Am 15.04.2009 14:04, schrieb Rob Kramer:

I've been playing around with clutter for a while now, and have a problem with
full-screen mode on one of my two test systems. Both run the same OS (suse
11.1), but the CPUs and graphics cards are different. The one that doesn't
work uses a 64 bit version of the OS with a nvidia 8600 graphics card. The
system that works fine is 32 bit with an oldish ATI card.

When I run a full-screen clutter test (for example test-clutter-cairo-flowers
or video-player), it only creates a 640x480 area in the upper left corner of
the screen.

i am not a clutter specialist, but i had this issue with pigment. you must install and run a windowmanager (e.g. openbox).

Can someone tell me where I could start looking for what might be wrong?



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