Hi Itamar!

2009/11/10 Itamar Syn-Hershko <ita...@divrei-tora.com>

> You might be right, I wonder why this hasn't been discovered by now? Would
> you mind writing a minified test case for this and possibly also
> demonstrating how your proposed fix fixes this issue? I will then have to
> verify this and perhaps write (port) a few more IndexWriter tests...

Ok, I will do this in the next days.

>  As we wrote on the very same page you pointed at, we will welcome any
> help on the project. If you're interested, I could e-mail you the .shtml
> pages we are using so you could proof-read them all more easily (I don't
> even have the time to run a spell-checker on them myself !). Thanks.

Send me the pages and I will take a look.

Kind regards

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