----- Original Message -----
| This is based on upstream commit
| a830c8747cf7dcc899dc92ad13c3a3b1a3738092
| Return codes are now taken from sysexits.h rather than trying to pass
| negative
| errno values as per kernel code. There is not an exact error code for
| all
| potential events, but they are close enough I think.
| The code also checks that there is exactly one non-option argument
| (i.e. the
| device) given before attempting to open it.
| rhbz#719124
| Signed-off-by: Andrew Price <anpr...@redhat.com>
| Signed-off-by: Steven Whitehouse <swhit...@redhat.com>
| Reported-by: Nathan Straz <nst...@redhat.com>


Looks good.  ACK.

Bob Peterson
Red Hat File Systems

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