I've been working with a clutter for a while now, but most of my time has been spent around the 0.8 release.

I'm just starting a new project with a client, and wondering whether anybody has some friendly advice about whether to use 0.8 vs 0.9 ? I realize that 0.8 is the stable release, but the final delivery for the project is in the fall of 2009. At that point, I'm sure the project would want to be on the most up-to-date 1.0 release of clutter.

I guess I'm asking, what is likely going to be the least pain:

1) building on 0.8 now, and then porting to 1.0
2) dealing with minor problems etc. on "slushy" 0.9, and hopefully having an easier port to 1.0

I realize that this is a difficult question without more specific, but I'm looking for a gut reaction.

** ALSO **

I should mention that I did get the OCaml bindings for Clutter-0.8 to about a 90% state and it is hosted on bitbucket. It is certainly usable but needs a bit more TLC and probably leaks a few bytes.

Announcement: http://brierwooddesign.com/2008/11/19/announcing-oclutter
OClutter site: http://bitbucket.org/rvanmelle/clutter-ocaml/wiki/Home

I'm hoping to invest some more time once the 1.0 release comes out. Also, it is extremely likely that this will get pushed over to github soon, but I'll leave a trail of breadcrumbs regardless.

- Reid
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