> This is actually pretty exciting - the new LibreOffice will be much
> more open to developers, which was a real problem with OO.org. I
> wouldn't be surprised if the Java part was rewritten in C++, not
> because of the legality, but because relying on the JRE adds a crazy
> amount of size to OO (makes it really hard to fit on Live CD).
> -Dafydd

I assume you mean the problem here is that the Java virtual machine
must be included on the Live CD as well.  The Java code itself should
be much smaller than the corresponding C++ code should it not?
I mean this is one of the advantages of interpreted languages, right?

In any case, if they replaced openOffice with  Lyx they would have
a "word processor" that is smaller*, faster, easy to use, and that
produces beautiful results. Okay, not going to happen soon.
But it will probably happen faster than Linux replaces Windows.


*To be fair, since Lyx uses Latex/Tex, you would have to
count the size of  Latex/Tex as well, and then it's not so small.

**Okay,  now that you have read my post, I can admit it
has little to do with the original post and is just a shameless
plug for Lyx.

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