This has probably to do with what Sean
said - some repl functions are being promoted to core).

I needed to do a (use '[clojure.contrib.repl-utils :only (show)]) -
this way the name collision would be avoided. (I am not sure why emacs
tab-autocomplete would not show repl-utils as an option, but it may
have to do with the collision).

The lab-repl script loads the 'show' function this way. That's why it
worked with lab-repl but not with a 'lein swank' since with lein I
have to explicitly 'use' any contrib libraries.

I am sorry for the confusion. Please forgive me.

Warm regards,


On Jun 1, 5:14 pm, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Sean,

 Yes, it certainly looks like it's being pulled into clojure core.
 Thank you for the response.

 If I may say so - I think your series on vimeo is awesome. Thank you
 for taking the time and making the effort.

 Kind regards,


 On Jun 1, 11:13 am, Sean Devlin francoisdev...@gmail.com wrote:

  Keep in mind thatREPL-utils is being discussed for inclusion in core
  in 1.2.  Therefore, any edge build will have to pay extra attention to
  what is going on.  This will be easier to track when frozen betas 
  RC's come out.


  On Jun 1, 10:52 am, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Meikel,

   Thank you for the response. I did not do that, but a quick glance at
   the clojure.contribgithub repo tells me there is no 'show' function
   in it. I will try it at home (it's on my home computer).

   It's odd because it was working just fine - then I did a 'lein clean'
   and 'lein deps' and it was then I could not refer to 'show'.

   Kind regards,

   On Jun 1, 1:28 am, Meikel Brandmeyer m...@kotka.de wrote:


On Jun 1, 4:16 am, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:

 For some reason, the 'show' function from clojure.contrib.repl-utils
 does not work. In fact the only completions I get when trying to get
 torepl-* are


Did you (require 'clojure.contrib.repl-ln)? Maybe
labrepl does that for you.


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Re: clojure.contrib.repl-utils show

2010-06-02 Thread looselytyped

I figured it out. For the record, it was me being stupid about it. The
problem was doing a (use 'clojure.contrib.repl-utils) would barf
because 'source' is declared in both clojure.repl and
clojure.contrib.repl-utils (This has probably to do with what Sean
said - some repl functions are being promoted to core).

I needed to do a (use '[clojure.contrib.repl-utils :only (show)]) -
this way the name collision would be avoided. (I am not sure why emacs
tab-autocomplete would not show repl-utils as an option, but it may
have to do with the collision).

The lab-repl script loads the 'show' function this way. That's why it
worked with lab-repl but not with a 'lein swank' since with lein I
have to explicitly 'use' any contrib libraries.

I am sorry for the confusion. Please forgive me.

Warm regards,


On Jun 1, 5:14 pm, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:
 Hi Sean,

 Yes, it certainly looks like it's being pulled into clojure core.
 Thank you for the response.

 If I may say so - I think your series on vimeo is awesome. Thank you
 for taking the time and making the effort.

 Kind regards,


 On Jun 1, 11:13 am, Sean Devlin francoisdev...@gmail.com wrote:

  Keep in mind thatREPL-utils is being discussed for inclusion in core
  in 1.2.  Therefore, any edge build will have to pay extra attention to
  what is going on.  This will be easier to track when frozen betas 
  RC's come out.


  On Jun 1, 10:52 am, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:

   Hi Meikel,

   Thank you for the response. I did not do that, but a quick glance at
   the clojure.contribgithub repo tells me there is no 'show' function
   in it. I will try it at home (it's on my home computer).

   It's odd because it was working just fine - then I did a 'lein clean'
   and 'lein deps' and it was then I could not refer to 'show'.

   Kind regards,

   On Jun 1, 1:28 am, Meikel Brandmeyer m...@kotka.de wrote:


On Jun 1, 4:16 am, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:

 For some reason, the 'show' function from clojure.contrib.repl-utils
 does not work. In fact the only completions I get when trying to get
 torepl-* are


Did you (require 'clojure.contrib.repl-ln)? Maybe
labrepl does that for you.


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Re: clojure.contrib.repl-utils show

2010-06-01 Thread looselytyped
Hi Meikel,

Thank you for the response. I did not do that, but a quick glance at
the clojure.contrib github repo tells me there is no 'show' function
in it. I will try it at home (it's on my home computer).

