A friend of mine cannot get into her computer as she has forgotten her
password and I would like to help.
She is selling her computer so it doesn't matter if I have to destroy
her personal files to do so.
The computer is an ASUS ASPIRE (a very small laptop).  I not sure of
the version of Windows it runs and won't until she returns for Xmas in
about a wk.

Can someone post or email me the solution for getting access to the computer.
Keep in mind that I am a Linux only person and don't know even most
basic stuff about
Windows.  I am also not sure how to do this on Linux since I have no
experience at the BIOS
level where I assume I have to go to solve this problem.

Thanks, and Merry Xmas (from Newfoundland where I am spending the holidays).

Ralph Boland

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