Hi Bill,

What kind of a sort object are you passing? if its your own brewed, perhaps it is buggy?


On 10/12/2010 10:53 PM, Miller, Bill (QuickWire) wrote:

Hi all, I've been implementing MultiSearcher and have a problem that may be more of a 'Lucene Conceptual' thing than a bug.

I'm running a fairly new 2_3_2 git under Windows (VS 2010).

My problem is when I pass a sort to MultSearch::search() I receive many duplicate hits (note that all doc id's are unique across both indexes I'm testing with...).

However, if I only ask for 100 hits max there are no duplicates.

Also if I do not pass a sort then there are no duplicates.

I find it rather hard to follow but I'm guessing that the 'good' 100 docs comes from the initial search and the duplicates are caused from the Hits::getMoreDocs() eventually calling MultSearch::search() again and for some reason adding the same hits each time.

Should I be expecting this behavior?



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