It's odd because it was working just fine - then I did a 'lein clean'
and 'lein deps' and it was then I could not refer to 'show'.

Kind regards,

On Jun 1, 1:28 am, Meikel Brandmeyer m...@kotka.de wrote:

 On Jun 1, 4:16 am, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:

  For some reason, the 'show' function from clojure.contrib.repl-utils
  does not work. In fact the only completions I get when trying to get
  torepl-* are


 Did you (require 'clojure.contrib.repl-ln)? Maybe
 labrepl does that for you.


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Re: clojure.contrib.repl-utils show

2010-06-01 Thread looselytyped
Hi Sean,

Yes, it certainly looks like it's being pulled into clojure core.
Thank you for the response.

If I may say so - I think your series on vimeo is awesome. Thank you
for taking the time and making the effort.

Kind regards,


On Jun 1, 11:13 am, Sean Devlin francoisdev...@gmail.com wrote:
 Keep in mind that REPL-utils is being discussed for inclusion in core
 in 1.2.  Therefore, any edge build will have to pay extra attention to
 what is going on.  This will be easier to track when frozen betas 
 RC's come out.


 On Jun 1, 10:52 am, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:

  Hi Meikel,

  Thank you for the response. I did not do that, but a quick glance at
  the clojure.contrib github repo tells me there is no 'show' function
  in it. I will try it at home (it's on my home computer).

  It's odd because it was working just fine - then I did a 'lein clean'
  and 'lein deps' and it was then I could not refer to 'show'.

  Kind regards,

  On Jun 1, 1:28 am, Meikel Brandmeyer m...@kotka.de wrote:


   On Jun 1, 4:16 am, looselytyped raju.gan...@gmail.com wrote:

For some reason, the 'show' function from clojure.contrib.repl-utils
does not work. In fact the only completions I get when trying to get
torepl-* are


   Did you (require 'clojure.contrib.repl-ln)? Maybe
   labrepl does that for you.


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clojure.contrib.repl-utils show

2010-05-31 Thread looselytyped

I created a new project using 'lein new project_name and then
modified the project.clj file to look like this -

(defproject datastructures 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
:dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure 1.2.0-master-SNAPSHOT]
 [org.clojure/clojure-contrib 1.2.0-SNAPSHOT]
 [ant/ant 1.6.5]
 [jline 0.9.94]
 [org.apache.maven/maven-ant-tasks 2.0.10]]
  :dev-dependencies [[swank-clojure 1.2.1]
 [autodoc 0.7.0]])

I did a 'lein deps' and then a 'lein swank' - I switched over the
emacs and did a slime-connect [I am using the emacs-starter-kit with
clojure-mode, and swank-clojure installed via ELPA).

For some reason, the 'show' function from clojure.contrib.repl-utils
does not work. In fact the only completions I get when trying to get
to repl-* are


I noticed that there is now a clojure.repl namespace with a few
methods like apropos but no 'show'.

Furthermore, when using labrepl (from relevance) and doing a script/
swank 'show' works just fine.

Both lib directories contain the same jars

labrepl/lib = clojure-1.2.0-master-20100528.120302-79.jar
new_project/lib = clojure-1.2.0-master-20100528.120302-79.jar

Is there something I am missing?

Thank you!

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Re: Clojure Conference Poll

2010-01-25 Thread looselytyped
I concur. Columbus, OH is a pretty good location :D [But then, I am
just being selfish]

In all seriousness, it does act as a pretty central location in the
midwest region IMO.


On Jan 22, 4:15 pm, Wilson MacGyver wmacgy...@gmail.com wrote:
 I vote let's turn this into a clojure vacation, and hold it in an
 exotic location.

 Otherwise, hey, Columbus Ohio is as good as any other city. :)

 On Fri, Jan 22, 2010 at 3:50 PM, Sean Devlin francoisdev...@gmail.com wrote:
  Clearly you haven't taken into account that Philadelphia is more
  central wrt the big cities :)

  On Jan 22, 3:32 pm, Fogus mefo...@gmail.com wrote:
  Since Clojure is clearly an East-Coast language, I suggest DC as the
  most logical locale.  (hopes someone buys this line of reasoning)


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 Omnem crede diem tibi diluxisse supremum.

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