[ClojureScript] Re: Figwheel/cider clojurescript environment

2015-10-11 Thread Tord Romstad
I don't usually use Cider, but I had difficulties getting Figwheel 0.4.0 to work with nREPL in Cursive, as described in this Figwheel issue: https://github.com/bhauman/lein-figwheel/issues/244 The short version is that I never got it to work with piggieback 0.2.1, but after downgrading to

[ClojureScript] Re: Figwheel/cider clojurescript environment

2015-10-11 Thread Walter van der Laan
I use the setup that you describe; cider, figwheel & cljs-repl in a terminal without autocomplete. But, I also use use devcards. In my experience devcards are a very good replacement for the cljs-repl. I hardly even enter anything directly in the repl since I started using devcards. My advise

[ClojureScript] Re: Figwheel/cider clojurescript environment

2015-10-11 Thread Adam Kowalski
Devcards are fantastic, but I still feel like connecting to a repl is important as it really allows your editor to understand your code and give you important information about your environment in the state that it is currently in. For whatever reason I am able to get everything working when I

Re: [ClojureScript] Re: Figwheel/cider clojurescript environment

2015-10-11 Thread Colin Fleming
Cursive doesn't provide any explicit support for CLJS REPL creation right now, although it's on my urgent shortlist. The most reliable configurations, as bhauman notes in that Figwheel issue, generally skip using nREPL altogether. Cursive actually provides a pretty good experience with that